Yes, the subject is a mouthful. I wanted to share this info since I am certain that there are people on this site who will find it quite interesting. I recently bought this device: the sales catch here is obviously developing psychic abilities, there is a lot more going on and many more potential applications. This package comes with 3 independent pieces of software. One is the so called Persinger octopus. Persinger is a researcher who works in the area of magnetic stimulation of the brain. The author refers to this as the Shiva configuration. There is also the Shatki SW which supports various configurations to hit different portions of the brain. Finally, there is the "God Helmet" configuration (a name coined later). The God Helmet is a configuration and signal which has been tested on 100's of people in a university setting. Subjects were told nothing other than it was an experiment about relaxation.In 80% of the cases, subjects reported a presence. In a small % of people, the subjects reported having deep spiritual experiences, such as seeing God.
So in short, there are different configurations of the magnets, each supporting numerous signals that have different applications.
So far I have tried three sessions:
1) I did a basic Persinger session with the 16 coil configuration. I did indeed have a very interesting precognitive experience about 3 days later. The experimental data collected by Persinger suggests an after effect of this type.
2) I used the 16 coil config to apply the 40 Hz consciousness signal at WBTB. I got lucid 2.5 hours afterward. It was an odd sort of lucid, and not pleasant per say. But there was an apparent correlation between lucidity and the session.
3) Finally, this morning I did a God Helmet session. This was a pretty intense experience. Think binaural beats or perhaps CES at a delta or theta state, but much stronger. Very pleasant overall experience with lots of very strong and colorful hypnagogic flashes. There was a peacefulness about it. The experience felt very warm and very safe. It's hard to describe. Now I am no stranger to altered states, so my perception of pleasant might be another's "weird" or "just too intense". I can see why people report a presence or in some cases a sense of God. I would describe that element of the experience more like the feeling one has on psychedelics, that feeling of oneness or interconnection. I would describe it that way.
So all in all, I am rather pleased with results so far. It is pricey obviously. And it is quite difficult to configure and get the hang of. But the author was sufficiently quick and detailed about getting back to my e-mailed questions. So I did fine. But one needs to make sure you test and map the correct coil to the correct signal everytime, as there is no assurance that you PC will maintain the same mapping between re-boots. Like I said, it's a bit of work.
But for those looking to explore entrainment with a more complex, potentially more powerful methodology, this might be for you.