Author Topic: Costly Dreams  (Read 12903 times)

Offline costlycapybara

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Re: Costly Dreams
« Reply #30 on: March 25, 2012, 01:46:23 PM »
March 25th, 2012

I wake up and once again no recall.  I go back to sleep in hopes of possibly having a fragment.  Wake up again and I have something, but I am awoken from my gf's phone ringing.  She starts talking as I'm running around the room mad.  Got my DJ, closed the bedroom door, but I lost it.  I sit down at the kitchen table and stare at the blank page where a dream was supposed to be written.  As I do that another dream comes back to me.  May be it was from the first awakening, may be it was the same dream, but my mind sold it to me as a different one.... doesn't matter.

The disease

Me and my girlfriend are in Paris.  Walking alongside a river.  She says that she has something for me.  She takes out a poland spring water bottle full of white powder like substance and pours it on my arm.  She says its the bubonic plague and I earned it (I actually think it is at this point I realized I was in Paris).  She says she is angry at me and she had her reasons to do this.

I run home to shower in hopes that it does not take effect right away.  As I am going home I am starting to think about my relatives: my mother, my dad.  I thought I would say goodbye for the last time, but not say that I am in danger of having the sickness.  At this point the dream started changing.  I am still running home and still to call my relatives, but now it is for a different reason.  The sickness takes a step back.  I almost forget about it.  I want to call them because of "inevitability of death," as I remember it.  I want to make sure I talk to them because you never know when it will be my last time.


Glad to have something down for this morning, even if it is not a lucid.

Offline bluebird

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Re: Costly Dreams
« Reply #31 on: March 25, 2012, 07:58:32 PM »
Woohoo, away you go!

You'll get a lot of very worrying dreams like that, but after a while you will always notice them as DS and it will trigger lucidity.

P.s. is it day 9 yet? ;)
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Offline costlycapybara

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Re: Costly Dreams
« Reply #32 on: March 26, 2012, 09:42:57 AM »
Sure is... No recall today.  I had like the worst sleep of my life....

Offline pj

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Re: Costly Dreams
« Reply #33 on: March 26, 2012, 10:30:29 AM »
You'll rebound tonight and enjoy a full night of lucidity and great recall!
What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.


Offline Caradon

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Re: Costly Dreams
« Reply #34 on: March 26, 2012, 03:09:23 PM »
Costly, I know you're excited to get this Lucidity thing going. That is good. The more excited you are about something, the more likely it is that you will think about it in your dreams. Just remember that the most important qualities for a Lucid Dreamer to have, is both patience and persistence. Everyone is different. It's good to look to others for inspiration, but try not to compare your progress to what others are doing. You could be setting yourself up for frustration. Don't over rush yourself. If you have gone an extended period of time with no recall at all, it could take a little bit of work to get recall up to par. The more you work at remembering your dreams, the more they will come back to you. It usually starts a little bit at a time. A fragment here and there, until you wake up one night just blown away by the awesome vivid dream you just had. Remember, non Lucid dreaming is a hell of a lot of fun too, Lucidity is the icing on the cake.  

Have patience. Stick with it. Enjoy all your dreams as they come to you. If you find yourself nearly realizing you are in a dream, but missing out on the opportunity. Don't get frustrated. That's part of the process. It just means you're nearly there.

It will happen.  

Good luck.  :)
« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 03:24:44 PM by Caradon »

Offline costlycapybara

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Re: Costly Dreams
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2012, 09:24:57 AM »
March 27, 2012

My fucking cat this morning didn't let me sleep.  His tail was in my face, meowing, biting my foot... :mad:
Its ok though. Manage to scrape two fragments from the walls of my brain:

Again football
Starts when Gronkowski gets injured against the Ravens back in the AFC championship game.  I'm in the game, but we are playing for my college team.  I actually see him get injured.  After the game we are all changing in the same locker room.  Both guys and girls (really?) and both Baltimore Ravens and my college team.  I see a girl from my high school. I ask her why she is playing for the Ravens instead of playing somewhere locally....

Waiting in the bank
My girlfriend and I are in the bank.  She went in because she had to do something and I am waiting.  My cat is there with some dog and they bite each other in a weird way, like a mouth to mouth kiss only with their teeth locking in to each other.  I feel like my cat is loosing so I break them up and the dog chases my cat away.  The employees of the bank go on a break and they leave a tray of food out.  Its mini burgers and the regular kind.  I recently gave up bread, so I am not supposed to have them... But I have one anyway. Yummm


Once again I wake with no recall and I manage to collect a few fragments from waking up in the morning and then snoozing.  That is sort of like WBTB... Didn't take b6 yet, will try tonight

Offline bluebird

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Re: Costly Dreams
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2012, 09:28:41 AM »
You're right, it is exactly like WBTB and also greatly increases your chances of both recall and lucidity. Now you see why people like to do WBTB even if they don't intend to WILD :)

Did you actually give up bread, or is that in the dream? Seems like a weird food to give up :P
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Offline costlycapybara

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Re: Costly Dreams
« Reply #37 on: March 27, 2012, 10:13:19 AM »
Did you actually give up bread, or is that in the dream? Seems like a weird food to give up :P

Nah, just watching my carbs IWL... If I went lucid that night, I would not be summoning megan fox, or flying..... I'd be munching on mini burgers!! :foreveralone:

Offline pj

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Re: Costly Dreams
« Reply #38 on: March 27, 2012, 01:18:40 PM »
Mini burgers are fine - just leave the bread behind!
What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.


Offline costlycapybara

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Re: Costly Dreams
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2012, 09:12:06 AM »
March 28th, 2012

God my chicken scribble is horrible.... Is there a way to upload pictures?

I got back from lunch late at work and some people at work started calling me back.  "Don't you think its time you go back to work?" they said.  (Immediately then I should have known this is a dream, since such thing never happened - it is my fear IWL).  I shrug it off, since I felt I had something important to do.  There was my friend D and a female DC with him.  They brought me a bag of work clothes which I was supposed to try on.  We do business casual, but for some reason they brought me what I would classify as "clubbing shirts." "I can't wear this shit here, what were you thinking?" but D didn't give a damn.  Him and his female friend DC just laughed.

Last night I took 200mg of B6 may be 20 minutes before bed and passed out by midnight.  Woke at 5am with no recall for WBTB stayed up for 5 minutes and went back to bed.  I am not sure from which point of the night the fragment comes from. May be from my morning snoozing, which has been consistently giving me something to write about?

Offline bluebird

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Re: Costly Dreams
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2012, 09:14:55 AM »
If you click "Additional Options" there is a way to attach a file, or you can put them in (img) tags but with square brackets if you want to upload a picture that is from a different site
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Offline costlycapybara

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Re: Costly Dreams
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2012, 10:23:48 AM »

This is the chicken scribble I was talking about.

Offline pj

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Re: Costly Dreams
« Reply #42 on: March 28, 2012, 12:00:53 PM »
I often wake briefly and take what I SWEAR are coherent notes. . . but in the morning can't make them out to save my life.  It is like hieroglyphics. 
What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.


Offline costlycapybara

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Re: Costly Dreams
« Reply #43 on: March 28, 2012, 12:36:18 PM »
I mean how can they be?  Especially if you don't turn on the lights.

Offline pj

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Re: Costly Dreams
« Reply #44 on: March 28, 2012, 12:42:50 PM »
But I do use lights; either my cell phone or a tiny flashlight.  I have a red flashlight built into my cell phone - that is my favorite.
What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.
