Author Topic: Object Weight Checking Reality Check tutorial  (Read 2219 times)

Offline Rin

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Object Weight Checking Reality Check tutorial
« on: November 12, 2012, 02:07:54 PM »
I'm not too sure where to post this, If this is in the wrong thread please put it where it needs to be, Thank you.

                                                                Object Weight Reality Check Tutorial by Rin.

Hello everyone, I'm not really good at making tutorials, But this is my first. So I hope it'll help you become lucid in the future. :) I've just discovered a cool reality check that you might want to try out. If it works for you let me know! If not you can check someone elses reality check and see what works best for you. :)  I just wanted to share it with everyone. :) Recently I discovered this Reality Check during a non-lucid dream I had, it was a vivid dream. I remember that I was on a porch next to a house standing there looking at the water. It looked like a lake/swamp, etc. Well when I was there I was talking to a guy and his son. Yes his son. The father and Son were talking to me and I was listening to their conversation when they were talking to me. They were talking to me about a festival. Do you know how gravity in dreams are different than waking life? Right? Well, the son's father decides to pick up a rock and toss it across the lake. The rock was skipping across the water like it would do in waking life.

Then I decide to pick up a rock and I attempt to toss it across the water so it will skip. But didn't work. Except, The rock felt allot lighter than a real rock would. So I managed to throw it and it back fired and turned around like a boomerang and hit the kid instead. It reacted just like a boomerang would! Well the rock hit the kid and he said that hurts. And I apologized to him so I woke up. Well the meaning of this tutorial is for objects and weight/gravity. Lets begin by picking an object. Any kind of object, a rock, a peice of paper, pen, pencil. What ever object you wish to pick up. It's your choice. Lets begin with a small rock for example. You pick up a small rock and it's at its normal weight right? Because gravity in real life is normal and when you pick up an object its usually heavy or light. But in dreams for example if you pick up a TV it would feel light. If you pick up a pencil, it would feel heavy, etc. You get the picture? Let's continue.

Through out the day, What ever object you have. Keep checking it to see if it gets any heavier or lighter. If your object example: A pencil gets heavier, Then your more than liekly dreaming. But if you get a small rock and it feels really heavy. Then your dreaming. Or if you get a peice of small paper, etc. Check to see if the weight feels different, if it's heavy, your dreaming.

WARNING:  Please bare with me. I am using some examples in this tutorial. Some rocks in real life are heavy, some are really light. It really depends on the rocks weight and size. So please don't do anything stupid and retarded like trying to pick up a big rock and seeing if its heavy or light as a feather. I don't want anyone to get hurt. Same goes for TV. Don't try to do stupid attempts that will get you hurt. Especially lifting heavy objects you can't handle. PLEASE keep using SMALL objects only like a pen, peice of paper, pencil, etc. Small objects tend to work better. If this tutorial works for you.

 Please share me some feed back and results if it worked for you or not. And if it did, I'll be happy that it worked, great job! This is mainly a test to make reality checking easier to make you achieve lucidity. If the Reality Check doesn't work for you. Try someone else's method. And please don't complain that it doesn't work, it might work for others, you never know. You just have to keep trying like any other reality check.Remember, through out the day and see if the weight of your object changes. Hope it helps. :) And if anyone wants to help me make this reality check better. You can. Thanks. :)

Thanks for reading! :)
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 02:30:34 PM by Rin »

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Object Weight Checking Reality Check tutorial
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2012, 09:02:17 PM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Rin

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Re: Object Weight Checking Reality Check tutorial
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2012, 11:08:33 PM »
I will try this, if I can remember.  Just about any RC works, if I can remember to do it.  (Except nose pinch.)

Hukif has a similar idea, but he uses the feel of the weight of his own body.

("Bear" with me, not "bare" with me.  Unless you really do mean get naked with you.   ;))

Haha, Thank you for catching that. I didn't realize I put that in there. lol xD

Offline IndigoGhost

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Re: Object Weight Checking Reality Check tutorial
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2012, 02:10:35 PM »
I will use my big ol' bear hands to get bare all the time, I am quite ravenous.

Ask yourself.

Is it the rock that has less weight, or the whole of reality around you.  

If you do get bare make sure to not be brief. I am a boxer man.
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