i will add:
* Take time to organize thoughts before bed
i don't think i have ever done this well before, and i am sorely lacking in this.... well... off we go!
below are items i have done, tried to do, or flirted with...
for me, recall is all about intent followed by action. the following are ways i have had better success rates:
- lead an interesting waking life. for me, nothing can kill recall more than just having the "same ol' dreams". it is hard to remember details or even instances of a dream of a "typical day". i have more varied (and hence more clear recall) dreams when i have inspiration from waking life and life outside my norm.
- think about dreaming often during previous day / reading about new techniques, etc.
- go to sleep by 10:30 (well rested).
- always keep a pen and paper nearby.
- when awaking spontaneously, do not go right back to sleep... just think about what just happened to you, and if some thought hits you, jot it down right away.
- always RC right before jotting. i can't tell you how many times i have FA'd into a false jot. you finally awake and have nothing written, although you swear you wrote it down!
- don't wake up too fast!
- if all else fails, once starting your day, perform free-association with random words. i seem to have better success rates with free-association than forcing it with an active search.