Author Topic: ** Baby steps by bluebird **  (Read 110439 times)

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #45 on: February 18, 2012, 07:03:21 AM »
Attempted a WBTB with 4mg of G and 350mg of Choline.

I had a lot more HI and twitching than usual, and my body was completely relaxed, but I didn't manage to transition. I was trying to imagine my grandparents living room, with me lying on the sofa there. I think little things kept distracting me, I live by a road and my earplugs weren't working very well, and also I was forced to sneeze twice which broke my concentration.

Not sure where I will go from here, can't think of the best way to execute my WBTB's. If anyone has some suggestions I am all ears.

18th February 2012

I find myself as part of my University's Ice Hockey team (even though we don't have one) with some of my old high school friends, J,M and O. The coach is very serious about winning and as I am the only person on our team who plays Ice Hockey I saw it as my responsibility to do well for the team. However, I am the last player on the Ice as I took too long finding all my equipment and putting it on. When I finally get on the rink I start doing really well, scoring some goals for our team straight away. I reach up for high fives but nobody high fives back :(

Later on in the game the other team is starting to get angry with me, I think they are a good team and I am just getting lucky against them. I ask the coach what the score is and he says it's 4-15. I ask him who to and he says the other team is winning :( The goalie for the other team then takes some time to go outside so the game is stopped. I take a rest too, and when I get back I see they are setting up a prank for him where my friend Murphy has pretended to have thrown up by the guy's goal, there is some stains on the ice there. I guess the plan is to put him off so we can score more.

However the scene changes, and I see my family all around everywhere. My nephew is completely covered in liquid chocolate and he is rolling around making a mess. His father has chocolate on his arms and is looking guilty, whereas my sister is I believe thinking she will do the same with her baby. This was a very strange scene, and I wake up instantly.
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #46 on: February 19, 2012, 08:23:13 AM »
An awful lot of fragments today but they made me forget some of the details of my main dreams. Not sure if this is a positive or negative change to my recall.

19th February 2012
I find myself at my University with one of my lecturers and a group of other students. For some reason I am under the impression that we are all applying for a job. We are taken into a class to watch a film, but instead of being handed the same copy book as everyone else I get a unique one as I'm in an "interview". The questions all begin with "Where...." and don't make much sense, but I can't remember any of them I'm afraid. After this I find myself at a vending machine buying lots of pastries (What an odd thing to sell in one), way more than I could possibly eat. After this we invite the lecturer back to our house for bacon sandwiches. He tells us he is a very busy man, and must go somewhere else for bacon after our bacon. He then complains that he has a hard life ;)

Another dream I am in a Big Brother style reality TV show, where everyone is locked inside a house for the show. However I have joined very late, about a week from the end, and everyone seems to hate me for this fact. I don't really know what to say about it as it's not my fault, and I don't know how I got in there. I also remember being by the pool for something, but can't think why.

There was a dream about me being a superhero, but I can't recall anything from that.

My final dream was me talking to someone about memory and recall. I was telling them I was proud that I'd recalled so many dreams today (I had woken up and fallen back to sleep), but they didn't seem to care. They were telling me that they had remembered some family member's birthday was today. I thought silently that they were not quite on the same wavelength as me so I stopped talking about memory. The dream ended.
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #47 on: February 20, 2012, 06:28:43 AM »
I had some interesting dreams last night, despite having no lucids. I have had significantly better recall the last two days, I believe it's because I've been eating bananas before bed. I will keep doing this in future.

20th February 2012

The first dream I recall being back in the Minecraft world watching someone plan his house. However instead of making it out of blocks he appears to be drawing plans in a cartoony style similar to MS Paint. It was a rather odd house, there was a gate instead of a door, and the only thing inside the house was a wooden stage. Also one wall was made out of brick while the others were made out of wood. The guy who is building the house turns out to be a person I watch videos of on youtube, called K.

I then remember nothing until a dream where I am in a fish and chip shop, wanting to buy a meat pie. It must be in some kind of food court, as there are 2 counters right next to each other selling similar things. I sit there and try and choose between them. I'm struggling to find the pie on the price list, which is agitating me as all I want to do is find out which store is cheaper and buy my pie.

At this point I had my first real false awakening. (FA). I could recall these two dreams and also one more, which upon actually awakening I had forgotten. Anyway for the FA I woke up and went to grab my DJ to write down what had happened. However someone had written in it, which makes me very angry as someone has probably read it too. The whole page is covered in big bubble letters in blue pen (I write in pencil) which say: BLUEBIRD SLEEP MOARE, where bluebird was replaced with my real name. I sit there confused for a while and then I wake up properly. It takes me a few seconds before I realise what just happened, and then I write down some notes for the two dreams I remembered.

I fall asleep again and find myself in a lecture (class). It is some sort of maths lecture, and I'm struggling to work out the answer of 4x2, which is the only notes I have written. The lecture ends but I stay for a few minutes trying to work it out. The lecturer then mentions something about cheese being expensive. A Chinese girl stands up and says she agrees, because all the Japanese students say it is expensive when they come here (I think my SC got the races mixed up). We then leave, and I convince my friend M to come to the next lecture as there is free pizza. I'm not sure if there was really free pizza, or if I was lying to make him come. Both are equally likely.

I am walking with C and M and we are in the train station trying to get a train to our next lecture. We spot a train on another platform and the announcer says something like "Open door challenge, please mind the platform". I then tell my friend that only in Liverpool do the doors stay open on trains and they call it a "Challenge". This makes me realise we are currently in liverpool. We decide we want to get food so we walk off in search of a place selling food. At this point we are suddenly in an airport. C decides she wants to go to the toilet, but on her way back out she gets pulled over for a security check. She is taken into a closed room with a middle aged lady wearing rubber gloves... God help her! Once she comes out again she is quite angry, and just as I am looking at the train or plane times the dream ends.


I'm struggling to find meaning from these dreams I had, most interesting is the food theme and the false awakening. Maybe it's a metaphor and my SC is hungry? This is the second night I've dreamed about food. The false awakening I believe was meant to scare me, which it kind of did. I wonder if I'll notice another one in future. It's also worth noting I did not even think about RC's during any of my dreams, they seem to have worked their way out of my SC, which I do not like :(

Edit: I'd like to add that I recorded the time during an awakening, 6:18am. I fell asleep between 12-12:30, meaning one REM cycle ends after about 6hours. I will bear this in mind and sleep for 5-5:15 hours next time I WBTB
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 07:40:12 PM by bluebird »
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #48 on: February 21, 2012, 04:12:49 AM »
Again I ate two bananas before bed and my recall is amazing. I can't say it is directly because of the bananas, I could just be getting better at recall. We will see when I run out of bananas :P Anyway here I have a few main dreams and many fragments, enjoy!

21st February 2012
The first dream I remember was writing a program (I study Computer Science IWL) to allow 3D movements throughout a world. It's a very basic thing to do but in my dreams I guess it was a challenge. Later on, I see my dad has bought some kind of games controller and he's trying to figure out how to work it. I tell him this is very convenient, as I've just written a program that does exactly that! He seems happy with his new toy so I feel like I have done him proud. This is all I remember of the dream.

I have another dream where I am with my friends K and O and we are waiting for a bus to take us to campus. We are joined by James, who I don't really like but he is friends with the others so it's ok. The bus comes but because we are distracted by James a lot of other people push in front of us and there is not enough room on the bus, which makes me very angry at James - he should have been on time! Our friend M says "It's ok right, one of you can drive?". I can't but the others all say they can, but they don't have cars. At which point M says we can borrow his 5 seat 1970's ______. I don't know what that make of car is but it sounds posh, so I make a note we should be careful. We walk off into the woods to find his car, but the dream ends before we find it.

I am currently in the process for applying for jobs, and one of the companies who gets back to me sends me a very rude rejection letter. It is an email that looks as though it has been written from a phone, as it is in TXT SPEAK and very poorly formatted. I don't remember all the text but it basically says "We don't need Java programmer we need C# so NO". I also remember it had a lot of smilies in it, which I tend to use too much on forums and such. I remember that one of the lines had something like "Sad news sorry no no no :( :(".

But enough about the letter, this led me to go to the interviewer's house (god knows why) where I got given a tour. I saw that they had a lot of PHP books and figured if they were spending this much on books they are probably very clever and/or rich. I then see something that sickens me. The family have a pet hamster that they keep in the tiniest hamster ball I've ever seen. There is not even enough room for the hamster to turn around. I am with a small boy, who I can only assume is my future son as I am responsible for looking after him. I tell him to look away and we go home. However when we get home, the small boy has stolen the hamster to try and give it a better home. I tell him that was the wrong thing to do, even though it was being treated poorly he should not be stealing from people. I tell him he can play with it for a bit but we must give it back before we get in trouble.

He lets the hamster out in the living room, but the door is open so I quickly dash to close it before the hamster escapes (almost slamming the door on the hamster). I then notice another door (even though our living room only has one door) so quickly dash to close that too. The hamster is extremely fast, which makes me think getting him back inside the ball will be a nightmare (no pun intended). It also makes me appreciate how good it must feel for the hamster to get to run around at last. I then get the image of a young boy crying, the owner of the hamster. He is much older than the boy I am with, and although he looks a bit rough and mean I can see he misses his hamster. With a little bit of trouble we collect the hamster and me and a woman (I guess his mother) go to take the hamster back. At this point I realise his mother was actually my real life mother, so I assume the dream was from my Dad's perspective and I was the boy. In hindsight I find this interesting in many ways, I'll look into it more when the dreams end.

I don't remember much more of the dream but we took the hamster back and got away with it so all was ok. When we return home I am helping Mum cook the dinner which, as always when I cook in dreams, I manage to mess up. She has a lot of pans full of vegetables and I think it will be quicker to cook them all in one, so I tip them into a wok or a frying pan and turn the heat up to full. She manages to fix the mess somehow but she isn't very impressed with me. This is the last thing I remember from the dream.

I had a fragment where I was cooking chips and I dropped a piece of steak into the fryer without noticing. When I went to eat the chips I noticed this big piece of meat, but decided to eat it anyway. My friend looked at me confused, but I told him it was "deep fried steak" and he just ignored me. When I bit into it it tasted cooked on the outside but still quite raw on the inside. Pretty good steak if you ask me!

I also had a fragment where we (Britain) were at war with Germany. They seemed really angry about something and I was worried after losing 2 wars they might get mad and just send nuclear bombs at us. I then dream of the olympics, and I think we beat Germany which makes them even madder. I get very scared and wake up.


There's a lot of interesting things here, from my point of view at least. Firstly, these dreams confirm something that I am aware about which is that I have a desire to "prove" to my parents I can succeed in life. I want to be successful and I want them to see my education has been worth it, which explains me writing that program that helped my Dad. Another very interesting thing is the fact I dreamed about myself from my Father's perspective. I was not the sort of child who would steal a hamster even if it was living in cruelty, so I think the dream was more about me realising I handle situations how my Dad would....Bluebird is growing up! The fragments don't seem to mean much, I finally got to eat so maybe I won't be hungry in other dreams. The war thing I don't really understand, I like Germany so it's not some sort of Vendetta. I'll ignore that dream as it doesn't seem significant.

One last note i'd like to make is my recall seems very good lately. I hope it can induce some lucids soon. I'll be attempting a WBTB with G tonight, so hopefully I can get that to work
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #49 on: February 21, 2012, 07:22:24 PM »
   I think its great your looking so deeply into your dreams, lucid or not. What about the hamster itself? Thats what I'm curious about.
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #50 on: February 21, 2012, 10:45:58 PM »
:chuckle: yeah, I have held a few un-deserved grudges throughout my days as well. That clarity is always a good precursor to lucidity though Blue! Congrats!
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Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #51 on: February 21, 2012, 11:44:34 PM »
   I think its great your looking so deeply into your dreams, lucid or not. What about the hamster itself? Thats what I'm curious about.

What would you like to know about it? I'm very confused by it and think it may be meaningless compared to the other features of the dream, as I've never owned a hamster myself and I'm not specifically attached to them.

However, it was very very small, and had markings like a tabby cat (browns and oranges). I also remember when it was trapped it could not move it's arms or legs, which is why I felt so bad for it :( Poor thing!
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #52 on: February 22, 2012, 04:33:25 AM »
I had a LUCID last night :)

Took 4mg G + 350mg Choline at WBTB, the WBTB failed but the dreams came later on.

22nd February 2012

Before the WBTB I have a fragment where I am with Harley from Epic Meal Time. Me and him are hanging out and he seems like a pretty cool dude. He hands me his leftover sandwich and I tell him I don't really want to eat it, but he tells me I must. The sandwich is falling apart and horrible but I eat it anyway.

I attempted to WILD in my WBTB but did not fall asleep, I think I got too excited when potential transitions came. I also kept getting itches on my face which, although I didn't scratch, were VERY irritating and distracting. Anyhow, later on I find myself in a dream...

I'm not sure how I know this but I am in London (travelling alone). I visit what I can only see as a cross between the London Dungeon and a regular house. It is full of actors who dress up as monsters and evil people, and then put on a show for you as you walk around the museum. However one of them is a really hot girl, and she seems to like me. She is very touchy-feely and I get the impression she has more interests than just providing the show for me. I start to flirt with her and she gives me something. It's some sort of book or diary. It's quite small, she tells me it's very important and I should not lose it.

We then go to watch an educational film with the rest of the tour group. I try to save her a seat but she never turns up :< I'm not sure what happened in the film but there was some sort of disturbance. I argued with some people and then I found myself chatting to some other actors. I am upstairs and I am looking around to find her again. I'm not really sure what happened next... But I think I had no luck and just wasted time.

I wake up and realise I can go back to sleep again easily so I do. I try to find the book that will tell me I'm lucid, for some reason that seems about right. I look under a fireplace which is the only thing I see and there is the book. The lucidity hits me. I am now in a room with 4 tiled walls and a white door. I start touching the walls and I am really excited and surprised by how real they feel. I open the door and wake up. I'm not giving up that easily! I don't even bother to check for a FA I just go straight back to sleep. I'm in a sealed room made out of minecraft blocks (wood planks/glowstone/wool). It is very pretty and in some sort of pattern with the 3 blocks. I go to touch the floor and wake up.

Again, I am NOT giving up on this! I fall back to sleep and I have a portal gun (like the game). I'm floating through some sort of asteroid field so I fire a portal at a rock and hop in. This is the most clear part of my dream. I find myself in my grandparent's house. My grandad is very ill in real life and I am concerned he might be dying, so I figure if I can talk to him in my dream there's the tiniest chance he might see me in his. I walk in and see just his head on the floor. He looks very sleepy. I quickly dive down and hold on to his head. I promise him I will put him back on his body. He tells me not to bother and starts to close his eyes. I shake him a little and tell him to look at me (like they do in films). I don't want him to pass out. At this point the head goes still, mouth wide open and eyes closed. His skin feels very dry and wrinkly. I think he might be dead. But then I realise that this doesn't have to be true, so I say "Grandad stop playing dead too that won't work on me". He starts laughing and I see through his clever trick. I then put his head on his body which is in his regular armchair.

I don't want to lose lucidity again, so I figure my grandparent's living room is the perfect place to stay (see previous failed WILD's - I can imagine this room well). I start thinking about the badge challenges and whether I can complete any of them here, as I'm sure that will make the experience much better. I see a clock on the wall and think "Perfect!". I walk over to it, curious to see what the time is. The clock reads "0:o1", which I guess was a 0 and a small 0, lol. I then tell my grandad I'm going to smash his clock as it's not real, mainly trying to see how he would react. He seems to realise I am in control and just says "no please don't" in quite an upset tone. I feel a pang of guilt but I want to see what will happen so I smash it anyway. It breaks pathetically on the floor and he just says "Oh no why did you do that". This wasn't going as entertaining as I thought, but just as I was getting bored my friend L appears in the dream. She says "What do you want to do now?". I tell her to take me back to the house in London from the previous dream, so I can go and meet that girl.

She obliges, and we leave the living room. However as I open the door I wake again
. I quickly fell back to sleep but I believe I lost lucidity. I am in the basement of the creepy house looking around for the girl. I can't find her anywhere but I can find the other actors and their rooms. I also notice that I don't have a t-shirt on, so I am wondering where that might be. The rest of this dream is very fuzzy to me, but I did not find the girl and I know I did dip in and out of lucidity during it, which I had some fun with.

I don't even have much to comment on this one. The dream was a lot of fun, and I can't wait to tell Rebel_Seven so I can get some shiny new badges  :chuckle: I'd like to thank everyone so far who has given me advice, it's been so encouraging and helpful. I guess it's also worth mentioning the G probably enhanced the vividity of my dreams, and the WBTB probably made me start thinking about lucidity when I re-entered the dream

« Last Edit: February 22, 2012, 04:49:46 AM by bluebird »
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #53 on: February 22, 2012, 07:17:45 AM »
Congratulations!  Well done.  You were lucid for a nice stretch there!

Now I would recommend you put the GM down for a while.  You will grow tolerant of it extremely quickly, and it never seems to come all the way back.
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #54 on: February 22, 2012, 11:47:04 AM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #55 on: February 23, 2012, 05:19:33 AM »
23rd February 2012

Not much recall today, but I do remember being in a dream where I had won a bike in some sort of competition. I'm on the bus heading in to town so I can sell it as I don't want the bike. Once I get to town I ride it to some arcade place, which I think is on a pier, even though my home town isn't by the coast. I'm riding the bike with great difficulty as the gears seem to be stuck in unusual numbers. There is also another knob called "coal" which powers the bike or something...Weird stuff.

Once I've sold the bike I then somehow have an old printer, which my parents have given me to take back to university. I take it back and all my friends are laughing at how old it is :(
I'm back in the arcade again and I see some people I play poker with and chat to them, one of them is playing connect 4 on his own (he obviously won) and there is only red pieces in the rack.

The scene then skips and I am watching someone play world of warcraft (a game I've never played) and there is some sort of big battle about to happen. I assume it's at some sort of event like Blizzcon as a guy is commentating about these two teams about to battle. I'm not even sure if that's what happens at these events, but maybe.
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #56 on: February 24, 2012, 03:19:16 AM »
24th February 2012

I guess I can stop talking about lucidity like it's a surprise now and start working on controlling it.

I attempted a WBTB but I guess I failed and fell asleep. I find myself in the Olympics basketball arena (spoke to Dad about it today because I have tickets). I remember I was thinking about this during the WBTB, so decide I should make sure it's not a dream. I look at the team names, one is Ukraine and the other is definitely Russia even though their jerseys say something different. Come to think of it, they were actually wearing Ice Hockey jerseys too lol. I start to get really suspicious at this point. I'm lying down on my front next to the court and I see my granddad. Ok i'm dreaming. I pause for a second or two to let the lucidity hit me fully and absorb the scene. The basketball game or crowd is not very vivid to me but my granddad is.

I try to think what I want to achieve in this lucid, and I remember I wanted to see what my hands look like. I say to him "Ask me to see my hands". He asks why, but I just repeat my request again. He asks me to show him my hands, and I raise them into view. At first they appeared quite normal which disappointed me, but then I realised my left hand was severely swollen and bent (right number of fingers though so that's a plus ;)). It was also quite blotchy, like I had eczema or something.  I'm then lying down again so I visualise being on a massage table, as I can't think of anything else where you lie on your front. I'm quite hoping for the scene to change, maybe I can have some fun with a masseuse :P but unfortunately as the dream fades out I just w
ake up.

Fragment: At some point between becoming lucid and waking up, I was talking to my grandparents about something, not sure what. My sister goes off to show my grandma something secret, and granddad walks off somewhere. I think at this point I go to the toilet and it's then that I wake up, but my recall isn't perfect this may be in the wrong order.

I grab my phone so I can note down some things from this Lucid for my DJ, which should have been an obvious sign as I use pencil and paper. I can't remember exactly what I wrote, but it had some playing cards in it with spades, and something about a dream, and my online username.

I then wake up for real, and after about 20 seconds I remember that I most definitely haven't recorded that dream. I get a little angry that I didn't notice the FA, but still I am happy for having a LD and I grab my pad to jot everything down. I've also drawn a picture of my left hand, in case anyone is interested :)
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 03:34:20 AM by bluebird »
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #57 on: February 24, 2012, 08:18:12 AM »
Great job on recognizing the weirdness of the scene!  And it looks like you can check off "have a lucid dream without supplements."

How can you fail a WBTB?  If you woke up, you woke up.  It is the best way to prime yourself for any attempt at lucidity.
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #58 on: February 24, 2012, 08:24:18 AM »
Great job on recognizing the weirdness of the scene!  And it looks like you can check off "have a lucid dream without supplements."

How can you fail a WBTB?  If you woke up, you woke up.  It is the best way to prime yourself for any attempt at lucidity.

I guess I worded that wrong, I meant I failed at doing a WILD when I went back to bed. But yeah in hindsight I think you're right it did prime me for the experience.

And I've had LD's without supps already, but I want to have a WILD without supps for my challenge.

All in all though I completely agree, this was a nice success :)
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #59 on: February 24, 2012, 08:50:08 AM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »