Author Topic: Trial and Error  (Read 11287 times)

Offline PetraArkanian

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Trial and Error
« on: November 05, 2011, 08:43:25 PM »
"Don't Cross the Line!"
(a dream from years ago, no idea how long)

I start the dream by waking up not knowing where I am. The room is dark and the only walls I see are bare solid concrete. As my eyes begin to focus I notice that in the room with me are many girls that look the same as I do and are about the same age. And a random food cart (this is the thing I am confused about and sometimes skip over because it seems out of place, perhaps from a previous dream that crossed over...or we are prisoners and need to be feed, something along those lines) For some reason I expected some kind of greeting but one began with: "Never cross that line" she did not turn her head to look at me, and only pointed when I asked what she was talking about. There was almost what seemed to be a read duck tape line across the floor.

I for whatever reason was extremely cocky in my dream and said something along the lines of: "What? This one? Why not." she replied: "Don't do it." She was cold and emotionless, until began to approach the line. She "Stop!" she said actually sounding a little scared and turning toward me. "Why? It is just a little line." I said. I walked over to it and poked my toe on the other side in a mocking way and then proceeded to step back and forth on either side of the line saying "I'm stepping over the line. Oh No! (sarcasm) I stepped over it." and other silly things of the sort.

All the girls begin to slink to the other edge of the room in terror, and I feel the presents of something behind me. A shiver goes down my spine, but I turn around despite my fear. There is a huge creature composed of a hard metal body an oblong head with two piercing red eyes and 4 fully pose-able tentacles,(that functioned as arms and legs) also made of metal. I stood still unable to move consumed with terror, for it stood a good 2 feet over me. Is squatted and leaped into the air. I could not move. It landed on my back and its tentacles began to constrict all of my limbs like snakes. He held me suspended in the air, suck in the tentacles (I could feel the cold metal inside but it seemed to have some outer organic layer, that felt sort of like leather) that were getting tighter and tighter. He held be there writhing until I could barely feel my body anymore.

A door in his torso opened reveling a syringe, that slowly revealed itself. It stopped, and then quickly stabbed into my back injecting me with the strange yellow liquid. I felt my body instantly go limp (starting with the injection point and moving out) and soreness replace the pain. I was completely paralyzed. The creature then threw me back on the other side of the line and I passed out on impact.

I woke up in a different place (after thinking it over, I think I was dead and somewhere else). The room had a gold glow and there were many animals in cages and aquariums. I began to wonder through confused, but not thinking about my body and what had happened at all. There is a huge wall that is a giant aquarium and an area of other non-specific animals. I come to the dog section and see that the clear plastic containers are getting smaller and smaller to the point where the dogs can move in them at all. On of the dogs was struggling and could not even move and inch in any direction. The dogs begins to scream and whine, freaking out that the cage is to small. There is suddenly a man behind the counter and I demand that he release the dog (I am pretty sure it is a dog I have seen in real life). He basically says: "no can do." So I steal the dog and begin to run.

I don't see myself leave out of a door, but I see an outside view of me exiting the area outside. I put the dog down and he begins to follow me. There is a cement stair case leading down to an enclosed pond. Suddenly the pond forms a whirl pool and the creature that injected me comes out of it only this time it is the size of a building.
I am terrified to the point where I don't even fight and decide I will only get hurt more if I do not comply. The creature grabs me and drags me into the whirl pool.

I wake up in the first room I ended up in (I assume later after wakening that I was resuscitated or something of the like). The room is much brighter and empty. There is an earth quake going on and pieces of the building are crumbling down. I run for the door to find and exit, and come by the creature sitting against the wall. It has clearly been attacked or something, and sections of the metal is gone revealing that it is a cyborg.

"Why did you do this to us?" I asked as I grabbed what would be the collar of its shirt in anger "Why?!" I yelled pulling it away and then smashing it back into the wall. It looked up at me defeated and sad. It had the look that it was accepting its own death and could never repent.

"I was once just a happy person" she said. She explains how she had a daughter. They were driving one day when they were struck by an oncoming car. Her daughter died instantly, but she was able to be saved by becoming a cyborg. She did not agree to anything, but just woke up that way. She said that she was began gathering girls that looked like her daughter to fill the hole in her heart.

I was silent and felt my heart sink. She put (what was now) her hand on my shoulder, and I could tell she saw me as her daughter. "The exit is that way" she said pointing "you better go." I stood there questioning if I should leave her, and the ceiling began to fall apart. I looked at her one last time and then ran for the exit that was nothing but one big light crying for the woman's loss.

I had to lay in bed for about an hour and a half before the soreness went away and I could move ok.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 11:17:47 PM by PetraArkanian »

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2011, 08:45:30 PM »
"History Exam"
(again, from years ago)

I was late for history class and was running to try and make it. I open the door to see that everyone is there and the classroom is different. The right side is the room is a normal almost cliche looking classroom setting, but starting a little right of the middle of the room a circular section of the classroom was replaced with water that extended into a vast ocean on the right. In the distance (still close enough to see clearly) there were a row of large arcs facing toward the classroom.

My first thought is: "Crap I didn't study!" (apparently an arc with oceans is some kind of exam XD)
It is my turn to "take the exam" only there are a bunch of steps I have to go through first in order to complete it.
I am partnered with a random kid from class, and the first think we have to do is attack each other with a series of kung fu moves while underwater. (I assume this was part of not studying since I did not know what they were or what the objective was). Whoever had the edge would get a head start to the arc, and the object of the "exam" was to blow up the arc before the opponent.

The teacher sees I do not know what I am doing and sighs. He begins to explain the kung fu moves again, but briefly. I feel confident that I understand. Their are 3-5 strikes in all (I can specifically remember) the last one being an upper cut, bringing both players to the surface. I stand their waiting for it to start, and as soon as it does he hits me with all the strikes in quick succession before I can even swing my arm and find my self floating with swirly eyes on the surface of the water as he swims toward the arcs.

I get my equilibrium back and swim slowly for the arcs. I figure he has a head start anyway so why hurry and get myself tired. I get to the arc and rest my hand on it. This is the point I realize "Hey, I'm dreaming. I don't need to do anything special to blow up this arc if I want. I can just punch it and it will blow!" When my arms was fully cocked and ready to release a huge punch, I forgot I was dreaming and punched the boat with my ineffective assault. It hurt: "Ouch! Why would I do that. Why would I punch a boat?!" (This was funny when I woke up for real XD) Now that the fact it is a dream is forgotten I move on. I see there is a ladder to my left and climbed to the deck.

At first all I see is my face in shock, then I get a look at the deck and it is covered with different kinds of guns. I realized that my opponent had about a 10min head start and was probably decked out with guns right at that moment. I looks around but did not see where he was. I reached down slowly to grab on of the guns, and a bullet shot right through my fore arm. I fell to the ground to avoid getting shot more and grabbed a gun per hand. He was suddenly dressed like Neo from the Matrix practically and as I had predicted, armed with tons of guns.

We exchanged heavy fire. I was shot 6 times in all (right forearm, left side, right calf, right shoulder area, left thigh, and another place I don't remember) and I got him twice before he fell back below deck. He might have thought I was dead, or would die, but I was not sure.

I followed him down a ladder into the ship, but he had already gone into a different room. In the room is a bed with sheets and a blanket and a table covered with teddy bears. I was confused and walked toward the table. I heard a rustling in the other room, so I darted under the bed, and peered out from underneath the hanging sheets. He came out of the door and up to where the teddy bears were. He opened one up and I could see that it was filled with C4. I was shocked that he would be cheating so epically and decided to try and trap him with his own trap. I came out from under the bed quietly and began to ascend the ladder, he heard my footsteps and tried to grab me to keep me in the ship. I kicked him down off the ladder and climbed onto the deck. I shut the top and ran into a leap off the ship into the ocean. I landed with a big splash, and felt the pain of salt water in my wounds. I heard the ship about to blow, and began to swim for my life. It blew. The explosion become a extending golden sphere that was growing fast. I was getting tired. I finally was so exhausted that I just curled up in a ball for protection under the water and hoped for the best. The explosion creeped up to an inch or so away from me before it receded.

I swam to the pier where my friends helped me out of the water.

After I woke up every place I had been shot was a large dense muscle cramp and I had to get in a hot shower to ease the pain. It was worth it though because I passed my exam as far as I know XD

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2011, 08:47:12 PM »
"Golden Gate Death"
(like 2 years ago?)

    I started off looking at a cage full of crazy rabid monkeys. Clearly something wrong with them. Suddenly, guards walk in and begin to shove a bunch of people into the cage. They scream as the monkeys jump all over them tearing at their skin and beating them.

    Dream jumps

    One of the guards carries a girl toward golden gate bridge and the bay bridge. (they are right next to each other and small maybe 20ft high 40 feet across or so) The bridges are covered with long spikes, most of the spikes holding a dead bled out body. There is a clear empty space on golden gate. The girl is scared but not fighting back, just seems to be hoping she will live while thinking she would die.

    I realize my presence in the space (not as a dream, just in the area) and become frantic wanting to help the girl but realizing that I do not exist on the same realm. I have the thought "what if the girl is me." I watch as the guard lifts the girl in position in front of a spike. She hyperventilates but is unable to fight back. He thrusts her into the spike, and she bleeds to death with the other bodies.

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2011, 08:48:20 PM »
"Oblivious Party"
(in the same week as Golden Gate Death, a previous dream)

It starts off as a school stress dream. Me and one of my friends from my class have our final (during finals week) and we can't find a place to print our papers. etc.

The dream shifts

My friend is still there, I am pretty sure he is just a carry over from the previous dream.

We are taken hostage, by a man with a gun. He is wearing a white shirt and has black hair. He is having small talk with my friend about something. I tell him something like "you wont get away with this."

In the distance I can hear a fancy party going on. All I can see are shadows, and hear feint music and talking. I say something like "you can fire that gun because they'll hear you." He says something like "oh yeah..."
He shoots me in the stomach. I don't feel the pain but I feel wet, and I feel it extend as a bleed.
The party continues to go on with no one noticing. I am confused on how they could not hear something so loud.

I try to get their attention, and yell "Help!" I feel myself become weaker.
No response. I feel my body being drained, I am getting tired, but I know if I fall asleep I'll die.
"help.." I yell noticeably quieter. The gunman mocks me. "You can never reach them now"

I know I am going to die no matter what now, it is to late to save me. But I can at least not let that asshole get away with just shooting me and going on his merry way.

I take a deep breath and prepare myself "HELP!!" I scream until the fabric of the dream fades and I wake up saying "help"

I felt empty all day...

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2011, 08:49:53 PM »
"XLR, Fireworks"

I picked up an XLR cable and attached to it was a Colorado ID I had had I long time ago (not in reality but in the dream I had). I thought "wow, this is old" (In reality I did use to live in Colorado).

next dream

Me and Rebel, are at my moms rich friends house (exists in reality). We are there to watch the fireworks, but we can't get a good view. There are to many trees in the way. We decide that it doesn't matter, that we will get the best view we can. Rebel says something like "this place is awesome when it is just us" and I say something like "yeah, it sucks when G (house owner in reality) is here, or anyone else" ...we laugh

that's all, short one!
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 09:44:43 PM by PetraArkanian »

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2011, 08:51:35 PM »
"School Trouble"

The second of two dreams, but an alarm killed the first one.

I come home to all of my roommates and on of my roommates teachers (not home in real life but roommates/teacher in real life). Everyone looks really sad. "What is it?" I asked. L, my roommate, explains that she messed up with a simple mistake on an animation assignment, and holds it up to me to show me the error. She continues to say that in a different part of the assignment the teacher wanted the drawing bigger. I am confused because I still don't see why everyone is so sad. Her teacher is drinking some hard liquor and seems even more depressed.

I soon realize that her teacher, Trey G, has been fired and that she herself was academically terminated. I become enraged and begin to yell about how the assignment should have every little to do with her GPA and that the assignment should not be that bad of a grade anyway. I realize that Trey is there because he must have gotten fired (I know it is a separate issue that is just happening at the same time). I say to him something like "You know that I could rally up students for you with no problem at all in protest, people love you." (true in real life ^_^) His expression melts and he says "really." He never acts that way in real life so it surprised me. He is the tough as nails, nothing bothers him.

We decided that we had to do something about everything that was happening.

Suddenly a tour of students from our school walks through the hallway. (For some reason we can see them, it is like we have an archway instead of a front door). They are going to see the school RA for a tour, one of the new students I have meet in the film program runs in to say hi to me and gives me something, (I forget what it is), then runs out. since L used to be an RA her heart sinks even more because she feels like she lost everything.

Dream cuts to us in the car I look out the window to see a baseball field where the grass is starting to die in places, I think we are going to protest and try to get L back in school and Trey his job back.

I think after I wake up that it might be my anger toward current school budget cuts in reality, since tons of good people are getting fired.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 05:03:50 AM by PetraArkanian »

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2011, 08:53:57 PM »
"Texas spa/fish animation"

I decided that one the one week break from school me and all my roommates should go to a spa (I have never been to a spa irl so I made up what I thought it was when I argued my point XD) For some reason we were going to go to a spa in Houston, TX.

dream skip, there was some kind of animated movie involving a fish getting sucked into a whirl pool, I knew in the dream that my roommate L had helped work on it.

We randomly arrive there, and for some reason have to sneak through what looks almost like a maze, but I know it is not, it is some kind of shopping center. (After awakening I realize it looks kind of like the art store "blick"). There are many people I know irl were hunting us down, and in order to make it to our vacation we had to get bay without them seeing us.

Dream skip, we are returning from vacation and an equally strange animation of the same fish in the same style plays, only it is more violent and scary.

Dream skip (pretty sure this is the next dream)

I let my roommate B know that her bird is chewing a hole in the wall (believe it or not, actually happening irl XD) I let L know, and she begins to yell at B like a crazy person. She yells to the point that I feel the need to defend her and I step in to say that is was not her fault, these things happen, we can fix it.

Not sure what these mean, they were to scattered for me to get any meaning out of it.

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2011, 08:55:07 PM »
"Baby or Bacon"
(A dream from a few years back...The dialogue is not exact, but it is just about right.)

I walk into the kitchen, holding my pregnant belly, to where my mom is making bacon. (note: I have never been pregnant.) It is the exact kitchen I had at the time of the dream.
I feel my water break and stop dead in my tracks.
Me: "Mom, my water just broke."
Mom: "That's nice dear." I walk closer to her.
Me: "You don't understand, the baby is coming!" She does not even look up at me.
Mom: "How much bacon do you want honey?" I begin to feel the baby crowning.
Me: "Mom! It is coming!!"
Mom: "Not now sweetie. I am cooking." I am so confused as to why she is not helping. I feel the baby's shoulders begin to descend. As soon as the shoulders are out the entire baby follows. It is contained in a sac which I rip open immediately leaking water on to the kitchen floor. I grab my child and place it carefully on the kitchen counter. I put my hands on my legs to catch my breath and after a few breaths I turn to my mom again.
Me: "Mom, I just had a in the kitchen..."
Mom: "That's nice." He turns to me holding the pan toward me. "You want some bacon?"

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2011, 08:57:21 PM »
"Alternate Dimension Mutiny"

I was with a friend from elementary school, B, and we were looking through the grass on the cliff we were on (we often hunted bugs as children ^_^) when B screams, scared of something. I look over to see something strange in the grass. As first it looked like a fake skeleton. I picked it up to find that it was real. It looked like a small monkey like creature about 1ft long.

I look to the direction we had come from (I just knew it is where we came from) to see that from the angle we were at there was a secret passage to another dimension. We crawl into it to see a bunch of bizarre things. The only one I remember is a bunch of birds having some sort of military drill. Me in the dream had some sort of "I told you so" moment (apparently in the dream I thought stuff like that went on XD)

dream skip (still in the same dream though)

I suddenly knew that the Queen of this land was from the future, here to prevent the start of a mutiny. For some reason, she was starting to forget the time she had come from, which did not have strange things going on. It was much more how the real world was. I was trying to get her to remember something from her time. And she thought of a memory of meeting some of her friends by a car, but her memory was becoming contorted by what she had seen in the time period she was in. And I knew that if she could not remember her memory properly she would be trapped in the time period.

dream skip (still in the same dream though)

I was in a group of people outside the queens castle. Everything was ok until she called out someone in the crowd on something. The person got angry and began to rile up the crowd. I turn to see it is B as an adult.

I realize her attempt to stop a mutiny was actually a self-fulfilling prophecy, and she was the one causing the mutiny.

That is when my alarm went off -_-

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2011, 08:58:56 PM »
"Job Hunt"
I have the feeling that they are the same dream, but don't remember how they connect.

One was-
I saw my roommate Br (who in real life is a black belt, but I have never seen her fight or anything) was in a sparing match with someone. The guy seemed to think that he could win, but when they started fighting it was clear she had the upper hand. She began to attack with graceful and inventive attacks involving flipping and rolling. I had a sort of Mortal Kombat view point and thoroughly enjoyed watching her kick some random guys ass.

The other was considerably longer-
Tons of people (some I knew, some I didn't) were being sort of filtered into one room. It was a sort of competition to get a job. (I think this originates from current budget cuts at my school). People came in small groups and it was announced the job that they would get if they won. They stepped into the arena and either played some sort of video game or had some kind of fight to the death match with what seemed similar to NERF guns.
One of my roommates Rebel was randomly there and she did not really know what she was doing there. I suggest to her to go for the job I have so we could work together, she agrees.
I end up almost facilitating the event since I am the only student worker left (Budget cuts in real life again! ) the game starts and a bit into it I realize that she can't have that job, because she does not got to my school. I yell this to her, and she ceases to care about the game and just goes through the motions since she can't win.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 09:46:06 PM by PetraArkanian »

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2011, 09:02:11 PM »
"Ice Princess"
(Also and oldy moldy)

It started out as a festival that my village had every year (my village having a striking resemblance to a slightly decorated version of an apartment complex my dad used to live at XD) and everything was going according to plan and tradition.

I was then approached by one of the leaders of the village that was organizing the festival and was asked if I would be part of a reenactment of the ancient story that our village had the festival in honor of, where the Ice Princess vanquished the oppressive lava lord to free our village from tyranny. She asked if I would play the ice princess since I was the best swordsman in the village. I agreed even though I did not like the idea of wearing a dress.

I started out on one side of a long skinny bridge that was ice-like on one side and lava-like on the other. (I say ice/lava-like since it was not actually hot or cold but just looked like the elements). It met as a circle in the middle where there was an ice and lava orb on pedestals on either side of the circle. I somehow suddenly knew that I had to destroy the lava orb in order to win the match. I was dressed in ridiculously accurate clothing to the myth.

Then my opponent entered, and I became extremely curious as to who they chose to face me. As he came to the lava side of the bridge I saw that is was one of my friends from my sword fighting class. I laughed a little since I taught him everything he knows about the sword. He also was dressed in ridiculously accurate and well made clothing, he looked like the real dictator.

I could see on his face that he was nervous and asked me to take it easy on him. He laughed lightly, and I told him that there was no way I would have mercy on the lava lord. We both laughed at the idea, and walked toward the center of the bridge. We drew our swords and the match began. I was way over confident and attacked first, pushing us into the lava section. He easily blocked and the onslaught began.

He somehow drew six swords and began to attack with all of them at once. It took everything I had just to keep him from striking me. He seemed surprised that I was able to hold him off. I quickly realized that his power increased in the lava section, so I decided to draw him into the ice section. I began to fall back to draw him into the ice section, and he seemed to be taking the bait. I was able to take the offensive and get some hits in.

I was winning for only a short while, he seemed to be growing stronger. I was almost back where I started when she stopped attacking. He looked behind him, back at me, and then turned and ran toward my orb. He hit the orb a good five times before I chased him off of it. I looked at the orb and it was riddled with cracks.

Suddenly there were three anonymous judges there to say whether it counted as my orb being destroyed or not. I just looked at them and said "come on..." and right then a huge hunk fell off of it. The motioned that I lost and the fake lava lord began to drag my into the building on the lava side of the bridge. I pretended that I was scared and frightened for the sake of the reenactment, but as soon as we got in I playfully shoved my friend and asked him how he could beat me. He said that he cheated and that it was rigged all along for me to loose because they thought it would be funny. The lava section had slowly eaten away at the ice section of the field making me weaker and him stronger. (As for the six swords thing, the only explanation is that he was cheating XD)

For whatever reason we had a fake funeral for me to add to the joke, but then they decided to reenact the actual story for the sake of the festival. I was fine with that, I wanted a rematch.

I came to the bridge again and looked across to the other side. I was shocked to see it was the real lava lord the legend spoke of, and he reacted to seeing me as well. He points to me and says "I have found you ice princess." I was so confused and shocked that I just said "What, no! I'm not--" he grabbed me and jumped onto a flying chariot that flew by. I screamed and everyone in the village seemed to be freaking out.

That is where I woke up.

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2011, 09:03:06 PM »
"Third Arm"

It started with me walking in an unidentifiable area when a random guy walked by and said something along the lines of "what is that under your shirt" I look down to see a lump under my right arm. I lift up my shirt to see that there is a small undeveloped third arm (about 2min long) growing out of my side.

While at first it creeped me out, I was soon trying to see if I could move it. It was hard and awkward, (like writing with my left hand). After a little while I was able to reach into my pocket and take out my pocket watch (which I actually had at the time in real life). But I was becoming frustrated because it was so hard to move it the way I wanted.

I have the thought that since the arm was new that it was just a baby arm or something, and that if it grew I would be able to control it. Another random passerby suggested that I electrocute my arm to stimulate the cells into growing.

I began to carry around jumper cables and shock it every 10min or so.

By the end of the dream it had grown passed the elbow of my right arm and I had full control of it.

That was when I woke up.
There was more to the dream that I did not remember involving a train and Skexies from the Dark Crystal. But after awakening I could not connect the ideas.

After I woke up I felt it like a phantom limb for nearly 2hrs.

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2011, 09:10:55 PM »
"First Lucid Dream Ever! :D"

This whole adventure stared with a normal dream that I can't remember the details of, and lead into a false awakening.

I woke up the same place I had fallen asleep, on the couch, to my roommates L and Rebel and Rebel's family getting home from the Chinese New Year Parade. I turn to tell Rebel my dream, but in stead she mocks me for falling asleep instead of doing my homework. I told her I didn't plan to sleep for long, and she asked when the paper was due on the story I was reading. I told her there was no such paper, I just had to read the story. She gave me the face of "sure there is no paper" and began to walk away. I decided to write my dream into my dream journal and that reminded me to do a reality check.

I pinched my nose shut, closed my mouth and was able to take a full breath.  :headbanger:"Oh my God! I am dreaming" :dance: :bliss: :greenstars: :woohoo: I say with excitement. For awhile I was just nerding out that I knew I was dreaming and the dream began to shift. I looked through the house and saw sections missing. Not like the walls just weren't there, but a loss of detail in the dream. I if I had painted white over it with photoshop. Not many of the things in the room were retaining their detail. I thought it might be because I was not able to retain all the information within my conscious mind.

I began to wonder what I should do. I could do anything. I turn to see my roommates Rebel and M on the couch. I turn to M and say "hi" in a silly way. (It almost a ritual irl to keep saying it over and over each time getting more silly) She turns and looks at me with a blank, neutral stare. Clearly not interested in socially interacting with me. I am not phased (for I am used to that irl) I say hi again in an even more ridiculous way. She smiles and says hi back, waving in a cute way. I start to tell her that I am in a dream. I decided not to try and convince her she is not in a dream, I just feel like I needed to tell someone . I open my mouth to speak, and words come out in a soft raspy whisper. It was very similar to loosing your voice. I thought of a speech from a brain scientist I say on where she has a stroke and is analyzing herself from the inside out. There is a particular part where she is unable to understand language that reminded me of it. (which I found interesting upon awakening that I was drawing from my rl memories) I try to talk a bit longer and words become a bit clearer, but I decide to move on to try other things before my dream collapses.

I turn to see M's computer in the living room. It is playing mabinogi (her fav MMO RPG) by itself. I think, that maybe she is just set on follow, since we have made the mistake before, but at a closer look it is actually fighting and wining. After deciding that that was awesome I step away from the screen to find that nearly the entire living room has disappeared. I feel exhausted, and I begin to have trouble focusing my eyes. I decide to concentrate, and begin to think of what everything looks like so that nothing collapses. It did not take long for me to feel back to normal and for the house to be restored. I again decide to move on.

As if to answer the question of what to do next I begin to float in the middle of the room. I smile, totally thrilled, because that is the main reason lucid dreaming is appealing to me, flying. I continue to float until I bump lightly into the ceiling. I giggle  :rofl: at the amateur nature of my flying, but decide to try anyway. I open the window, and begin to soar into the peaceful, foggy city of San Francisco. I almost start to cry I am so happy. I am lead into another false awakening.

I wake up on the couch again to everyone coming home and I begin to tell Rebel about my lucid dream. She does not seem as excited as I expected, but I am having trouble telling the story because I am super hot and fumbling over my words. I feel sick and she seems to think I am also. She makes the comment that if I ever think she looks like she might be sick it is because I am sick. I remember saying that earlier (not irl) and realize I must be running a fever. I am unable to move most of my body very far, so I ask her to help me up. She grabs my hand and pulls me to a sitting position, but I only fall back down again because I can not keep my body erect. I try to get off the couch, only to sort of slither with my blankets onto the floor. I still can't move. Rebel then asks me bout my lucid dream. I tell her about how I did a reality check. I actually went through the motions, but purposely left space so that I could really breathe. (I wish I hadn't because then I would have known that I was dreaming  :mad:). After I explain about how the world was not there, it seemed like it had been photoshoped away, she begins to say how I am sick because I am working to much, and how I need to slow down, yada yada yada. I begin to defend myself and wake up on the couch.

I do a reality check immediately to find I am awake.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 09:47:16 PM by PetraArkanian »

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2011, 09:17:54 PM »
"I'm just trying to shower, dammit!"

The dream (I think) started out with me taking a shower in a large empty room. It is a stand up shower without a tub, that has a door with a texture on the glass. The room was all the same tan color with two doors leading out, one on the right of my view point, one on the left. The door on the right was opaque with the long section in the middle you push to open, and the one on the left was see through with a metal handle on the left side.

The shower was warm, and I was enjoying myself when someone opened the right door and started to come in. As soon as she saw me she left embarrassed, not realizing I was in there. I giggled, not to worried about another girl seeing me.

After a bit I noticed that the door was open on the left and there was a guy watching me and laughing. I looked at him and motioned for him to leave since I was showering, but he stayed and more guys showing up. I wasn't embarrassed, I was pissed. So I get out of the shower, still completely naked and wet, showing them I don't care, close the door and give them the back off face. I slam the door and they start to leave. It was only then that I realized that some of the wall around the door was see through also. (which I don't understand after waking up since it was clear anyway  ???)

For awhile I was left alone, but then suddenly people, mostly guys, began to run into the room. The room became almost filled with guys and I yelled for security who began to drag people out. But all I could think of was how pissed I was since I wanted to take my shower in peace, but no one would leave me alone.

The dream went on but I don't remember much other that a girl that had a colorful pokemon jacket and a screening room of some kind the was red and orange with bean bag chairs.

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2011, 09:18:58 PM »
"Wonder Woman"

It was a long dream that I only remember the end of, but I know it was a stress dream and very abstract.

It ended with me getting ambushed by a group of men. I was weak and becoming overpowered when suddenly I transform into Wonder Woman and kick all their asses.