The WILD wasn't successful, but here is 2 dreams I can recall
12th February 2012
I can't remember the setting but there is a pandemic of vampires everywhere. We don't know who the vampires are, but they are all wearing V for Vendetta style masks. I think the "good guys" are all wearing masks too, but I can't remember the style of them. There is also a lot of Christmas trees everywhere, which the vampires like to hide behind.
While hiding from the vampires, I find two masks under a table, one good and one bad. This means one of the people who is on our side is secretly a vampire. I later somehow realise it's one particular person, and I name and shame them. They say I'm lying but I tell everyone to look under the table and my point is proven. The vampire tries to run away and hides behind a Christmas tree, which has a stepladder over it, trapping him in place. We can't touch him, but someone suggests water so I pick up a bucket and throw it on him. He starts screaming as he begins to evaporate, the water turns to steam immediately on contact. A few buckets later and he is completely gone, although we ruined the Christmas tree in the process :(
I am in a back cave which later leads to the area where dream #3 is. There is lava and water everywhere (minecraft style) and my friend D has made a mob killing system using the lava and water. I am impressed and decide I want him on my "team".
Second dream and I am at a house party of some kind, playing the game Assassin's. If you've never heard of the game, it's a real life role playing game where you go around trying to "kill" other people with ridiculous weapons like Nerf guns, Water pistols and bananas. Me and my team are devising a plan to kill other members, which we do in secret on a balcony which we used a ladder to get up to. A few minutes later, I spot that there is string everywhere and we can attach a note saying it's deadly razor wire then push someone in to it for an assassination.
However, as I am about to do this I spot a high priority target facing the other way, so I pick up a pen and walk behind him and shout "STAB", before dropping the pen and running away to protect my life and identity. However, the player is someone from primary school who I didn't like very much, and being the douchebag he was he pretends nothing had happened. His team leader also plays along, and even when I prove it by showing the murder weapon they still don't agree. I start getting really angry and worked up, stealing the guy's food from the cupboards in the party and throwing it around everywhere.
I then hear the team leader in the distance talking about me, using less than appropriate words. At this point I go ballistic, I start shouting and screaming and tell him to say that to my face. I chase him all the way to the front door, and then I start shouting some more. As I lean in to punch him, I naturally wake up.