Community Boards > Guild Hall - general Guild discussion

Topic 5: Real Member-Management

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Of course. He did manage to make it extremely clear, though, that everything we have right now should be obtainable and maintainable without him... The way he presented it, though, sounded to me like an attempt to say 'look, tell me what you really think... I promise I'm not integral, not the straw keeping the camel's back from breaking. I'm just a guy and you can do this without me'.. I didn't get the 'I am sick of authority and responsibility' impression at all, I got the 'please, please don't think that this is impossible without me or that I am necessary for this place to exist' vibe. --Which only served to prove my point a little more.

So.. My idea has been stated. Something as simple as a request to fill out a survey in the next newsletter, or a forum redirect. Each member, at the home screen, could be redirected (one time only) to another page that had a place to fill out a few simple questions involving MM's direction and path and potential future leadership. That way only active people get the survey or people who care enough to at least glance at the newsletter... The people who give a damn about the site.

Comments? Concerns? Please, ladies and gents, discuss...


--- Quote from: Deuce_Nukem on November 16, 2011, 10:48:37 PM ---Each member, at the home screen, could be redirected (one time only) to another page that had a place to fill out a few simple questions involving MM's direction and path and potential future leadership. That way only active people get the survey or people who care enough to at least glance at the newsletter... The people who give a damn about the site.
--- End quote ---
I think its' a fine starting point :)


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