Author Topic: ** Baby steps by bluebird **  (Read 110503 times)

Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #600 on: December 25, 2013, 07:40:25 AM »
25th December 2013

In a dream where I am at university and we have an assignment due in a couple of days. I am frantically working to get it done on time, but I don't think I will so I look around to find people to ask for help. I get to a room with a big aquarium and I forget about my task, at this point I believe I am in charge of looking after the fish. Someone comes up to me and tells me that one of the fish at the bottom isn't moving, so I take a look and sure enough it is dead.

I take out a stick to try and get the fish out (probably not the best tool) but as soon as I touch it a giant wasp appears in the tank. I am terrified of wasps so I jump backwards in fear, and then I start hallucinating spiders everywhere as well, even when I close my dream eyes. It's really terrifying and I just want it to end. Suddenly I am back in a different room, speaking to someone. I ask them about the assignment and they say they already finished it and are working on something else. I leave them to it and go up to the roof. I see the whole scene as an observer and it looks like I'm on top of a friend chicken shop. I jump from rooftop to rooftop before I make it to a safe enough level to jump to the ground.


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Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #601 on: December 26, 2013, 08:46:20 AM »
Terrible night for recall. You know when you get the feeling that you had some really intense and awesome dreams, but can't remember any details of what happened? The only dream I could remember was a sexual lucid, which I haven't journalled in detail for a while so I thought I would for those who are curious.

26th December 2013

: NSFW • show
I am lucid inside some sort of restaurant with an attractive woman. There is a deep feeling of lust between us and we try and find some privacy to have sex. I look around, remarking on how clear the dream is now that I'm lucid. I spot a bathroom so we head off in that direction. It's laid out rather weirdly, but I find the men's and go to check it for us to see if anyone is in there. There is one guy in the cubicle so I wait for him to leave and then go back out to tell the girl. However, once I leave we spot a different door with a glass window and we decide to go in there instead.

She tells me to go in first, and wait for her, so I do. I am waiting what feels like a while so I decide to take my clothes off and start masturbating to prepare. She is still taking a while, and then I notice a different attractive girl walking past and I get worried she might see me. I know it's only a dream and no harm can come from this, so I decide to walk closer to the glass with my erect penis on show and smile at her, hoping it will attract her (lol). Miraculously it works, and the woman joins me inside the room.

I start by going down on her, and then she is giving me a hand-job. I get so caught up in the moment I almost don't realise, but I suddenly notice there are now two girls in here instead of one. We get a threesome started, and I begin having sex with one of them whilst using my fingers on the other. They are both moaning ecstatically, and I'm really enjoying it too. Suddenly everything goes black, and at first I can still feel the women but then all sense of feeling goes too. I am left in some sort of void between dreams, which I don't wake from, but I can't remember what happened in dreams after that.
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #602 on: December 26, 2013, 09:57:20 AM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #603 on: December 26, 2013, 12:58:08 PM »
I've had sex dreams which sort of dissolve like that, with sight going first, then feeling last.

Any idea why it happens?
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #604 on: December 27, 2013, 08:12:13 AM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #605 on: December 27, 2013, 01:16:11 PM »
Cool last lucid. Lucky you didn't get a miserable DC like me passing by when you flaunted your invitation.  ;)
I've always wondered about that wake during sex thing too. Usually its at the point of orgasm. My guess would be it has something to do with whatever chemical reaction is going on in the brain at the time. Especially if it's an intense O. IRL when I hit that that point I sort of space out too, lose all perception of the world around me for a few seconds. It's like everything, except for the one sensation, switches off. Same thing happens in dreams except the switch off must disconnect the dream as well.
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #606 on: December 28, 2013, 06:08:16 PM »
I've had a few pretty intense sex dreams that I have "finished", and I know DrT has had a few as well... although I have also had several where I wake prior to.
I wonder if sometimes you are just to close to waking to have the full effect.  I also know that I have woken right after finishing, and still feel the effect afterwards, and bask in it for a while... ;)

Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #607 on: December 30, 2013, 05:09:26 AM »
Sorry for not updating much over the last few days, I have been busy and out of the house so not much recall. Same problem will probably happen tomorrow and NYE nights, as I'll be celebrating and likely really drunk. 3 hours sleep last night meant REM rebound tonight :) lots of lucids...

30th December 2013

I am in my house and realise I'm dreaming. I completely forgot my goals so I try summoning a clown (no idea why). I open the living room door expecting one to be in there but there isn't. I also try shouting out loud to the dream asking to see one, but that doesn't work either. I enter the final room which is my dining room and there is still nothing here. I notice that my dream is incredibly vivid and stable so far, so I decide whilst I'm in here to try Hukif's time dilation technique of putting my hand against the wall and counting up to 10. I'm not sure how well it works but the dream becomes unstable so I quickly head towards the door to try and change the scene.

I imagine that when I open the door I will come out into a big rugby stadium (the Millenium stadium in Cardiff). As I open the door the dream fades to black, but I don't give up on the visualisation. I start to imagine the roars of the crowd and the feel of the cool air hitting your face as you walk into the stadium. Suddenly I am there, up in the rafters looking down on everyone. I can hear the chants of the crowd, and decide to have some fun with them. I mimic Freddie Mercury from Live Aid where he keeps saying "Ayooooo" and the crowd copy him, and again here the crowd copy me. It's really entertaining so I fly around the stadium doing this to get the crowd going, then I start singing the Welsh National Anthem and the crowd join in on that too.

I land on the field and the teams are lining up in order of number. I play scrum half in rugby which is number 9 so I go to take my place, but when I get there someone is already in my spot. I realise I must be the sub, so I jog off to the sideline instead. Eventually I get bored of waiting to play rugby so I fly up again, and end up back in the rafters but this time above a band who are starting to play. At the time I didn't realise who they were, but in retrospect I realise it was probably Queen. I watch them play for a bit, then the dream ends.


I am flying around the mountains, still lucid, looking for a Lucid Dreamer. I can't remember who it was now, but it was an experienced dreamer and they were female. I remember that Rebel Seven (maybe I was looking for her?) is thinking about making a badge for riding an animal, and that's something I wanted to try anyway. I land and conjure a horse, mount it, and as I ride off into the distance I'm suddenly watching myself in third person. It looks pretty cool and I did accomplish the goal, but I'm disappointed that I didn't get to feel it as I wasn't in first person mode.

I end up losing the horse somewhere near a signal box for a train track. My cousin is here, along with some tough gangster who has approached us and asked if any of us know someone who works for Vauxhall. Stupidly my cousin tells the man that my uncle (his Dad) works for them, and then the gangster kidnaps him. I spend some time looking for him but have no luck.


: NSFW • show
Still lucid, I am on a boat, possibly the titanic, and I am dating a rather attractive girl. She seems to have the personality of Rose from the titanic, but looks quite different. She is quite formal, and from what I can gather in the dream I am not so formal. We are talking to her Dad when for some reason I get the urge to have sex with her, and she appears to have the same, so we run off and lock ourselves in a bathroom. There is a frosted glass door inside leading to a cubicle but as no-one is here I don't feel the need to go in there and don't want to trust opening the door, so we have sex against the door and on the floor instead. The sex is very enjoyable, and I climax in the dream and in real life at the same time, waking myself up  :oops:


WBTB with G/C. Successfully used time dilation. Dream felt at least 4 days long, I didn't sleep or eat or go to the toilet at all during it. Sleeping time 2 hours. There was loads more things going on in this dream, I just can't remember everything. I remember remarking several times throughout the dream how long it had been going on for, and pleased that I had definitely got time dilation working on purpose.

I become lucid in my bedroom and choose to fly out of the window. It was snowy outside so I went to the floor and started playing with the snow. It felt very realistic and cold and wet. It was also quite dark outside, and eventually I lost my sight and ended up back in my bedroom. I opened my eyes and did a reality check to make sure I was still dreaming. It was a lot brighter now, and when I opened the window I could see it had snowed a lot more. I leaned my head out of the window and then a bird flew right into my face. I caught it and then let it go in a different direction.

I flew out of the window and noticed it was raining. I also saw a lightning bolt strike down so I decided to attempt the challenge of getting struck by lightning. I flew up on top of a high roof and shouted to the heaven "SMITE ME, OH MIGHTY SMITER". A really feeble and pathetic lightning bolt came down and barely touched me, I didn't feel anything. Not sure whether it worked. I decided to fly away. Suddenly the rain had stopped and it was a nice clear day. I spotted a really interesting settlement which looked kind of like Fort Knox so I decided to land there, with the intention of robbing it if it was Fort Knox.

It turns out this place is some sort of Muslim school, however all the people around me are giant walking 3D chess pieces. They are talking and going about their business as if they were human (all walking straight instead of moving how they would in chess). I get to one place where I see two pawns in a stalemate both trying to walk past each other and telling the other to go around. I find this hilarious as it's exactly what would happen to two opposing pawns in a chess game too.

I enter the school and decide to pretend I'm Muslim to see if it's interesting or not. I don't recall any of the lectures, so I'm not actually sure if I went to any. I went to the cafeteria as well but didn't get any food, I just used the time to socialise with other people. Whilst I was here I made my first attempt at dilating time within the dream. I stood up and put my hand against the wall, counting up to 10. When I got to the numbers 8,9,10 I increased the gap between them quite a lot, with the intention of slowing down time. When I said 10 my voice seemed to be really stretched out even though I didn't deliberately do that.

I leave the school and walk around to see what I can find. I don't see any more chess pieces but there are regular people around now. I stumble across a fun fair and walk around for a bit, but I don't go on any of the rides or buy anything. Once I get to the other end of the fun fair I come across the main town in this place. It looks very eerie and alien, much different to any town I've been to or seen pictures of before. I walk around trying to find interesting buildings, as I don't have anything to do yet and will need a job for myself if I'm going to be here for the long haul. I decide I want to be a graffiti artist as it doesn't matter if I get caught, so I think about how I can go about that. I decide it would be a good start to find a skate shop and become a skater, so I walk around and find one almost instantly. I go in, but I can't find anyone here to talk to. I spend some time admiring the graffiti on the walls and then choose to leave.

When I've left, I enter a dark alley which seems to be the wrong side of town. Someone drives a car towards me and shoots in my direction. Suddenly a cloaked figure in a trench coat comes out and shoots back at them. I don't know who it is but I can tell that the figure is female. Before I can process what just happened both the car and the figure are gone. I take a moment to collect myself, and then choose to do the time dilation technique again. When I get to 10 I lose my vision again, but still can feel the walls. I spend some time stumbling around blind before giving up and opening my eyes.

Fortunately I'm still in the dream, and I'm currently in what must be my house. I have a family here, with a wife and two children (a girl who looked about 7, and a boy who looked about 1). My wife tells me she is going somewhere and I have to look after the kids. I take my daughter into the room where my son is so I can watch them both. My daughter tells me she wants to play with something and out of nowhere I seem to get her a hamster. She is delighted and plays with the hamster for a while.

I can't recall what happened next, but the next thing I remember is being in a police station. I'm not sure if I work there or not, but I just seem to be going around talking to the staff and asking what is going on in the city. Maybe I was scared by the attempt on my life and wanted to make some positive changes. While I'm in the station I take particular note of a young man who is being interviewed for a job. I listen to the questions he's being asked but I don't really understand them, so I don't bother vetting him any more and decide to leave.

When I'm back on the streets again, I forget what I was supposed to be doing and head back to the skate shop. I meet some guys there and tell them what I want to do. They say they'll give me a trial (didn't know you had to apply to become a graffiti writer) and I write my name in red/orange paint. It doesn't come out very well, and they all laugh and mock me. They go inside and I am really bummed out. I find 10p on the floor which I decide to pick up to cheer me up a little bit. Upon inspecting the coin, I notice that none of the writing makes sense on it, as you might expect. I also remark on the fact that this coin still has a picture of the Queen's head on it, so we are using British currency, even though the town is far from anything I've ever seen in the UK.

I walk around town some more, and ended up going back to the Muslim school. I'm not sure what I did there, but I get the impression they worked out I'm not a Muslim and weren't too happy with me being there. I had to jump out of the window to get out and flew back down into town. Eventually I get home and say hi to my wife and kids again. I find it remarkable that the dream has gone on this long, and I am able to tell whilst still in the dream that way more time has passed than what would have done in real life. I do another count-to-ten against the wall and then sit down for dinner. I don't recall eating anything, but my family were and we made table conversation. At one point there was an older man there who I didn't recognise. He seemed quite knowledgeable so I decided to ask him "How long is left?", hoping he would know exactly what I was talking about. He seemed to no question what I meant, and immediately answered boldly with "11 minutes".

I suddenly realised the question was kind of stupid, as I didn't know whether he was talking about waking minutes or dream minutes, but I had asked with the intention of waking life minutes so I assumed he meant that. This surprised me as it meant I had far longer left in the dream than I was expecting, as I thought it would end soon. I decide I want to try smoking DMT in a dream again so I head upstairs to go and find my bedroom. When I reach the top of the stairs I notice that someone has thrown all of my drugs and paraphernalia all over the floor. I have no idea who would do this, as I don't know my family very well, but if it was my wife I get really angry that she would have taken them from a safe place and left them out in the open where the kids could find them. It's just a dream though, so I don't bother tidying it up and I grab my DMT, lighter, and smoking device for it.

I leave the house and head to the skate shop, with a sudden urge of confidence now that I was going to be showing the skater kids what I have, and hoping that I could hang out with them some more even if they didn't like my graffiti. I got there and noticed that one of the bollards was painted with a slight mistake, so I corrected it and one of the guys saw me do it. He said I was talented and they let me hang out with them. I told them I was about to take DMT, and explained what it was. They said they weren't interested in trying it, but they would show me a safe place to do it. They take me out into the wilderness and find a nice secluded road that backs on to a big field.

I find a nice cool tree here, where the trunk curves around in all sorts of weird ways. I climb the tree and find a nice stable place to sit. I pull the stuff out of my pockets and set it up ready. I have some difficulty remembering how to smoke it, I was getting quite confused at this point in the dream and kept pulling random things I didn't need out of my pocket (tomato ketchup for example). Also the lighter was playing up so it took me some time to get that working. I take 2 big hits of DMT but it doesn't feel like I'm having any effect (usually it kicks in instantly). I close my eyes to see if that changes anything, but then I am just left in darkness with the worry that I'll wake myself up if I open my eyes.

Suddenly I start to feel it. I feel my body go rushing towards the ground, even though I know I haven't fallen out of the tree. I hit a weird neon blue/green lake, and dissolve into nothingness. I see a load of different colours, then I feel a sharp pain that felt like a broken bottle going into my left arm. It doesn't hurt very much, but it feels exactly like that's what happened. The experience didn't really go as I planned, so I open my eyes hoping to be in a new scene.

I'm back in my house at this dream town, although it now seems to be a hybrid of my parents' house also. The wife and kids are gone, but I am instead looking after all of my sister's old pets (most of them are dead now). I find it really cool seeing them all again, and playing with them, and think it would be great if my sister was here to see them also. The dream fades out again, and this time I wake for real.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2013, 08:13:01 AM by bluebird »
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #608 on: December 30, 2013, 08:58:20 AM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Rebel Seven

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #609 on: December 31, 2013, 06:10:58 PM »
As I open the door the dream fades to black, but I don't give up on the visualisation. I start to imagine the roars of the crowd and the feel of the cool air hitting your face as you walk into the stadium. Suddenly I am there, up in the rafters looking down on everyone. I can hear the chants of the crowd,

pro  :green:
Sol rests her head on her great celestial pillow, and I rise from my sun-soaked slumber to claim the night.

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #610 on: December 31, 2013, 09:45:30 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #611 on: January 01, 2014, 01:14:31 PM »
1st January 2014

Fragment: In university struggling to get an assignment done on time. Woke up panicking thinking I had some work due.
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Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #612 on: January 03, 2014, 12:06:25 PM »
3rd January 2014

Experimented with Calea Z for the first time, took 1g of powdered leaves 45 mins before bed. I felt really drowsy when I went to sleep, and had a lot of dreams throughout the night, usually waking up after them. However I felt incredibly tired every time I woke up so I went straight back to sleep without writing them down. Need to improve my sleeping pattern before doing this again I think...
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #613 on: January 06, 2014, 12:21:03 AM »
You're talking about "powdered leaves" ..  What's that ?
A way to attain lucidity  ?

Otherwise... I really enjoy your dream journal. I'm currently reading it but 41 pages contain many nights  :razz:

Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #614 on: January 06, 2014, 01:44:29 AM »
You're talking about "powdered leaves" ..  What's that ?
A way to attain lucidity  ?

The leaves are a plant called Calea Zacatechichi, which is a way to help you have more vivid and intense dreams, and it can help with lucidity too. However, I think it's better if you put the leaves into a tea or smoke them rather than crushing them to a powder, so I will try that in future

Otherwise... I really enjoy your dream journal. I'm currently reading it but 41 pages contain many nights  :razz:

Haha yeah it's quite a bit to get through, but I'm glad to hear you're enjoying reading my dreams and I hope it can give you some encouragement and inspiration :)
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