Author Topic: Melanie's lucid dreams  (Read 1749 times)

Offline melanie_schaedlich

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Melanie's lucid dreams
« on: December 03, 2012, 05:55:48 PM »
Dr. Melanie Schaedlich
- former lucid dream researcher -

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Re: Melanie's lucid dreams
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2012, 08:26:24 PM »
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Re: Melanie's lucid dreams
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2012, 10:36:11 PM »
Interesting dream. I liked the answers you're DC's gave you.  Cool way that you got Lucid too. Maybe they are trying to help you.  :)

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Re: Melanie's lucid dreams
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2012, 08:32:43 AM »
Your sister telling you she was not there was interesting. She might have been the "awareness behind the dream". Look for the character who has your personality- that one will be it, if it's directly in the dream at all. I also likely your disarm of the DC. I did the same thing a few nights ago, but I cut their hand off at the wrist with a saber, yours was much nicer.

Offline melanie_schaedlich

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Re: Melanie's lucid dreams
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2012, 11:54:47 AM »
Hi Moonbeam,

Great dream!   ;-D  And you found my holy grail of dreaming--a DC that tells you it's a dream!  (Well, at least gives a big hint!)  

I once experienced this even clearer - a DC really making me lucid - I am going to log that dream soon - it was really funny.

What sorts of techniques do you use to induce lucids?

I usually use a combination of realtiy testing, MILD, WBTB and sometimes WILD. My sleep pattern is very disturbed. As many lucid dreamers I am definitley an owl. At the moment my natural rhythm is to sleep from 2 to 11 am. But sometimes I have to work early and it get's all messed up (I work part time, different shifts). I have a very light sleep and often wake up, especially in the morning hours, which is always good for a quick MILD and A WBTB without really getting out of bed. Also, I sometimes take naps during the day which are a good WILD opportunity.
Dr. Melanie Schaedlich
- former lucid dream researcher -

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Re: Melanie's lucid dreams
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2012, 12:01:47 PM »
Hi Snaggle,

Your sister telling you she was not there was interesting. She might have been the "awareness behind the dream". Look for the character who has your personality- that one will be it, if it's directly in the dream at all. I also likely your disarm of the DC. I did the same thing a few nights ago, but I cut their hand off at the wrist with a saber, yours was much nicer.

I do not think my sister was the awareness behind the dream. I think it is rarely present in the shape of dream figures in my dreams, but I sometimes talk to it - it has a very funny voice! :)

My sister and I are very close and often appear in each other's lucid and non-lucid dreams. We had a really amazing experience once! We tried to meet in a lucid dream. Unfortunately in that night I did not become lucid. She did though, several times. In the last dream she met me and had the feeling that it really was me (as opposed to the other lucid dreams in which I "was not really there"). In that dream she clearly dreamed a scene that I had experienced the evening before our experiment and that she just could not have  known about. Although we believed that something like this was possible, we were  a bit shocked about the concordance of details! I have to log this dream some time, too! :)
Dr. Melanie Schaedlich
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Re: Melanie's lucid dreams
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2012, 12:04:48 PM »
The 'looking-at-hands' RC. For me, it is the most reliable, and it can be combined with other elements to check for inconsistencies. I had the habit of looking to my bed side alarm clock while wiggling my fingers in front of the numbers.
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Offline melanie_schaedlich

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Re: Melanie's lucid dreams
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2012, 12:32:15 PM »
Dr. Melanie Schaedlich
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Re: Melanie's lucid dreams
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2012, 10:24:30 PM »
Hi Snaggle,

Your sister telling you she was not there was interesting. She might have been the "awareness behind the dream". Look for the character who has your personality- that one will be it, if it's directly in the dream at all. I also likely your disarm of the DC. I did the same thing a few nights ago, but I cut their hand off at the wrist with a saber, yours was much nicer.

I do not think my sister was the awareness behind the dream. I think it is rarely present in the shape of dream figures in my dreams, but I sometimes talk to it - it has a very funny voice! :)

My sister and I are very close and often appear in each other's lucid and non-lucid dreams. We had a really amazing experience once! We tried to meet in a lucid dream. Unfortunately in that night I did not become lucid. She did though, several times. In the last dream she met me and had the feeling that it really was me (as opposed to the other lucid dreams in which I "was not really there"). In that dream she clearly dreamed a scene that I had experienced the evening before our experiment and that she just could not have  known about. Although we believed that something like this was possible, we were  a bit shocked about the concordance of details! I have to log this dream some time, too! :)

Melanie, you should definitely post that dream sometime, I would be very interested in reading it! Also, the fact that a DC gave away that it was a dream is very lucky, in my opinion. Does this happen to you often? My DCs usually do just the opposite.
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