Geez, it has been a while. Gone through some hectic times. I went to Kassel to the Documenta art festival there. Had some trouble with recalling, and also was too distracted from it.
In the mean time I did had some recalls, just not too much.
From the 14th I had some good recall. I remember waking up at 4 AM and recalling fragments of a dream about my wooden music instrument, I was trying to improve it.
The next dream was about part of the house below my room was completely changed and had a garage added to it. My housemate was doing some kind of job there, but he changed into one of my classmates buying and selling amateur artwork. A guy visited him and showed him his artwork. It looked like some old renaissance painting, but instead it were several of these paintings cut out and put in front and behind each other, to create some strange perspective.
In another dream another classmate gave me some kind of card on which I could collect stamps for some kind of prize.
In yet another one I was in a club and I wanted to dance, I noticed people around me but didn't know anyone of them.
The last dream I recalled was me playing a mix of different strategy games I know, mainly Starcraft and Warcraft.
On the 15th of June I didn't get any recalls.
On the 16th I went to see a band live, afterwards I remember dreaming about it as well, but that's about it. Quite vague.
On the 17th I dreamt about some kind of mythic game that I was playing. It was an RPG and the main thing that I remember is that it looked a bit like Diablo 2, but it was mainly about giant birds and undead. I remember a skill tree in which I could distribute points over different skills that I wanted to 'learn'. There was a skill called 'small ghost', with a follow-up called 'ghost'.
I remember peeking up from a hole in the ground, from some kind of tunnel. I saw some creatures, but they were all quite far away, so I was safe.
On the 18th I overslept, I had to catch a bus for a schooltrip but I was way too late. I'm very lucky that I did manage to get there before it left, it had to wait for some other people.
But I did remember one dream of that night, even after all the hurry and stress!