Author Topic: ** Baby steps by bluebird **  (Read 110479 times)

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #660 on: January 30, 2014, 08:59:53 AM »
30th January 2014

I am on tour again with the frisbee team and we are visiting Wolverhampton. We have a part and we all get quite drunk. I have difficulty saying some sentences which some of the girls seem to find cute. Sometimes it's funny, but after a while it gets annoying. At one point we are walking somewhere and I hear a drunk guy behind me hitting on the captain. I know the captain and her boyfriend and they are both really nice, so this seems highly inappropriate. However, to my surprise she doesn't seem to be saying no to him, and after eavesdropping a while I hear them talking about past times they've had sex and keeping it secret. This horrifies me and I wonder if I should say something or not.

Suddenly everyone around me becomes aware that I am eavesdropping and they start talking about me. I zone out pretending not to hear but the things they are saying get more and more nasty, as if they are provoking me. It's really not a pleasant experience, but fortunately it stops quite quickly. After that I realise where we have walked to. We seem to be in my neighbour's garden and they have an absolutely fantastic view. There is a train line right next to it with a big freight train going past, to the right I can see the ride nemesis from Alton Towers, and in the distance is the castle from Disneyland. I had no idea all this stuff was here, and there is also a beautiful sunset as well. I wonder why I never knew about these things being here before, and think how much luckier my neighbour is to see all this cool stuff (honestly didn't even contemplate that I might be dreaming).

I mention that I've never been to Disneyland and someone tells me we have to go, so we start walking in that direction. Eventually we get completely lost, and we are back in Wolverhampton. We give up trying to find Disneyland and everyone agrees we should go on the Smiler instead (new ride at Alton Towers). I start to wonder if this is a good idea as we have already wasted a lot of the day so there will be lots of people there by now and longer queues.

We then go to an air rifle range which looks like it will be a lot of fun. As we approach the range we see these big sheets up which are obviously sealing off the range. We pass through them and one by one we line up to shoot. When I get to the front someone forces my head down as if we are in a warzone. I think it's unnecessary but I stay crouched low until they let me back up. I am pointed to an empty spot and look at the gun and pellets. I expect someone to tell me what to do, but the staff are quite lazy and I can't attract their attention. Finally I get one of them and he just says "It's a gun, put the pellet in and pull the trigger". I got that much on my own, but I expected some sort of rules or something.

I load the gun and carefully take aim at the target, however people keep walking up to collect their own target and I don't want to shoot until everyone is back on my side of the range. I get anxious to have my go but remain patient while I wait. Suddenly I see some kids running around behind the targets, and then a baby sitting on top of one of them. This is all fucked up, and nobody is stopping them. Some people are still pointing the guns forward but obviously waiting until the kids move before shooting. One wrong move and the kids could be dead. I shout out expecting their parents to be near but they are nowhere to be seen. Eventually the kids go away but by this point I have put my gun down and got my intentions firmly set on leaving, so I get out of there.


I'm in a bar and my friend disappears to go to the toilet. When he comes back he starts whispering that he did cocaine, and I tell him not to talk about it as he works in this bar and he shouldn't attract attention in front of his colleagues. He then starts dancing and laughing stupidly, and he has white powder on his nose. He looks absolutely ridiculous and I tell him to try and control himself a bit. He then starts talking to some man who looks like a bit of a tramp, but I can't hear the conversation so I don't really know what's going on. I decide that I've done all I can and he's not in any danger, so I just let my friend be all chatty and hyper with this guy and talk to someone else in the meantime.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 09:07:37 AM by bluebird »
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #661 on: January 31, 2014, 01:48:16 PM »
31st January 2014

Fragment: Taking my niece to the Disney store, they have these cool things for kids to sit in and then a load of beach balls inflate and squash them up against the side of the glass. It looks pretty fun.


Fragment: I'm lying back in bed and pj is in another bed not too far away from me. Someone is telling us to WILD, and I am trying to visualize the scene we are trying to achieve, I get the impression pj is trying it too.
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #662 on: January 31, 2014, 03:11:16 PM »
*impatiently waiting for pj to respond and see if he, too was trying to WILD*

Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #663 on: February 01, 2014, 02:39:25 AM »
Not a bad start to the month.

1st February 2014

I am in a dream where I am returning to a workplace after some sort of absence while they upgraded the company headquarters. It seems they have turned the offices into these portable pods which can be moved around by cranes to change the layout of the office at any time. To get to our office we need to get onto some sort of conveyor belt with seats, which looks kind of like a large version of the ones they have in sushi restaurants. I grab a seat and start being transported towards, and then inside, the building. I look around and see lots of aluminium and bright yellow beams, it all looks very space-age like.

Once we're inside, I notice there are big piles of various sweets (candy) in the middle of the conveyor belt track. We are supposed to scoop up as much as we can, but we are also allowed to steal from other people if they don't guard theirs properly. I build up a reasonable sized pile, but then something distracts me and when I look back down all my sweets are gone. I get really angry and start shouting that it's unfair, but nobody shows me any sympathy so I just have to start collecting again. I find a yellow sweet which looks kind of nice and start eating it. It's really melted and gooey, and very difficult to eat; tasted quite nice though.

The dream skips forward a bit and I am in a car with some other people from work, I am sitting directly behind the driver. We are going to some city for a meeting or to pick something up, I don't exactly remember. As we approach the city I look out of the window and see some city walls. They are absolutely massive and black, with lots of real gold for decorations on them. I remember mentioning just due to the sheer size of them, that these look like the walls outside Mordor.

To get in, we have to drive across a long suspension bridge. The journey is mostly uneventful, but then at one point there is a bit where one of the road lanes dips downwards. Our driver goes down there, and the wing mirror of the car hits a wall because it's quite thin. We drive back up onto the main part of the road, and then I notice the car is veering to the right. The driver seems to be unconscious, so I shout at the girl in the front passenger seat to take the wheel. She does nothing at all, and eventually I have to lean forward and take the wheel. I do a decent job of steering until the driver eventually wakes up and slams on the brakes. We swerve a bit and crash, but we don't fall off the bridge and nobody is hurt.

We end up getting on some sort of bus the rest of the way. One of my friends is on the bus, and at some point he gets out at a stop and starts playing by a lake. At first he is just dipping his feet at the water's edge, but then he falls in and I hear a thud and get worried that he hit his head on the bottom. I see his figure swimming under the surface and he looks fine. I see him swim quite far across the lake and then the bus keeps on driving.

Once we get to where we need to be, I remark on the fact that I managed to save everyone's lives earlier. I am really proud of this, but it doesn't seem like a very likely scenario. I also notice that the floor is uneven, causing everyone to be constantly sliding down in one direction and having to readjust their footing every now and then. This can't be right, and I determine that I am dreaming. I casually mention it to the other people in my team, and they don't react too badly to it so maybe they knew all along, or are used to the concept of dreams. We all sit down on some Arriga sofas and start talking. I tell them that we can do this any time, and we should probably do something a bit more interesting while we are lucid.

At this point the dream fades, but I hear a friend's voice and focus on it until I notice that I am in my parent's living room and his face is there. My Mum is here too, and they are both watching TV. I notice that if I stand above the TV and look down it is not on, but if I stare at it in the normal perpendicular viewing plane it works fine. I say goodbye to them both and walk out of the house to find something to do. It is night, and very dark, so I decide to fly up and have a look around. I look up and see lots of stars, and several shooting stars as well. The night sky looks very appealing, so I decide to try and fly up into space. Once I get above the level of the house I decide to lie back and float up that way, so I can get a better view, and because I've never flown like this in a lucid before.

I get quite high up but for some reason there is still a treeline up here, so I grab onto the tallest tree and decide to stay here for the nice view of the stars. Suddenly all the colours start changing, and both the sky and the trees look like this sort of pattern except in blue and green and yellow. I then jump out of the tree and everything is back to the normal night colours, and I am plummeting towards the city of London. I can see in the distance Big Ben, The Shard, and loads of other recognisable places in London. I remember thinking at the time that this seems quite realistic for a dream. I also notice that the buildings seem to be rendering in one at a time, almost like a computer game loading. This makes me contemplate dreams as I am falling, thinking that maybe our brain is not powerful enough to generate the entire city instantaneously. On reflection, that is probably not the case and there must be another reason for it.

As I get closer to the ground, I decide I don't want to hit it quickly so I reach to my right and assume there is a parachute cord there. There is, so I pull the cord and float down gently. As I land, the dream disappears and I feel myself inbetween dream states again. I eventually move my head to try and see if there is anything around me, but I consciously feel my real head move, and this wakes me up.


I lie in bed and try to WILD. I get some very sharp and vivid HI but it is often very instant and then it goes away. Eventually I find myself conscious in my bed sitting upright, so I do an RC and become lucid. Since waking from the previous dream I checked MM and decided I wanted to go to Bora Bora. I open my bedroom door a crack and try to imagine bright blue sunshine coming out of it. This doesn't work and when I open it it is just the rest of my house. I try again on the next door but to no avail. I go outside and decide to fly around to try and find Bora Bora.

I take off but there are low clouds, however once I fly through them they seem to disappear and I can see clearly. I don't see any beautiful landscape that looks like Bora Bora, however I see an airport and get the idea to borrow a plane to help me fly faster. I land near some jets and I take one of them. Taking off is really easy, however the jet is quite difficult to fly. It seems to stall all the time, and I have a lot of trouble gaining too much height, although I am going really fast. Eventually I crash the plane straight into the ground and die.

I get the idea to try and "respawn" in Bora Bora, so I think about it and almost instantly I am there. I am pleasantly surprised by how well this transition worked, and I start to take a look around and explore. I notice that all the characters and people on this island are drawn in the minecraft art style, even though the sea and land seems to be quite normal. I go up to one person and start talking to them in order to get the gold MMP challenge award. They seem to be an NPC, and they are setting me a quest of going digging in the island to find 4 scrolls. It says the quest time is over 2 hours, and I do not fancy that so I decline. I lose the dream shortly after.


I am lucid in a dream where I am some sort of actor with Jonah Hill and someone else. We seem to be in Breaking Bad or something like that, I don't remember too much of what was going on. At one point I am right next to a large window and I look out and start playing with things. I notice lots of clocks and someone comes over and talks to me about time. I assume this means I don't have much time left in the dream.

I get up and wander round, and at this point I am Sherlock Holmes. I am gathering intelligence on some aliens and I have it all written in a book. I am working alongside Dr Who, who also is collecting something in a book or similar object (maybe electronic though). As we are getting on well with the case I am pretty pleased and the two of us are confident we can keep the Earth safe. However, some little kid comes over and steals my book and tries to make a getaway. I chase after them and they have somehow managed to put it inside a beer can. They drop it and run, and I try and rip the can open to get it out, but by the time that is done it is far too wet to be salvaged.

I drop to the ground screaming and crying, as all my work is lost and the planet is probably screwed. I hear a girl near me laughing at me, and think "if only she knew". The Doctor comes over and tells me we have to run, so we do. Suddenly these cyborg-like alien men with little yellow laser swords start chasing us. I have to follow the Doctor up several ladders, which we are retracting once the alien men get near us. On the last ladder, I am the last one to get on so they retract it with me still on it. The men start stacking up on each other's shoulders to be able to catch up to us. One of them grabs my leg and as I try to shake it off, I feel my real legs moving and wake up.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 05:04:28 AM by bluebird »
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Offline Shellidfl

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #664 on: February 01, 2014, 11:00:15 AM »
bluebird - the first part was almost 1984'ish to me.  Scary!

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #665 on: February 03, 2014, 10:13:12 AM »
Haha breaking bad, Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Who all in the same dream, good deal! Awesome lucid man, glad to see your getting a good start to this month!
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Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #666 on: February 03, 2014, 01:44:37 PM »
3rd February 2014

I keep waking up and falling back to sleep into the same dream, which after a while means I'm lucid. I am in some sort of survival situation where there are evil monsters chasing after people and we have to try and fend them off. My weapon is one of those discs from TRON:Legacy, and whenever I hit the monsters with it they turn into Skittles. There are certain force field type things that you can walk through to hide from the monsters, but only if they are a certain colour. All of the remaining humans are trading cards as well which can help you out in battle. I had the Queen of Spades but I don't remember what that does now.
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #667 on: February 05, 2014, 07:15:57 AM »
... Funny.. I lost a bet to my best friend and he made me play through the entire tron videogame in one sitting.. 19 hours.. During that time, we ate an entire bag of skittles and my little sister was pissed at me because I wouldn't come downstairs to play cards with her and her friend.

That sounds like an awesome dream, btw.
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Offline bluebird

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #668 on: February 05, 2014, 11:39:47 AM »
Maybe I can tap into your memories, Duece  :sparkles:
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #669 on: February 05, 2014, 04:30:16 PM »
The only cool ones involve fantasy, fireworks, loud music, and motorcycles... So I hope you can tap into those specifically or you're in for an awful lot of mediocrity XD
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #670 on: February 05, 2014, 04:35:24 PM »
Monsters that turn to skittles when killed? That is some kind of genius I think. I hope next time I kill a monster it'll turn into chocolate or doritos.
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #671 on: February 05, 2014, 08:47:09 PM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #672 on: February 05, 2014, 11:16:19 PM »
Monsters that turn to skittles when killed? That is some kind of genius I think. I hope next time I kill a monster it'll turn into chocolate or doritos.

It was inspired by a TV advert I saw for skittles where everything a man touches turns into skittles.

Your recall is just insanely good these days!

Sometimes it is. I should really work on it more though so that it is consistently good instead of sporadically.
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #673 on: February 08, 2014, 07:39:36 AM »
8th February 2014

Fragment: I have scratched someone and they have some surprisingly deep red bloody cuts, so I feel really bad about it. I then notice someone else has similar scratch marks, but I don't think it was me who did that to them.
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Re: ** Baby steps by bluebird **
« Reply #674 on: February 10, 2014, 11:35:53 AM »
8th February 2014

Fragment: I have scratched someone and they have some surprisingly deep red bloody cuts, so I feel really bad about it. I then notice someone else has similar scratch marks, but I don't think it was me who did that to them.
I hate to wound people in dreams. The feeling is always nasty :?
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