Author Topic: I Dreamyth: Of Rings & Other Middle Earthly Things  (Read 15220 times)

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Re: I Dreamyth: Of Rings & Other Middle Earthly Things
« Reply #45 on: May 25, 2014, 11:36:12 PM »
In Hobbiton NZ
June 2nd 2013

I'm touring with a group in NZ at the Shire. I am very unimpressed by it all. It's much smaller than I'd hoped it would be. We come to Bag End and people take their photos. I let the group move on without me and even though I know Bag End isn't an actual hobbit hole, I sneak up the stairs and let myself into Bilbo's prop home. There is a square room behind the door, like a storage shed. I know there is a tunnel behind the wall and rip away one of the boards. I climb into the tunnel, it's dark. It gets smaller the deeper I go to the point I'm army crawling through the hole. I reach a dead end. roll onto my back and lay there thinking I should have went to Rivendell. It's hard to stay awake there, Bilbo said so. That's where I need to be. I lay in the dark for a while trying to sleep but can't. I roll onto my belly and begin backward crawling out of the tunnel.
The impossible is possible tonight. ~Smashing Pumpkins

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Re: I Dreamyth: Of Rings & Other Middle Earthly Things
« Reply #46 on: May 25, 2014, 11:39:55 PM »
Non Lucid: Dining with Dom & Billy
June 7th 2013

I'm at a restaurant with my family, I think it is a Bday thing because people keep giving me stuff. I don't want stuff. I have too much stuff as is. I tell them I will walk around the room and give my new gifts to others, randomly. My family are pissed off but I warned them to not buy me stuff. I pick up an armful of gifts and hand them out around the restaurant. I come to a table occupied by the guys who played Merry and Pippin in LotR. I offer them my last two gifts. When they ask why I'm giving them away I tell them because it's my birthday. They invite me to sit with them for a birthday drink. I tell them I don't drink and they invite me to eat with them instead. I accept.

During this time the guys talk about all kinds of random things, tell me funny stories, make fun of each other. Shortly into the convos I tell Billy to just keep talking. I love his accent. "Say anything!" I tell him. So he begins spitting out random sentences and odd words. He tells me to do the same because he likes my accent as well. We sit at the table seemingly talking nonsense to one another. Dom joins in and our table becomes a mess of disjointed sentences, words and laughter.

And then, Elijah Wood is suddenly seating himself at the table. I stop laughing and am instantly pissed off at him. I don't know why. He won't look at me. Dom and Billy notice the tension and say its time to go. I beg them to stay but they leave me alone with E.Wood, telling me to finish whatever unfinished business the two of us have. I'm abandoned. I turn back to E.Wood and we have an argument about something (can't recall what). Despite arguing we continue to sit at the same table and eat together.

((Alright SC. I finally admit it. It's not you who is stupid. It's me. It's all me. Forgive me for calling you stupid and uncooperative. I see now, more than ever, you are cooperating. It's me who's too slow to pick up on the clues. Let's put an end to the madness and just be friends.))
The impossible is possible tonight. ~Smashing Pumpkins

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Re: I Dreamyth: Of Rings & Other Middle Earthly Things
« Reply #47 on: May 25, 2014, 11:44:04 PM »
Non Lucid: ME Wedding & Lullibye
June 12th 2013

I am preparing a bed in a strange room, trying to make it comfortable enough to sleep on. I can't manage it. I hear distant music and decide to investigate. I wander halls to where the music comes from & peek through a curtain hanging in an archway. On the other side is a wedding party. I can't see the guests, they all face away from me. Suddenly giant eagles land and from their backs jump dwarves. The last eagle brings Gandalf and a little girl whom is clinging to his back. Once they are on the ground the little girl scampers off to play. Gandalf stands at the head of the wedding and proceeds to oversee it. I am angry that the wizard and the dwarves basically use the eagles as beasts of burden. I decide I have to say something about this but don't get the chance as the wedding finishes and guests rise to see the newlyweds off. I dash off and hide, knowing I wasn't supposed to have been spying.

When things die down I wander though the halls of this place. It seems to be built high into a mountain side. As I explore, Gandalf's little girl finds me. She asks me to play hide and seek with her. She reminds me of a killdeer, with her oddly long legs and somehow streamlined body. Her eyes seem wild too, not quite human. She is also very jittery like a bird, very energetic. We play for a bit and eventually I am the killdeer girl. I run wild through the mountain halls and no one stops me or even pays attention. All the better!

I pass into a much more impressive network of tunnels. I come to a room where I can hear people talking softly. I can't make out what they are saying but I recognize the voices, Elrond, Bilbo, Gandalf, Glorfindel. I peek through the curtain hanging over the doorway and am startled by Gandalf. He is standing right where I tried to peek in. He moves toward me. I back away as he scolds me for eaves dropping. He asks what I've heard and I tell him I've heard nothing, which is true. Gandalf then tells me that I should not be paying attention to such matters but should be paying attention to my dreams instead, I should go to bed. He is right. I vaguely remember I was supposed to be sleeping but wanted to explore instead.

As Gandalf escorts me to my room music surrounds us. It does not belong in this place, it sounds alien. I ask Gandalf why such music is playing. He tells me it is a prayer meant to send me to sleep, sung to me by the elves. "That's not elves!" I object. "It sounds almost like Gregorio Allegri... just backwards in some parts. It doesn't belong where we are" Gandalf laughs at me and explains, "All music belongs here. Here is where it all comes from. Now just listen." I do. As we walk through a maze of corridors the music settles something within me and I soon want to sleep.
The impossible is possible tonight. ~Smashing Pumpkins

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Re: I Dreamyth: Of Rings & Other Middle Earthly Things
« Reply #48 on: May 25, 2014, 11:49:26 PM »
Niagara Falls, Celebs, The Board & Frank
June 12th 2013

I arrive in Niagara Falls on a train. I step off and realize the place has changed dramatically. It looks really dumpy and threatening. I am suddenly upon the edge of the cliffs and a wave of vertigo overtakes me. I fall to the ground and crawl away from the cliffs. I come to a cousin, CG and we walk for a while together. He points upward to the Skylon where a guy is walking a tightrope. "I got to get up there!" I say in amazement, my fear of heights gone. I leave CG and head toward Skylon. It is difficult, I've no shoes on and there is broken glass everywhere.

I make it through and see classmates who invite me to lunch. I can't. My mother is there and gives me money to join my friends. I can't. I have to go up the Skylon. I get on the elevator and ascend. At the top I run right into Dom and Billy again, feeling as if I know them well. They seem to know me and invite me onto the floor to play a dice game with them. I do. We play for a while until Sean Astin and Elijah Wood come in. I begin to question this situation but am startled out of that train of thought by Wood who introduces himself as Frank. Aha! The psycho. I get up and try to leave but find I am trapped in a small room with the four, the elevator is the only way out. I simply stand in the corner and keep my eye on Frank. He looks harmless enough but I know better.

Frank eventually moves across the room to a board on the wall. There are sketches and snippets of writing all over it. It looks like a deranged dream board of some sort. Frank looks at it for a long time and then turns to me, "You're stalking me," He states. I don't know what he's talking about so I go to the board and am shocked to see that it is my dreams jumbled all over it. There are also sketches and other items, articles, novel pages, maps, all strung together with threads in an odd zig zagging pattern. Reminds me of the boards one sees on cop shows, trying to piece a crime together.

I inform him that I am not stalking him but something he might have. If someone else had it I'd be stalking them. And all the sudden a thought dawns. Other people have had it. I'd considered getting it from others before but I settled on getting it from Frodo because he seemed the easiest way to get it. But my brain never lets me take the easy way, which is why it is perhaps so hard to recover it from Frodo. Frodo isn't challenge enough. My mind needs something more! I can't get it from Bilbo, he trusts me. I could try Gollem, Isildur? They would be more challenging than a whiny hobbit. Or... the greatest challenge of all would be to take it from Sauron himself! That's it! The ultimate challenge. My SC should love that!  I am pacing back and forth and stating all of this out loud as Frank watches me. When I have come to my final conclusion Franks states, "Or you could try me. I'm not a whiney hobbit." I look at him and smile. "No. You're not."

I lunge for Frank. He dodges and runs, laughing. Instead of chasing I simply TK him back to within my reach. He whips out a knife and jabs at me. "A knife? How boring." I state quite truthfully. The knife disappears and the two of us wrestle around. He calls for help from his friends but they are now gone. It's just me and Frank fighting in the small room. I manage to pin him to the floor and growl, "Give it to me." "Take it from me," he grows back. I jab my fingers into his eyes and can feel my fingertips jab into his brain. It is cold and mushy like clumpy jello... and I suddenly know. "YOU DON'T HAVE WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR!" I yell into his face. "You're nothing but another distraction!" I pull my fingers from Frank's brain and run to a window. I look out, suspecting one of his friends sneaked away with whatever it is I'm looking for. I need to find them!

Frank suddenly shoves me out the window. I grab him by the hair as I tumble out and he comes with me. We fall, still fighting. I don't even care that I am about to die. I just want to hurt him as much as possible before I do. He seems to have the same desire.

I wake before we hit the ground. How boringly cliche. And I didn't even RC once in the last 2 dreams.  :'(
The impossible is possible tonight. ~Smashing Pumpkins

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Re: I Dreamyth: Of Rings & Other Middle Earthly Things
« Reply #49 on: May 25, 2014, 11:56:28 PM »
Non Lucid: Directions, Rescue, Reconsidering
June 13th 2013

It is night. I'm with a wizard on a platform that stretches halfway across a raging river. We are looking to the stars for direction but it is cloudy. Bored I suggest we play a game of finding directions. We take turns spinning each other and then we have 5 seconds to point in the direction the other calls out. The wizard goes first and points quickly East when I call it. I go and after many spins have to point out North. I do this quickly and when asked how I know it's North I point to the river and explain that I know it flows North to South. I simply pointed upstream, north. As we are looking over the railing I see a crystal block being shoved along the bottom of the river by the current. I try to point it out to the wizard but he doesn't see it. He climbs down try find it. I climb down as well, worried for him. He is fine though. Instead of a crystal block he pulls a crystal ball from the river. By this time he is standing far out on a rock island in mid river. I want to get to him but can't.

I spend much time trying to figure a way to the wizard on the island. I manage to get out some ways but there are no more rocks to jump onto. I grab some leaves from a nearby tree and toss them onto the water. They flow very slowly. The patch of water between me and wizard looks calm enough to swim, though it is very deep. I am about to leap in when someone behind me yells for help. Someone is caught in the raging current. I tie one end of a rope to a tree and the other around myself. I dive in and grab hold of the river's victim and try swim us back to my rock. I can't. I untie myself and tie the rope around the guy so that he won't be swept over a nearby water fall. I then call out to the wizard who is more interested in the crystal ball than he is people. I pull myself along the rope back to my rock and try to pull the nearly drowned guy in. The current is too strong. I leap my way back across the river rocks to shore to go for help.

I find an elf sitting in a tree nearby. I ask her to help the guy in the river. She asks, "What guy?" I turn to see that the guy has disappeared under the rapids. I dive back into the water and swim for him. I lift his head out of the water so he can breathe. The elf is suddenly with us and helping me to hold the guy's head above water. She ties a rope around me and the guy and then unties the guy from the first rope. She whistles and we are dragged through the rapids and to the shore. As we go through the roughest stretch of river the elf is swept away and over the waterfall. On shore I frantically tell the others about the lost elf. They are not worried about her. She always finds a way to survive. The shore elves revive the guy and he finally is able to stand. He looks at me wearily and asks why I saved him. I realize then that it is Frodo T and I'm confused as well. The elves give me no time to ponder the situation as they gruffly escort me and Frodo T up a long stretch of moss covered stairs. We are split up. Frodo is taken to a recovery room. I am lead further upward.

At the top of the stairs is a large, platform of rock. It it's midst is a very clear, shallow lake. We walk along a line of stones that leads to a gazebo floating in the middle of the lake. Sitting in the gazebo is Galadriel with a child in her arms. My escorts leave us. Galadriel motions for me to sit. I do. She watches me and I watch her for a while. The child in her arms is about a year and a half old by the looks of her. She tries to climb across to me but Galadriel won't let her. Instead she puts the child on the narrow stair just above the surface of the lake. I am afraid the child will fall into the water and drown. I wonder what happened to Frodo T. I can never think on him for too long as the child tips toward the water each time I do. Each time I reach out to save her. Galadriel tells me to leave her be. She is fine. Right after, the child falls into the water. She sinks to the stony bottom of the lake and snuggles there to sleep. "She's going to die!" I shout, reaching into the lake for the child. The little girl opens her eyes and smiles up at me. She really is fine. The child grabs hold of a stone from the lake bed and offers it up to me. I take it and sit back with Galadriel.

"You're going to Mordor?" Galadriel asks. I only nod in reply. "You are prepared?" I think about what she has asked and I honestly don't know if I'm prepared. Perhaps my doubt means that I am not ready in the least. "Is the child under the water a strange sight to you?" I look at the little girl sleeping under the water. She looks very peaceful. "You are prepared?" she asks again.

"Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if I am prepared," I admit, "Should I not go?"

"You'll go where you please. It's not for me to choose your directions."

I think about this, repeating it in my mind several times. I could go. But what if I'm not prepared? What the hell do I have to do to prepare? And what do I have to prepare for, really? I look to the little girl in the water. Is she a strange sight? Yes. But why? And who is she? What is she? How can she sleep under water? I step into the water with the child and stare down at her, trying to figure out what she is, what she means.

The impossible is possible tonight. ~Smashing Pumpkins

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Re: I Dreamyth: Of Rings & Other Middle Earthly Things
« Reply #50 on: May 26, 2014, 12:11:28 AM »
The impossible is possible tonight. ~Smashing Pumpkins

Offline Boadicea

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Re: I Dreamyth: Of Rings & Other Middle Earthly Things
« Reply #51 on: May 26, 2014, 01:05:11 AM »
Wow.... You did it!  :o I honestly didn't think it would end well for you, since the plot seemed to be going the same direction it did in the original books...

I don't really know why, but I think there's a lot more symbolism to this particular series of dreams than one might think. I mean, you've induced dreams about the Ring all along, but I think your SC is trying to use it to tell you something.
Especially that dream where you weren't happy anywhere you were. Tell me if I'm wrong, but this sort of thing seems to come up a lot and I wonder if it reflects how you feel about your life right now? Or just how your life is going? Not that I know what's going on in your life right now, though.

I think Sauron telling you to wake is predictable. But Gandalf telling you to sleep, and other DCs as well, perhaps to the SC sleep means waking up? And since they're supposed to be on the "good" side your SC is telling you to focus more on your waking life, rather than obsess about your dreaming life.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life or whatever. These are just the thoughts I had while reading along.

Really interesting that you felt pain in that last one. Your SC was really trying hard to keep this from you, or perhaps make it that much more satisfying in the end? But then also maybe both your consciousness and your SC realized that the only way to get you to move on was to actually obtain the Ring.

I wonder if things would work better for you if you thought of your SC and your consciousness as the same person, working together? I mean, they're both part of you, and only you.

Just random thoughts.  ;) An epic journey all the way!
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What is better-to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?

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Re: I Dreamyth: Of Rings & Other Middle Earthly Things
« Reply #52 on: May 26, 2014, 09:25:54 AM »
Those dreams were picked over by me and a couple of other people and they found lots of meanings in them that had zoomed right over my head. So yep, you're right, they are very meaningful. Probably in ways I'm still not seeing. Thanks for the appraisal. It's always good to get fresh points of view on old dreams. A lot of good points there. Some new. I appreciate them. It was a long, sometimes frustrating journey, but as much as I obsessed over this goal it didn't interfere with my waking life all that much.

In the end, after all the struggle, symbolic messages, and subliminal mind tricks, I guess it's as true in dreams as in waking: life is a journey not a destination.

The impossible is possible tonight. ~Smashing Pumpkins

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Re: I Dreamyth: Of Rings & Other Middle Earthly Things
« Reply #53 on: May 26, 2014, 07:50:35 PM »
Have you noticed anything since you got the ring?  Do you still have it?

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Re: I Dreamyth: Of Rings & Other Middle Earthly Things
« Reply #54 on: May 26, 2014, 08:24:34 PM »
Have you noticed anything since you got the ring?  Do you still have it?
Hmm. *kicks back and thinks over how being the Lord of the Rings has changed anything*
I had a super charge of energy to do stuff, very untypical for someone of my lazitude.
I haven't had any nightmares for a long time.
My insomnia has lessened and I'm mostly back to falling asleep at 2-3am instead of at 5am.
Last time I checked if I still had the ring, it was still on me.
In another dream I restole it from Deagol and Smeagol, killed them, and pushed their bodies into an underground river.
And after that came a pair of dreams, one in which Bilbo told me I have to destroy the ring, in the other he asked for it back.
I'll have to remember to check for it next time I'm lucid.

The impossible is possible tonight. ~Smashing Pumpkins

Offline Boadicea

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Re: I Dreamyth: Of Rings & Other Middle Earthly Things
« Reply #55 on: May 27, 2014, 02:41:59 AM »
Noticed any weight/hair loss? Skin shrinkage? Seeming lack of aging?  :thatgrin:
I have a YouTube channel: TorandoChaser!

What is better-to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?

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Re: I Dreamyth: Of Rings & Other Middle Earthly Things
« Reply #56 on: May 27, 2014, 08:53:23 AM »
Noticed any weight/hair loss? Skin shrinkage? Seeming lack of aging?  :thatgrin:
Oh no. Now that you mention, had a doctor appt last week. I have lost weight and the nurse remarked on how insanely young I look for my age.
The impossible is possible tonight. ~Smashing Pumpkins

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Re: I Dreamyth
« Reply #57 on: July 07, 2014, 01:36:14 AM »

Offline Vex

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Re: I Dreamyth: Of Rings & Other Middle Earthly Things
« Reply #58 on: July 08, 2014, 12:11:39 AM »
No where near as wild as I wish it would run.
The impossible is possible tonight. ~Smashing Pumpkins

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Re: I Dreamyth: Of Rings & Other Middle Earthly Things
« Reply #59 on: July 08, 2014, 03:25:40 AM »
Its your imagination Hun? You can let it  run as wild as you want