Author Topic: ** Baby steps by bluebird **  (Read 110511 times)

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #525 on: November 14, 2013, 06:53:49 PM »
I decide it would only be right to have sex with her, so we lie down on the grass and get to it. As I'm undressing her there is some background music playing which is Johnny Cash "Ring of Fire".
:chuckle: :clap:
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Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #526 on: November 15, 2013, 09:35:18 AM »
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #527 on: November 16, 2013, 07:19:40 AM »
16th November 2013

I am in some sort of bar which is being used by a lot of lucid dreamers to hang it. It seems like something serious has happened and two girls are coming here to get away from whatever we did. I come here daily to visit them and we have a strict routine, in which I get some time to speak to each of the girls and go through whatever the event was. I also get some time to chat to the other lucid dreamers whilst I'm there

It turns out we did some sort of shared dreaming thing in which we were almost hit by a train, and we are now stuck in a shared dream together and if we try and get back the train will hit us and we'll die, or something like that. This makes me realise that I must be dreaming now so I fly around and explore. However I'm not really in a physical world, I am flying around some sort of city made of geometric patterns (that's what I get for watching documentaries about DMT before bed). I realise I have always wanted to meditate in a lucid dream but never actually got around to it, so I give that a shot.

I sit down and assume the typical meditation position and start to will my body away and blend into the environment. It starts working really well, far better than expected, however then I start to feel my body tipping over for some reason. I get the impression that I am sitting on the edge of my bed about to fall off so I wake myself up (FA)

Back in the normal dream again I try to find someone to talk to about meditation and ask them where I went wrong. I finally found someone who lucid dreams and meditates and spoke to them about it, I told them it felt awesome and they agreed with me. I went through a few more iterations of talking to the girls which started to get complicated as we couldn't book the private room to discuss it, and then the dream ended.
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #528 on: November 16, 2013, 09:54:12 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #529 on: November 17, 2013, 12:59:30 AM »
what did you learn about DMT?

A lot of interesting things. It's hard to take anything as fact though, as there are many different experiences and opinions saying what the experience is all about but no-one can know for sure. I find the most interesting things in life are like that though. I have tried it for myself a few times but I can't make much sense of it, but I am very intrigued by other states of consciousness and reality (which is why I enjoy lucid dreaming so much!)
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #530 on: November 17, 2013, 09:55:33 AM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #531 on: November 17, 2013, 12:42:51 PM »
17th November 2013

Fragment: going on a pub crawl


I am on a ferry going to France, and meet a few DCs on the way. Eventually I end up in Paris, when there is some sort of zombie outbreak. The French police seal off most of the city and we are all stuck in a quarantine zone outside Gare Du Nord. There are all sorts of queues and things to make sure only certain people are allowed in to get trains at any time. I queue up and get inside the station but then there are a load of checkpoints to go through and I'm not sure how to get past them.

I walk around a bit to try and find some help and I spot some people from the ferry. I chat to them for a bit but don't get any useful information about what's going on. I end up getting on really well with one of the girls and we go walking around together. She suggests we go back outside for a bit and I oblige. We find an old abandoned building and she takes me inside. She asks me if I'm afraid or not, but I say I am content with life and death and I'm not worried about the zombies. She doesn't show any fear either so I assume she was thinking the same. She asks me to find a nice bit of wall which she can sit on, but the walls are all straight. She then says "Ok we'll just do it here then" and leans against a wall (only at this point did I realise she wanted to have sex with me)

After we're done she shows me around the abandoned building and tells me her Dad did some of the graffiti in there. I start to mistrust her a bit and say I'm going to go back to the station. When I get back the police have completely sealed it off again so I have to wait outside for a little bit before they let me in. Once I'm inside I start to look at the options for how I can get on a train. I notice that there is one for celebrities, one for Andrew Lloyd Webber's students, one for women and children, and then one for men.

I go down the route for men but when I get to the end there is just a door with a picture of a gun on the outside of it. I really don't like the looks of this, as I assume it's some sort of fight to the death thing with the winner getting on the train. I stick around the outside and watch for a bit to see if anyone goes in or out. I see a little boy go in and really get worried that he might not know what he's doing. Shortly after I see a large man heading towards the door concealing a revolver. He pulls it out, opens the door and walks in. I hear a few shots immediately, then no more noise.

I figure it would not be wise to go in there unarmed, and then I notice another door right next to it with a picture of a gun again, but a strange rectangular shape below the gun. I assume it must be some sort of armoury so I go in, only to find a LOT of coffins. This must be where the dead bodies are stored from the other door. I get scared and leave, and ignore this option and try to find another way to get onto a train.

I observe the queues and notice that some of them are checking you at different points. If I can get in one queue which doesn't check straight away, then move to another queue, I can get on the train without ever being inspected or checked. I join the queue for Andrew Lloyd Webber students and once I get past the gun room I search for the queue full of the men which survived that sick game. I notice a queue full of very large and mean looking men, most of them with very sombre expressions on their faces. This must be it so I walk over there, but whilst I'm in the queue I realise I really don't fit in, and it probably isn't a wise idea to try this.

I leave that queue and meet some people from the ferry again. One of them tells me there is a queue for funny people, and I like to think I have a good sense of humour so I head for that one instead. I start to think about which joke I am going to tell, as my life pretty much depends on this. Again I chicken out, so now I head to an information desk to find out exactly what I need to do to just walk onto one of the trains. It turns out there are a bunch of complementary passes here so I just take one. It has a load of space on the back to fill in personal information, but as I am about to fill it in a train conductor comes up to me and starts yelling in French. (He is just saying "Je m'appelle <name>, and J'habite au Paris, which should have given the game away as my dream French is far from fluent so my SC just picked basic phrases). I tell him "Je suis Anglais" and he points to a sign, which is in French. I look at him with an expression that just says "Seriously?" and he then moves the sign and there is an English one behind it. As I am reading, the dream ends.


Very long dream about 10 hours into sleep, with REM surpressed by alcohol. I found it interesting how much this dream seemed to change situationally whenever I ran into a problem or was expecting something else to happen. Probably should have got lucid at some point, but you can't win them all!
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #532 on: November 18, 2013, 12:48:29 PM »
18th November 2013

I had a dream where me and another person made a sort of kite contraption out of a large bag and two long pieces of string. It was sort of a hyrbid between a kite and a parachute and we took it to a windy hill and had some fun flying around by holding it up into the air.


I also had another dream which was pretty much the same as yesterday in the train station, but this time there was no zombie invasion and I was just trying to go somewhere for a holiday or something.
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #533 on: November 21, 2013, 10:00:55 AM »
Sorry for not posting in a few days, I've had a bad sleeping pattern and no recall at all. Back to normal now though, although these dreams were far from normal:

21st November 2013

I woke up from my sleep 2 hours early (due to alcohol) and when I went back to bed I had difficulty sleeping, however I was starting to get some really vivid HI and dream-like thoughts. The HI included a lot of clouds, old fashioned windmills and the sea. I knew this would be the perfect time to attempt a WILD so I carried on focusing on the visualisations which kept coming and going. Eventually I got to a state where I could feel a really intense wind blowing against my body, and I was able to move around and notice that I was in a dream.

I opened my eyes confident that I wouldn't wake up IWL, and I immediately noticed that I was not in my bedroom, or in fact any Earth-like place. I was surrounded by colours that looked computer generated, a lot of grey and blue. I could hear faint noises in the background almost like whispering or chanting. When I focussed on the noises it became easier to understand what they were saying, and I noticed that I was in fact listening to some sort of Aliens talking to me. These entities said things like "This is the sound that we make (followed by a weird humming tone)" and "Welcome to our dimension". At this point I realised my mind had somehow simulated a DMT experience, and I spent some time pondering whether this gave more weight to the theory that DMT produced in the brain is what causes us to dream, or whether that was just wishful thinking and my subconscious had chosen to dream about this because I'm biased towards that idea.


I had a FA and was back in my bed, it was evidently still a dream so I stayed lucid. I tried to get up and then I felt an unbelievable amount of pressure holding me to the bed. It started to crush me at first on my chest and torso, and then on my groin as well. I was in quite a lot of pain, so I tried to visualise a new scene to get out of this predicament. I managed to change the scene and suddenly I was falling through the sky very fast towards Earth. I wasn't flying, but I felt more like I was skydiving. I had a lot of fun on the descent, and then as I approached the ground I reached for my back to pull the cord on the chute, before realising I was not even wearing one. I hit the ground and bounced off, which was actually a lot of fun and painless.

At this point I had quite a few FAs and I spent a lot of time stumbling around my room with poor movement skills and with my eyes closed, trying to open my eyes but then inevitably having a FA again and being stuck in the same situation. Eventually I managed to get out of my room, and I floated towards the downstairs part of my house. As I went past my friend's room I waved to him, assuming he would notice I was lucid and be proud of me, although it seems like he somehow didn't notice anything wrong with me floating.

I got downstairs and headed into the kitchen, where I found an attractive woman and some friends of mine. For some reason I tried to greet the woman by touching her inappropriately, and at that moment she turned into a male friend of mine but she still had a vagina. My friend said "Do you mind? That's permanent you know" and I stood there absolutely shocked by the concept that my friend had had a sex change and now I was touching him. I quickly stopped and went to lean against the wall as there was no seating, but I accidentally leaned on a friend and she started hugging me. It all got a bit weird so I tried to leave, but then I had another FA.


(lucid OBE) I managed to float straight out of bed, through the door and downstairs where I became an observer of two of my housemates talking. One of them was telling the other about a new project he had been working on, which sounded quite interesting at the time but I can't remember what it was now. The other one then said they had better go to lectures, and he then looked at me and asked if I was coming. This is the first time I actually felt like I was present in the scene for this part of the dream. I decided I would come along, as even though I knew I didn't really have to be in a lecture I thought it would be interesting to go along in a dream and see what we get up to. However, at this point the dream ended.
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #534 on: November 21, 2013, 10:20:21 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #535 on: November 23, 2013, 07:31:13 AM »
I thought it was accepted that DMT causes dreams. 

I don't think it's been proven yet, although it has been proven that our brain produces DMT whilst we sleep so that does seem the most plausible theory.

Us dreamers never need to do things like sky-dive IRL, do we?

By that logic we never need to do anything IRL :P I think I would at least give it a go once it looks like fun

Not that there's anything wrong with it.  :chuckle:

Not at all, it just caught me completely by surprise


23rd November 2013

I am in a dream where I am the captain of a ship and I am late for my ship. I hurry to get on board on time and then spend some time exploring trying to find the captain's deck. On the ship I walk through a big ballroom with people dancing and a casino where lots of dealers are shuffling cards and doing cool card tricks. Eventually I get up on deck and discover that there is already a captain on this ship, and he doesn't seem like a very nice man.

The other captain tricks me into going into a certain room and then locks me in. Next he somehow splits the ship in half and escapes with his crew, leaving me in the middle of nowhere. I drift off to some deserted island and then the dream skips to me being in the point of view of one of the evil captain's men. They have escaped in a raft and they are heading off down some river somewhere. We have to pass through some waterfalls and they are all holding on tight to the raft to try and avoid capsizing it. We make it down safely but everyone falls out, and as I try to find the evil captain and the others the dream ends
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #536 on: November 23, 2013, 09:49:41 AM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #537 on: November 23, 2013, 10:44:24 AM »
Us dreamers never need to do things like sky-dive IRL, do we?

By that logic we never need to do anything IRL :P I think I would at least give it a go once it looks like fun

Lol I don't know how that follows.  You still need to eat and stuff IRL, right?  :chuckle:  I'm saying if you want to do something for the thrill of it, but it's dangerous, we don't need to do it because dreams are so much more fun.  I don't think any sky-diving experience could be as fun as the kind of flying we can do in dreams.

Well you're right, I do agree, but skydiving is not one of those things in my opinion. It's not actually as dangerous as people think, and you get a massive thrill out of it (although I probably do prefer dream flying where I have control). In fact going skydiving once is just as dangerous as going horse riding 14 times, or spending 42 minutes in a canoe:
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #538 on: November 23, 2013, 06:44:31 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #539 on: November 24, 2013, 11:59:04 AM »
24th November 2013

I am on a large boat again and there is some sort of performance happening later tonight. It seems like a game show, and I guess it might be X-Factor or something. Everyone on the boat is in a rush to get tickets, but we can't find enough seats together to fit me and all of my friends in the same place. We find about 5 seats together and settle for that, and split up into groups. Eventually we get to the show and sit down ready for it to start. I see Simon Cowell and assume it is some talent show, so I could be right with my guess, but then all of a sudden it turns into a massive game of Deal Or No Deal.


I am given the opportunity to go on the TV show Master Chef but although everyone else has made nice food, I for some reason have invented a sort of model railway system powered by mustard and alcohol. The judges seem very impressed but they point out the small flaw which is that I didn't actually make any food, and this is not what they were looking for. One of them says sorry she is not interested, but the other guy says he really likes it and would like to invest some money into my invention. He gives me his private phone number to discuss it after the show.
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