Author Topic: Trial and Error  (Read 11289 times)

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #60 on: November 18, 2011, 12:13:58 PM »
"Captain Hulk"

There was more in the head and tail of this dream, but this is the middle that I remember.

I was a guy with this squad of two girls and two guys that were apparently some kind of crime fighting unit or something of the like. We were in the San Francisco Civic Center very near the Orpheum theater. The zig-zag bricks that are there IWL were very distinct for whatever reason, and the only light seemed to be coming from the Orpheum so there were a decent amount of shadows. I had become poisoned, and periodically a blood toxicity meter would appear on the "screen" letting me know how much longer I had until I was 100% poisoned. The meter started at around 23% and already I felt sick and off balance. As one of the girls was helping me walk to keep me from tipping over, a large figure came up behind us and began to attack.

I was suddenly Captain America and began to attack in that fashion. The team began to regroup as I continued the onslaught of the giant shadowy figure.
As I was fighting I was becoming frustrated since the poison was effecting my performance and I was quickly infuriated. I felt my anger build until I transformed into the Hulk and began to punch the figure with all my might.

As the figure stumbled backwards I came to my team, as Captain America again, and told them that I was going to die if they didn't figure out a way to get the poison out of my blood stream. One of the members assured me that I would be ok, that the toxicity was not intense and that I would naturally work it out of my system. The blood toxicity meter appears again showing about 64%. I turn to him out of breath, and still delirious and ask, "Even when my blood has gone from 20-60% in less than 20min." He looked at me in shock with a face that said, "Oh my God!" They began to devise a plan while I fought of the creature, until I woke up.

I like to think that I was also Iron Man and that is why I was poisoned  :D 

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #61 on: November 22, 2011, 01:54:11 PM »
"Cartoon Documentary"

From 2 nights ago.

In the dream was my old roommate Jamie. She was working on a documentary film, interviewing real people, and then creating elaborate surreal and realistic animations of their descriptions and experiences. As I was watching it I started crying saying "It is so beautiful"  :sohappy:

I have no recollection of what it was about, but it must have been pretty bamf! XD lol

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #62 on: November 29, 2011, 02:17:38 PM »
"Super Tan"

From a couple nights.

1) I was getting an elaborate spray tan and dressing like a super hero as an assignment for finals. I stood on a small circle that was just big enough to encompass the depth and width of my body. The tanning stuff began to shoot upward and I had to lean back and forth and adjust myself to try and make it even. The stuff was almost like a thin layer of sticky mud that became like a soft caramel coating over my body. I adorned my costume and began to talk to one of my teachers (that I haven't had a class with in like a year) that I had to drop his acting class and I was really bummed about it.

2) (There was more to this one) I remember a thin glass disk about the size of a Frisbee that did not seem special at first glace, but after looking closer I saw that portions of it were hollow and there were small aquatic creatures living in it as well as small bits of foliage. I watched them swim around in it in total wonder not knowing how they got in there or how they survived in there, but I knew that they had for a long time. I take the disk and put it in my back pack and the dream shifts to a packing stress dream having to due with my current move. I begin to empty drawers that suddenly are there of their nicknacks and other unidentifiable items. One of my old roommates, L, is suddenly there telling me that if I don't get all my stuff out there will be some sort of fee. I become aggravated and tell her that it is my responsibility to get my stuff done and that it is none of her business.

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #63 on: November 30, 2011, 02:33:06 PM »
"Lucid with Rebel"

The dream began with me non-lucid at USC trying to find a friend I have there. I finally track her down on the football field and go to say hi. She takes off without seeing me and I pursue. I follow her to a stair case where she sits down. I call to her and she seems frightened like she feels like she is being stalked. I call to her again and she turns around to see me. Then she is happy and great me. I ask her about graduation, and she says she wont for another year or so. She then runs off and I talk to one of her friends for awhile.

dream skip

I am in a smaller room adjacent to a larger room that has numerous paintings across most of the wall space. I walk in and see Rebel there. I say hi and ask what she is doing there. She says "Not much, just Lucid" or something of the like.  O_O I suddenly realize that I am dreaming and get really exited. I begin to celebrate :greenstars: and ask Rebel what I should do. She says "Lets destroy the pictures on the wall with ice and then break them apart with our minds." I say "ok."

I watch as her body becomes chilled and widely dispersed small ice crystals appear on her body accompanied by a dry-ice-like mist. I take a deep breath and let the crystals and mist appear on me as well. I feel the refreshing coolness inside my body. We hold our arms straight out pressed together, hands flat, pointing towards our targets. Rebel fires a beam of ice onto a painting and it slowly crystallizes. When the beam stops, she pulls her arms apart and the painting rips in half, the halves flying in different directions. I then fire on a painting with the greatest of ease, I get nervous about using my mind powers, but it works on the first try and the painting pieces go flying.

We smile at each other and continue the destruction. I begin to brainstorm what I should do next before the dream collapses and I finally  remember that I want to look as something close up. I realize that I could use the wood frame of one of the paintings, but there are only about 3 left. I stop shooting and go to one of them yelling to Rebel "Don't freeze me and rip me apart I want to look at it for a sec." I gaze closely at the wood and suddenly it is a magnified image. I can see extremely tiny holes and the grain of the wood weaved around. I see how the light is hitting each intricate surface. I start to think it almost looks more like a sponge than wood, but I understood why it was a task.

I return to where I was and we destroy the last of the paintings. "What should I do next" I ask Rebel. She says "How about flying." I tell her that i have done that already and I want to try something new before the dream ends. She says, "How about become Zorro." Without a beat passing I transform into Zorro (the Antonio Banderas one) and look awesome.

There was more but it was killed by dream fragments that followed. :banghead:

Frag#1 I remember was watching an old 3D animation of the sun and some sort of sun monster coming out of in, and me and my roommate D kept laughing at the horrible animation.

Frag#2 John Lithgow (3rd Rock) was trying to get me to show him how to shoot ice, but I couldn't quite do it.

Frag#3 Ellen Page was President  :chuckle: so awesome
« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 07:01:59 PM by PetraArkanian »

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #64 on: December 10, 2011, 05:55:16 PM »
"Pregnant Conspiracy"

I was newly pregnant and sneaking around with Rebel. It seemed as though we were on some secret mission and on assignment.
We come to a house and peer inside where there seems to be a large meeting going on. Everything inside seemed to be made of wood and had the appearance of an old style pub. The meeting breaks into movement and the discussion continues. I know that there is some kind of conspiracy going on and (knowing just how much Rebel loves conspiracys) that me and Rebel should be a part of it. I ask her if she wants to go inside and she says yes.

We start walking and end up walking right past the door into the clearing. I start to think that she did not want to accept another mission right now because I was pregnant and begin to reassure her that I will be fine.
As I am walking I feel abdominal tension and my range of motion decreases. I look to my stomach to see that the baby has grown by at least 5 times and I suddenly have trouble walking.

I stop to catch my breath and hold my stomach Rebel stops and turns around. I tell her that the baby is kicking and she lets out a big sigh and walks back to me. "I guess I have to feel it then" she says. I ask why and she lightly touches my tummy and says "Because I'm Rebel!" I laugh and the dream shifts.

The next dream became fragmented. All I remember is some kind of all you can eat buffet were I was trying to steal food because I was hungry.

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #65 on: December 26, 2011, 04:23:04 PM »
"Crappy aspect ratios"

I had many fragments last night due to a certain cat that kept waking me up. In between those I had a lucid YAY!
But some of the details of it are gone.

I was walking through some sort of mansion for lack of a better word. Some rooms were like public bathrooms, others swimming pools, and some broke the laws of physics and opened to a courtyard.
As I am walking through the courtyard I hear Rebel's voice say "Do a reality check". I do, and I am dreaming. I spend a while breathing through nothing just because I thought it was cool.

I began to think of the tasks I wanted to do, and realized I wanted to conjure a person. I didn't really care who it was, so I left that up to the dream. I stop at the start of a hallway and kneel, holding my hands as if I am warming them and a campfire and begin to concentrate. I figure making a smaller person is easier for some reason and I begin to imagine his shape. A transparent glowing silhouette appears in the shape of a small man, it begins to have colors circulate through it like a glare on glass, but then I loose it and the whole thing disappears. I become frustrated and stand to try again. I decide that I will make the tiny man in my hand since making him on the floor was becoming unstable.

I hold my had out to where I can see it and concentrate again. The same shape appeared, only now that I was touching it became whole much quicker and took form. I also inadvertently make a similar figure in the distance full size. (That is about when I realized that size probably does not matter in the dream and I may as well tried to make a full size person because it was clearly easier XD). I look to see that I am holding a tiny Ash Ketchum from Pokemon and can't help but realize I have no creativity at all XD. He waves to me like any cliche tiny person and I am happy to see him. In the distance is also Ash, but it is the guy from the YouTube channel Smosh as Ash from the Real Pokemon video of theirs. I could not help but think how random that was of my brain to choose that. That is when I realize that my hand and the little Ash looked like they were on a green screen to the background. (I knew that Xena marathon was going to get to me!) I found that strange, set down my little guy and moved on.

I thought about the next task I wanted to do I could not think of it (I realize now I wanted to try and make it snow). So I decided to just conjure and item. I could not think of what to conjure again, and did not want to leave this one up to chance. I see something, I forget what it was, but it was definitely YouTube worthy at least. So, I decide to conjure a camera. I decide to try and make the Panasonic HPX because that is what I have used the most. I go to the edge of a stair well and use it as a counter for my creation. I begin to focus on the shape of the camera and the same silhouette forms and becomes a camera. I smile and grab the camera to see I made a DVX 100B. I was a little upset since I wanted a larger pixel dimension to my image, but since I made it out of thin air I can't really complain.

I open the camera too its menus and I don't recognize any of the dimensions things like "876x010" and "267x14" were coming up. I was really confused but eventually went with something like "1729x000" since one side of it was HD quality. I begin to film and the dream ends.

I have a short other non-lucid dream that I am walking through an office building not sure where I am going. I soon realize that I am in Mortal Mist and each office is each person on the site. I grab a passerby and ask him if he knows where mentalenforcer is, since I wanted to punch him on the shoulder for kicking my ass in chess XD. He said he was out sick today and I ask him if he knows where PolarWolf is, since it is the next name that comes to mind. He motions to an office and I go in. Apparently Polar is a skinny Indian guy that looks a lot like Mohinder Suresh from Heros. That, or I am watching WAY to much TV over the holiday.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 04:29:48 PM by PetraArkanian »

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #66 on: January 03, 2012, 11:58:04 PM »
"I need to get a license"

From about a week ago.

It started with me struggling to drive a car down the road. I could hear the voices of people I had spoken to earlier telling me that I should not drive and that it wasn't safe. I remember passing the test to get my license and getting in the car.

I begin to loose control of the car, but force it to stay on the road. The car slowly gets harder to control and I swerve off the road into a ravine I sit outside the car and wait for my friends to catch up. I can already hear them laughing in the distance. I am ashamed I realize that even though I passed the test I didn't have my license yet and that I was stupid.

I suddenly realize something in the bushes. I reach down and pull the background back like a piece of paper. I room is reviled made out of wood as if it is on the inside of a crate. In the room sits a naked girl in a wooden chair, her head sits a few feet from her a look of fear in the eye. There is blood everywhere. I begin to feel sick and begin to gag. I cough until I begin to cough up blood.

Such a lovely dream... :facepalm:

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #67 on: January 06, 2012, 05:11:21 PM »
The dream got really confusing since in the dream I was having memory lapses, but i will log the parts I remember.

-I found needle nose pliers and a small wrench that clearly had importance that I didn't remember.
-Realizing that I was in a train station not knowing how i got there.
-I was wearing some kind of cloth that had been colored by some strange substance that was applied with a sponge
-Me and my Mom looked up to see what we thought was a full fledged Enterprise. At closer look we saw it was a float balloon. A second one appeared and began to fall toward us. We began to chase it because it seemed like one of the coolest things to ever have. Somehow I just knew that a dog had gotten tangled in the next balloon that was coming. I stopped chasing the enterprise and went to tend to the dog. I called to my Mom to come, but she ignored me, so I moved on. I grabbed the dog and pet him as a group of people came to take pictures for the news. I couldn't help but wonder why no one but me would save the dog.

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #68 on: January 08, 2012, 06:31:26 PM »

I was part of some kind of underground movement that was sneaking terrorists and other people of the sort out of the city. It was unanimous that no one enjoyed the work, but there was no other way for us to sustain a living.

We had a van that we used. It was sort of like a u-haul only smaller and blue with skinner materials used to make it. We did plenty of jobs until we finally found a job we could be proud of. There was a family composed of a husband, wife, 3 daughters and 2 sons that were looking to get out of the city, honest people. One of the little girls is the last to get in the van. She is wearing a floral white dress with lace, and I pick her up and set her in gently.

Out of nowhere, an assassin appears, and begins to fire automatic rounds into the van, pulverizing the family. He clearly thought he was catching us with some kind of terrorist, when he runs out of rounds he takes off.

We look into the van to see nothing left of them but a bloody pulp. I stand there in shock, devastated that we were unable to help the one group of people that really deserved it.

There was a dream that followed that had something to do with me trying to buy fish food for a friends fish and him not letting me give it to them.

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #69 on: January 10, 2012, 07:32:10 PM »

Had a dream that Aspir found me in real life and he was a creepy stalker. He showed up were I lived in middle school in CO and me and Rebel had to get him to leave. XD most likely caused by the game of Mafia we played. LOL

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #70 on: January 11, 2012, 02:18:31 PM »
Next time he shows up in one of your dreams, say hello for me!

Was he wearing a fedora?
What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.


Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #71 on: January 11, 2012, 05:37:55 PM »
Next time he shows up in one of your dreams, say hello for me!

Was he wearing a fedora?

I will be sure to do that XD
And he was wearing some kind of hat I believe, it may have been a fedora. And since I don't remember we can say it was! XD

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #72 on: January 15, 2012, 05:24:19 PM »
"Mermaids and Harddrives"

They seemed to all be part of one dream since each new one picked up in the location the last one took from.

It started on a train that was going by many rice fields. I just look out the window and watched as the light glistened across the water. Suddenly a friend from college JJ starts riding next to the train with a black cat. She is riding some sort of bike/shopping cart hybrid. I can't help but think that it would be awesome to have a camera to film her. She rides off along the small strip of land in between the fields of water.

dream skip

JJ and I are in a new animation of hers that took place underwater. There is a mermaid, merman, 3-legged ballerina (spun on her head to kick people, so cool), the same black cat, and an octopus. The story is something like the mermaid and merman coming together after saving the mermaids cat from the octopus and ballerina. The whole time I was just complimenting her on her on how well everything was animated and how her anatomy was great!

Dream skip

On land there is a giant rock in the shape of a Broncos symbol and I start to clean it off to get a better look.
I get memories of being in a room in school having a meeting with a bunch of us that were orphans. We were being told that they were running out of money and would soon not be able to support us.
I find a secret compartment in the rock that is full of money and I realize that I have left it there for a rainy day. I feel like troubles are answered.

Dream skip

Some kind of natural disaster is happening and we need to get out now! People begin to file into a mini van my family used to have and and I start to get in when I realize that my hard drives are still in the house. I tell them that I am not leaving without them since my portfolio is in them (so true) I begin to run back to the house and as I come up to it I realize that it is the house I grew up in. I stand confused how I got there and reminiscent of that time in my life, then realize I went to far and ran to my dream house to get my hard drives.

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #73 on: January 23, 2012, 03:05:17 PM »
The dream took place within a large dome that everybody lived in. I am not sure if it was literally everybody, or if we were the last of some sort of apocalypse or something, but that is what I knew.

There was some kind of disaster within the dome where things began to flood and a few dangerous animals including a lion and tiger were set loose. I was hurt but woke up to find that I was Static Shock and that I had his powers. I began to fly around, but for some reason was really embarrassed about what happened and wanted to hide. I had a few close calls but no body saw me.

I began to look for a shower for whatever reason but every single one I found was broken, clogged or out of service, and I was able to find as lest 7.

dream skip

I got the sense that it was the same dream, only I was me.

I sat down at a piano and began to play. I found that anything I could think of I could play with semi-ease by just holding my hands in practically the same position the whole time and moving up and down the scales. I still had to concentrate but I was never off.

A friend from school Alyssa as well as another random DC come to listen. Alyssa just watches baffled and the DC begins to sing and I give him back up. The sang changes to many different styles and at some point into the Tetris theme XD I play off the finale and Alyssa asks how I did that. I tell her that I can't play I just hold my hands like this. I hold up my hands in the magical position, and she laughs like I know I can play but am being modest. I continue to convince her that I most certainly can not play the piano, but for some reason it is working.

We all begin to walk to a table where there are three bowls with what first looked like ice cream, but at a closer look was uncooked corn beef hash and pieces of chicken.

I was surprised how clear my hands looked in the dream. They kept a normal shape and everything, even while looking at them to play the piano.

Offline PetraArkanian

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Re: Trial and Error
« Reply #74 on: January 31, 2012, 07:00:20 PM »
I got lucid at some point in the night, but I didn't get enough hours to make it to memorable. :P

I became lucid in what almost looked like a church. I was standing on the stage looking out at a bunch of empty wooden benches.
I turn to Rebel who was with me and say "This is a dream". Rebel looks at me blankly and walks away, transforming into a random DC.
It made me a little sad but decided to try my task anyway.

I think about what I wanted to do and can't remember, then a chill passes over my body and I realize that I must be freezing IWL. I figured that I would use it to my advantage and make it snow.

I decide that I should start with a cold wind and I begin to wave my arms in a slow gliding motion summoning the wind to me.
I suddenly get some sort of wind cam and follow the approaching gust I am summoning from over the hills, through the trees and plants and through the windows to where I was.

I began to loose the dream and segway into a non-lucid. (again I think from lack of sleep, because it did not seem like it was collapsing).

dream shift

I was in a fancy party wearing the exact outfit that I was wearing the day before the dream. I realize I am underdressed, but instantly decide that I don't care, and actually feel awesome since I am the most comfortable person in the room.

Suddenly someone snaches me out of the party and pulls me aside. He pulls me close and whispers in my ear, "don't you realize this is a fancy party"  "yes" I say and begin to walk away, but he pulls me back and up the stairs. They almost seemed like stairs in a hotel. They were red carpet with golden trim with a nice wooden railing. The carpet on the top floor was the same way. Along the ground in the hallway were many stacks of power ranger shirts of every color. He says, "you have to put one of these on" (I realize only after awake how ridiculous that was XD) I am ok with that obviously but he keeps trying to give me the blue or red one and I tell him that I want the green one. He keeps walking out of the conversation, tangeting to different people trying to get his attention and coming back to argue the same point.

I begin to critically think about which one I want and I realize that there is a white one. "Everyone knows that that is the best ranger" I think to myself. I go to grab it and then realize that it also has to function as a shirt, and white shirts are easier to get dirty.