Again I ate two bananas before bed and my recall is amazing. I can't say it is directly because of the bananas, I could just be getting better at recall. We will see when I run out of bananas
Anyway here I have a few main dreams and many fragments, enjoy!
21st February 2012The first dream I remember was writing a program (I study Computer Science IWL) to allow 3D movements throughout a world. It's a very basic thing to do but in my dreams I guess it was a challenge. Later on, I see my dad has bought some kind of games controller and he's trying to figure out how to work it. I tell him this is very convenient, as I've just written a program that does exactly that! He seems happy with his new toy so I feel like I have done him proud. This is all I remember of the dream.
I have another dream where I am with my friends K and O and we are waiting for a bus to take us to campus. We are joined by James, who I don't really like but he is friends with the others so it's ok. The bus comes but because we are distracted by James a lot of other people push in front of us and there is not enough room on the bus, which makes me very angry at James - he should have been on time! Our friend M says "It's ok right, one of you can drive?". I can't but the others all say they can, but they don't have cars. At which point M says we can borrow his 5 seat 1970's ______. I don't know what that make of car is but it sounds posh, so I make a note we should be careful. We walk off into the woods to find his car, but the dream ends before we find it.
I am currently in the process for applying for jobs, and one of the companies who gets back to me sends me a very rude rejection letter. It is an email that looks as though it has been written from a phone, as it is in TXT SPEAK and very poorly formatted. I don't remember all the text but it basically says "We don't need Java programmer we need C# so NO". I also remember it had a lot of smilies in it, which I tend to use too much on forums and such. I remember that one of the lines had something like "Sad news sorry no no no :( :(".
But enough about the letter, this led me to go to the interviewer's house (god knows why) where I got given a tour. I saw that they had a lot of PHP books and figured if they were spending this much on books they are probably very clever and/or rich. I then see something that sickens me. The family have a pet hamster that they keep in the tiniest hamster ball I've ever seen. There is not even enough room for the hamster to turn around. I am with a small boy, who I can only assume is my future son as I am responsible for looking after him. I tell him to look away and we go home. However when we get home, the small boy has stolen the hamster to try and give it a better home. I tell him that was the wrong thing to do, even though it was being treated poorly he should not be stealing from people. I tell him he can play with it for a bit but we must give it back before we get in trouble.
He lets the hamster out in the living room, but the door is open so I quickly dash to close it before the hamster escapes (almost slamming the door on the hamster). I then notice another door (even though our living room only has one door) so quickly dash to close that too. The hamster is extremely fast, which makes me think getting him back inside the ball will be a nightmare (no pun intended). It also makes me appreciate how good it must feel for the hamster to get to run around at last. I then get the image of a young boy crying, the owner of the hamster. He is much older than the boy I am with, and although he looks a bit rough and mean I can see he misses his hamster. With a little bit of trouble we collect the hamster and me and a woman (I guess his mother) go to take the hamster back.
At this point I realise his mother was actually my real life mother, so I assume the dream was from my Dad's perspective and I was the boy.
In hindsight I find this interesting in many ways, I'll look into it more when the dreams end.I don't remember much more of the dream but we took the hamster back and got away with it so all was ok. When we return home I am helping Mum cook the dinner which, as always when I cook in dreams, I manage to mess up. She has a lot of pans full of vegetables and I think it will be quicker to cook them all in one, so I tip them into a wok or a frying pan and turn the heat up to full. She manages to fix the mess somehow but she isn't very impressed with me. This is the last thing I remember from the dream.
I had a fragment where I was cooking chips and I dropped a piece of steak into the fryer without noticing. When I went to eat the chips I noticed this big piece of meat, but decided to eat it anyway. My friend looked at me confused, but I told him it was "deep fried steak" and he just ignored me. When I bit into it it tasted cooked on the outside but still quite raw on the inside. Pretty good steak if you ask me!
I also had a fragment where we (Britain) were at war with Germany. They seemed really angry about something and I was worried after losing 2 wars they might get mad and just send nuclear bombs at us. I then dream of the olympics, and I think we beat Germany which makes them even madder. I get very scared and wake up.
There's a lot of interesting things here, from my point of view at least. Firstly, these dreams confirm something that I am aware about which is that I have a desire to "prove" to my parents I can succeed in life. I want to be successful and I want them to see my education has been worth it, which explains me writing that program that helped my Dad. Another very interesting thing is the fact I dreamed about myself from my Father's perspective. I was not the sort of child who would steal a hamster even if it was living in cruelty, so I think the dream was more about me realising I handle situations how my Dad would....Bluebird is growing up! The fragments don't seem to mean much, I finally got to eat so maybe I won't be hungry in other dreams. The war thing I don't really understand, I like Germany so it's not some sort of Vendetta. I'll ignore that dream as it doesn't seem significant.
One last note i'd like to make is my recall seems very good lately. I hope it can induce some lucids soon. I'll be attempting a WBTB with G tonight, so hopefully I can get that to work