Hi again,
so thank you very much, really, for your answers...
Seems to be an active forum, and that is great.
@Moonbeam : yes, split consciuosness... ouaou, that is very interesting. One of my approaches to the fenomenon of consciousness is to theorize that there is only one, but it is split, and in any way, "we" do not feel (not always, :-) ) that we are only one. So it is very interesting your splitting because, if you can "be" in two consciousness, you could be in theory in "all" of them, and if you "forget" or do not realize that you are only one, that could be how consciousness works.
We could begin a post about split-consciousness ...
@Specialus Sapientia : great.... here in copenhagen? astrophysics? (I am an Astrophysician too ! ,
). great !
@pj : good to have a musician, we will talk about music and LD...
to the others, thank you again....