I prefer slow anyway, i kind of wonder how quickly it would effect me since i already have a lot of those hunch moments.
You'd probably just have a lot more of those kind of moments. When iadr first started using the device he'd see what looked like flashes during the day which he assumed were spirits that he was just catching a fleeting glimpse of.
I also wonder how hard the setup is for the device? I have check on the website and it talks about setting up the audio with 2 headphones every time you use the device, is this really needed? It seems like a ton of work to get it up and running.
Not that hard to get set up although maybe a little confusing at first. Once you get it set up though you're good to go from then on and don't need to change anything around unless you decide to do some experimenting with various programs. We've always just stuck with the basic programs though so have never needed to
change anything around.
Is it annoying having it attached to a computer? I would assume so because of all the fiddly wires.
Not really annoying at all having it attached to a computer because the program will work with most any computer, even an old one, at least the version we have does. So we run it on this old Pentium 233 computer that we have on the other side of our bedroom. All you have to do is to plug the cord into the speaker plug in the back of the computer and then put the ball cap on your head and relax. We use ours when going to bed so sometimes fall asleep while using it. As it is somewhat of a distance from our computer to our bed we have a 25 foot extension wire running along the bottom of our bed that we plug the device into, which plug we also use to plug these speakers into to listen to affirmations when we sleep when we're not using the Shakti device. As the wires on the device are somewhat long, we have ours tied up to shorten them, and also put some tape on the wires going into the connections to keep them from coming disconnected which they occasionally did. Not too long ago we had our wires so tangled up from not having straightened them out for so long that we sat down and unplugged the wires one at a time and got them untangled and then plugged them back in. They're a lot easier to manage now that we've gotten them all straightened out.

Surprisingly it only took about 10 minutes and was something we should have done about a year ago.
I also wonder the effect long term on the brain as what is the actually structural change of the brain being caused by the device? I assume since you gain benefits while not using it that there is some kind of structural change right?
That would probably be a good question to ask Todd Murphy the creator of the device, although he probably already has it mentioned somewhere in his literature.
It seems very interesting to me, what kind of things have you guys noticed so far with your use of the device? Like any interesting story's about the use and effects on your daily life? 
The device can affect a person's moods which is the purpose of one of the programs on it called the Feel Good program which is supposed to stimulate a persons brain to just make them feel good. It can also bring up past memories a person has had, so you may find yourself recalling things you've done in the past while using the device.