8th December 2013
I am in my grandparent's house with two friends from Bristol when one of them suggests that we do some psychedelic drugs. He tells me we are going to do LSD, and the third guy doesn't want to so he is going to sit with us and make sure we're ok. I say I would love to do it, so we take the drugs and wait a while for it to kick in. Eventually I start having really weird visuals, and I don't feel right. I tell my friend he definitely didn't get LSD, this is something different. We look outside and there are police everywhere, so I say it would probably be a bad idea to go for a walk, but for some reason we go anyway.
As we're walking, my friend who is tripping is forced to talk to the police, they think he did something wrong so he is telling them that he didn't. After we make it back to the house we spend some time paranoid and hiding inside. I tell them to hide the drugs somewhere just in case, and then sure enough the police come around to search the house. They don't find anything and we decide it would be a good idea to go away somewhere.
The scene skips and I am on some sort of underground train, no longer with these two friends but with a different friend from university. Then suddenly I am at immigration in a foreign country, trying to get in as I am going on holiday. I realise the city is Paris, but the dream has skipped forward and I am in the airport ready to go home. I finally get to the check-in desk and the woman asks to see my passport and boarding card. I realise I have forgotten to print my boarding card but I ask her if I can still get on the flight. She tells me I have to get the next one instead, which means I have to split up from a friend I'm travelling with but I do it anyway.
I get on a weird steam train-like thing, and the dream skips forward a bit until I am in London. I'm told I need to get the number 31 bus, so I get on it and it starts going. I realise that I never bought a ticket, and it must be one of those buses where you're supposed to get the ticket before you get on. I realise it's probably ok though as ticket inspectors in London usually check the trains not the buses.
Eventually we get to a stop where I do in fact see ticket inspectors ready to get on the bus. It seems like I'm not the only one without a ticket, as everyone made a quick break for the front doors, including an elderly couple. We all manage to get off in time and I quickly cross the road to get away.
I have a look round to see where I am and I notice that I'm in the village where my old school is. This is really far away from London, and at this point I realise that the situation I'm in is really weird, so I do a reality check. Obviously I'm dreaming, and the dream starts to get a bit shaky and unstable so I focus on my environment to bring it back. I walk around looking for something to do when I notice an interesting row of houses. I peek through the windows in some of them to see if anyone is home. Suddenly I hear shouting back from one of the houses I have passed. An old woman is telling me "Get back here", and my immediate instinct is to run away, so I do.
After I ran away, I somehow realise that this old woman represents my pineal gland (no idea why I thought this), and I should probably go back and speak to her. As I'm heading back, a bunch of soldier-type people come after me, trying to stop me. At this point Dr Who shows up, and I think he fights them or something, which eventually results in them disappearing and him being left for almost dead. I get back to the old lady and try to talk to her, but I don't remember what we spoke about.
Next I tried to find a different house, to see what other interesting people I can talk to. I find a house that seems to have the lights on, and instead of knocking through the door I jump through the window (it doesn't break) and enter the living room. I try to have a conversation with the people in there, but it is a family of 4 or 5 and it is quite difficult to speak to them.
I leave the house and the evil men are coming back, so I decide to fly to get away from them. I try and do a really fast rocket-like take off, kind of like superman in that new film, but it doesn't work and I just fly up at my normal slow speed. I make it to a cool cliff and I land and walk around. I notice some magic mushrooms growing out of the ground, so I figure they were probably meant for me and I eat them, however there is no notable change in perception. At this point I notice that it is raining, and I walk towards of the cliff and stand on the edge, looking out onto some amazing rocks, the sea and some cool clouds. I am also aware at this point that I'm fully naked from the waist down, which doesn't bother me but actually feels kind of nice.
FA: I am in my living room with a bunch of friends and they are talking about last night (they got drunk or something). It is very apparent to me that I'm still dreaming, and in fact this is supposed to be where my body is whilst my mind is dreaming up the previous LD (hard to explain, kind of like i was lucid in a FA but not moving because I was asleep in it). They are talking about me and they think I am on some sort of drugs, or in a trance. I tell them it's ok, I'm just doing my lucid dreaming. They all sigh and tell me things like "It's not real", "You waste your time with that", etc etc... I don't take much notice of them, and I spend the time writing down things on my hand which will help me remember the previous LD, which was a bit stupid really as I was lucid so I knew it wouldn't be there when I woke up lol.
I then discuss seeing my pineal gland with one of my friends who is more into the spiritual stuff that I'm into. We have a long discussion about it, and we chat about Joe Rogan who apparently lives near to this house I'm in. I ask my friend if he could arrange a meeting between me and Joe, so that I can explain what I went through and see if he has any similar experiences or advice. He says it might be tricky but he can do it. He also says the last time he chatted with Joe they both bluffed and double bluffed each other about ? (something?), but it was a worthwhile chat in the end.