Moonbeam it was real. I had a really sucky night.
However, today was much better for me
1st March 2012I don't remember how the first dream began, but I was being chased by some sort of killer. I was in my home, and he got in. I must have had some sort of powers because I turned him into a green boomerang and threw him out of the window. As I headed downstairs, there was a giant envelope on the door. It said "To bluebird". As I walked closer, the letters changed to say "Do not open this". Well this is
obviously a dream. I make the mistake of not stabilizing and head straight into the living room to see my mum and dad. I hadn't spoken to them while lucid yet. However when I got in, my Dad's head was on my Mum's body and vice versa. It was really strange. Also the furniture was in odd places, far out from the wall and at funny angles. I sat down between them, but it felt awfully weird, and I woke up.
I am living in Nazi Germany, with my friend C, my Mum and Dad and later on my friend X. I was on some sort of wild night out and things got a little bit crazy. I had stolen some things from Tesco (UK supermarket), and I think we made the Hitler Youth angry by doing something but I don't remember what. Although in hindsight it may have been the SA or SS, not the Hitler Youth as they were much older and had guns and things. Amongst the chaos I got shot in the face, the bullet went through my jaw and out through my throat. However after a while it seemed to heal. We also all hid in a bush whenever we got chased by the Hitler Youth.
Something I only just noticed now during recall is I achieved lucidity during this dream, but in a weird way. As we were hiding, I had a sort of daydream of a way to escape. I dreamt that
I could run along a fence and jump up on the house roofs and jump from rooftop to rooftop, which I felt as I imagined it. However I snapped out of the daydream and thought "Damn, if only that was possible".
The next day (in the same dream) I woke up in some sort of caravan that I am staying at with my parents. They aren't awake yet, and I find a very tiny dog that I must have got from somewhere last night. It's about the size of a bug and hardly visible. I put him in a cup of water to keep him alive (I think I got confused with fish) and he seemed happy enough with that. He told me he was thirsty so I went to find some water to give him. I poured some in, however I noticed that the cup was now slightly yellow, as I had poured beer in by mistake. The dog stopped moving and I scrambled to rescue him without pouring beery water everywhere, but it was too late. Mum and dad started to stir so I sprinted to the toilet to flush the dog away :(
When I got in the toilet it was a very confusing sight. There were handles and bars and things everywhere, I threw the dog in the toilet but every handle I pulled just made that noise when a toilet wont flush properly. Eventually I get it to work and not a moment too late, as Dad is awake. We start to eat food and suddenly I get an odd taste in my mouth. I sprint to the sink and spit out something that tastes exactly like skin. I look down and there is blood everywhere, more skin starts getting spat out. This reminds me about the hole in my face, and blood is dripping down onto my shirt too.
I start shouting "AMBULANCE" and "999" but either Dad is being dumb or I can't speak properly, probably a bit of both. I type in the number on my phone and throw it to my Mum. She is on the phone to them and says "Yes he's the one who was shot in the face". I instantly know what happened, she is speaking to the people from the Hitler Youth...They must have insiders at the hospital. I tell her I have to run and I leave the house. Two big giant men are there and say "Quick we have to hide you". I get in a black van with them but after that they don't speak to me. I know that I have made a big mistake. I say to them "are they going to kill me?", and they answer with "Yes". I request that I am killed quickly in return for not attempting to escape, and they oblige.
When I get to the secret base, there is some sort of pre party going on. Everyone is eating sweets and ice cream, and chatting about happy things. The bad guys are all watching me closely, but I decide it's probably best to keep my promise as i'll never be able to escape, and i'll probably bleed to death anyway. After the party i'm taken into a classroom to watch Nazi propaganda with some schoolkids who are all wearing full uniform, one of them even has a rifle. There is a smartass kid who looks like Draco Malfoy pretending like he knows it all already, and there is another little nerdy kid who keeps asking questions. The officers make a point to say that i'm a bad man and i'm going to be killed. I tell them "the jokes on you in 5 years" but they don't seem to understand.
I'm taken to a back room where they unveil their secret weapon. I wonder what sort of Nazi technology they will kill me with. They unveiled some sort of plastic see through mummy bag. I said "Are you going to gas me?", they said no they would just suffocate me. I tried to think of a way out of it, so I told them I would defect if they saved my life. They didn't seem convinced, so I added "and i'll tell you the secrets of the future. I can build supercomputers, I know who won the war etc...". As they are deciding the answer, my alarm went off and I woke.
I really should have thought to stabilise the first dream, that was silly of me. I guess I wasn't at a high level of lucidity as my brain was kind of on autopilot. Maybe I should have opened the envelop too, what harm could it have done? As for the second dream I was very happy with that, a nice long dream in my last REM cycle, with good recall