Yay, nice dream!
12th of July:
I dreamt about I was making some kind of painting with plaster castings of (fossils of) sea creatures, making it look like some kind of relief with many very interesting structures.
There were some people from another class that were ridiculing and drawing lines on it, this annoyed me very much. I got angry and shouted, making them go away.
A little girl, maybe about 10 to 12 year or something, helped me. Some people were shouting back to me why the girl was with me, accusing me of maybe having a relationship with her of some sort.
I didn't really like the accusation and said that even if she was 12 or 2, it didn't matter, she was just a good friend.
She suggested me to use some kind of black thick paint that would become transparent when dried up, to repair some of the damage on my work.
I liked her suggestion very much, I thought it was very cool. I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Another dream was more vague. My brother and some friends of his were in my bedroom at my parents' place. All of a sudden they somehow got in some closed space behind a wall.
They weren't even panicked or something, they were casually looking for an exit. After a few moments they got out through a wall in my brothers' bedroom.