This is a bit of a long post, but I encourage you to read the dream on 10th March. It's one of my finest yet
Worth noting that I drank a fair amount of alcohol, including green absinthe, on the night that gave the 10th March dreams. I seem to have much better dreams if I've been drinking, but of course recall is difficult and there is a fine balance between a good amount and too much. I definitely would say that alcohol fits into the supplements category, not for LDing (although it has worked for me) but at least for more vivid and interesting dreams. Anyway, enjoy!
9th March 2012Only fragments I'm afraid:
Fragment: Jumping up and down at a bar. Everyone is doing it and I'm not sure why but it's a lot of fun. People seem to be jumping a lot higher than is possible IWL
Fragment: Dog (not the one I saw in a dream a while ago) I think this one was brown
Fragment: Using github for something, storing some code maybe.
10th March 2012Scene in bold is super vividI am walking to a town called Swansea with D, E and M. We are passing through the hills and it is a really nice scenic walk. D has brought his camera and I keep telling him to take photos of things I like (I think subconsciously this was a way for me to capture parts of the dream).
As we approach Swansea the sun is setting. The sky is a deep red and the sun's final rays are reflecting off the clouds in a spectacular fashion. I notice a large dark grey cloud forming, lit up all different shades of red and orange. It is the most beautiful scene I have ever scene, dream or not.I will make a note to draw this scene in detail at some time, my artistic skills are next to none but I want to at least be able to describe it better.
It then appears that the large cloud is being formed because one house is on fire. This does not ruin the scene in any way, and for some strange reason it just adds to the beauty of it. However, we weren't about to sit back and not help so we head over to see what's wrong and how we can help. It takes us a few minutes to walk down there, and I can describe the scene as complete chaos. There is a constant beeping of alarms and people shouting instructions and cries for help. As the fire is on the second floor, nobody really seems to know how to put it out and there is no sign of a fire crew. We assist the villagers in throwing jackets up into the window (probably not the best method
) to help drown out the flames. Someone (D, E or M) asks me "Can you see that fire?" and I respond with "Of course I can see it, it was me", referring obviously to the fact that it is my dream, which I didn't pick up on at the time.
It appears to be working, but then some of the fire spits into a different house. "Oh no" I think. Everyone starts evacuating that house, climbing out through the large windows that have been smashed (probably to allow their escape). I then stop helping for a bit to take in the scene. It's an amazing picture, everyone is helping each other out and it's really bringing the community together.
I think there is some sort of message to be taken from this, although what it is I have no idea at this time. If anyone has read the book "To kill a Mockingbird" there is a fire scene in that which again seems to bring the town folk togetherA little later on we are in a different house and the fire is still going. We have all evacuated a few streets away for safety and we are in a big house with a very large room. Everyone here is playing call of duty, but for some reason I can't join in so I am sitting watching everyone else (I think it's because my computer has linux on). I am watching M in particular, and he is talking to me while he plays. He starts bouncing a small tennis ball under the table. When I look, I notice that everyone is wearing cricket pads. I tell him if he really wants to play cricket he might as well, as it looks like the crowd here are probably up for it as well. Although I said that, secretly I was hoping that he wouldn't ask, as I find cricket much more boring to watch than this game everyone is playing.
A few people say yes so a cricket game is started in the big room, whilst more people are still playing call of duty. I text my friend O as he quite likes cricket, but for some reason he starts laughing at me so I ignore his texts. I sit in the corner and pull out my laptop, deciding if they are going to exclude me I might as well actually do something. I start programming as I want to be able to do something that THEY can't, that'll show them! However the scene seems to change and I start playing call of duty myself.
After a while I get bored of this, and just when that happens the fire alarm goes off in the building we are in. It must have spread this far! I run upstairs to warn everyone and try and get them into safety. For some reason the room we are in seems like a safe place, so I start heading in all directions of this oddly laid out house to try and tell everyone (like the alarm didn't give it away). I get most people into the room safely, but some people are refusing to leave upstairs. M and D are up there lying down, and they are being too lazy to leave. I keep telling them there is a fire but they won't listen. M comes up with some smart ass remark like "we're safer up here anyway" and I can't think of a retort so I leave them to it and this amazing dream reaches it's end.
Fragment: I am on Google+ the next day and a picture of the fire makes the "What's hot" section. There is also some sort of call of duty highlights show on TV so I decide to upload the gameplay of me in the hopes of getting put on the show.
I have a false awakening in which we are all back home, and M is talking to my friend C outside my door. There is a strange noise coming from C's room, some sort of screeching like wood being sawn with a blunt blade. They are saying something about me not being awake on time to go swimming with them, whilst I'm gradually regaining consciousness. I reach for my DJ to quickly write down these dreams, for once it looks normal so I'm not aware that I'm dreaming. I start scribbling and then M says "Oh I know whats happening he's typing up his dreams. He's gonna be ages" (subconsciously I wanted them to know that I was going to be a while, but I'm glad M said it because I had no way of telling them without answering the door).
I then actually wake, and it takes a while for me to realise what has just happened (I'm still pretty new to identifying a FA).
Fragment: Egyptian kitty - I'm not sure what it means but these words made sense during the FA but I have forgotten the dream since