Back to dreaming today. The last dream was probably one of my favourite non-lucids I've ever recorded, it was so great.
27th January 2014
I'm an off-duty police officer and I'm watching a paramedic who is escorting a heart ready for transplant to the nearest hospital. I notice an assailant somehow manage to inject the heart with HIV. I follow the assailant but he gets away, so I try to warn the paramedic. As soon as I tell him he doesn't act surprised, but instead tries to run away. I notice he was probably in on it, so I handcuff him.
I am in a old Victorian style mansion with a big group of people exploring. We are in a section which has 5 floors, however floors 1,2,3 are connected by one set of stairs, and 3,4,5 are connected by another. It also has a few more staircases and different passages which sum up to one great big multiple-floor maze. We all want to explore it, and I am made to believe that I have done it before so I know what I'm doing. I teach the others that we need to go in on floor 5, then head down to floor 3 to get some magic cube thing, then back down to 1, up to a different part of 3 so that you can get to the correct exit staircase back up to floor 5.
I try to guide people through as best as I can, but some people get lost and I can't find them. I wait outside for a bit before giving up. I spend some time admiring the estate, there is many acres of land and lots of cool trees and things to look at. I enjoy this for a bit and talk to someone about it, and then we go back to the house we were staying at, which to my surprise already has everyone in there so they must have found a way out somehow.
Walking through some tall grass with a few people when a grey and black leapord comes stalking towards us. It looks really cool so I ask someone what it is, and they say it's a baby snow leapoard. I don't remember them looking like that but I guess the babies look different, and this one seems pretty full size to me... Shortly after that a tiger comes along as well, and is walking straight towards me. I get a bit scared but assume it would probably run if it wanted to kill me, so it's probably ok. It brushes past me, and as it does I stroke it's fur. The tiger seems to like it, and we start playing and hugging. I have a load of fun playing with this big animal.