Author Topic: Sara's journey continues  (Read 180729 times)

Offline Sara

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Sara's journey continues
« on: April 06, 2008, 05:16:10 PM »
OK, I'll make a 'secondary' journal here. Just quickly now, will restyle tomorrow cause Tobby is waiting for me ;)

I had a load of dreams tonight and haven't even worked out the ones from yesterday or the day before. I feel bad :(

I had a short lucid on friday night where I FINALLY ;) remembered to have lucid sex with Tobby, but I woke up just when it started to feel good :(

And last night, I had like 7 dreams... with neglected small animals, toilets without a door (and very dirty toilets), this very small girl I dreamed about before, taking a shy girl out to the bar to introduce her to some guys. Owww, need sleep now!
Completed lucid challenges:
Intermediate: IA WW EF TK

Lucid count:
DILD=14??:: WILD=8 :: total lucid time: approx 3h 50 mins
2007: DILD=16, WILD=13, total lucid time approx 1h 50mins

Offline Raklet

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2008, 05:47:14 PM »
Woo hoo!  First post!  Sounds like some interesting dreams.  Can't wait to read them.  Did Tobby like your dream?

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2008, 08:05:21 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Burns

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2008, 10:21:54 PM »
Who's Tobby? Lucky guy :D

I'm looking forward to reading you DJ, Sara!

Offline Raklet

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2008, 11:32:18 PM »
Who's Tobby? Lucky guy :D

I'm looking forward to reading you DJ, Sara!

He's a dreamer too.  Has a DJ on DV.  Big milestone for those two - they are moving in together!

Offline Sara

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2008, 09:47:16 AM »
Wow, no real dreams and already this much replies. And thanks Raklet for filling in.

Tobby is my boyfriend. After 3 years of a 'distant' relationship, I'm going to move in with him this summer, when I get back from France (I'll be living abroad for 2-2,5 months, training horses and getting lessons)

OK, I think I'll just start recording my dreams only here from now on, cause all DJs I read on DV, are here as well. Plus: this forum is much smaller and easier to keep up with the posts :content: Only Pancaka will miss me on DV :P

Lucids will be in blue, for the rest, you'll figure out my 'layout' for my dream reports soon enough, if you don't already know.

Dreams on 4/5/6/7 april 2008

A bit mixed up, since I skipped a few days of recording. So here are some fragments that were worth remembering, plus the funny lucid sex in a bit more detail.

4 april:
Golden pheasant
In the wood, I saw beautifully colored peacock/pheasant birds. They were bright red and yellow and looked very attractive. There were 2 kinds: the males had different colours than the females, and had specific names, but both were very colorful.
(looking up the word pheasant on Google, I found a pic of a GOLDEN pheasant, of which I didn't know the existence! But it looked quite like my dream birds!)

Puppies being born
At my parents place, my best friend's dog was giving birth to many puppies. They popped out and were immediately walking around (like 5 week old puppies). First there were brown and black ones, but then even green ones! We had trouble coming up with names for all the puppies. I felt sorry for the dog to be pregnant twice in a short period of time (shocking: my friend told me the day after that her dog is 'fake-pregnant' at the moment, she had puppies a few months ago)

Intelligent blind woman
I arrive at a massive house with a huge garden. I enter the garden and get attacked by 2 large dogs. But when I 'surrender' to the dogs instead of running away, they don't hurt me. The women invites me in and we walk through her house. She has several rooms that look like an indoor garden (or greenhouse). In the end, she tells me she is almost blind. I'm astonished she can do all this work without seeing!

5 April:
Lucid sex with Tobby
I'm having a conversation with Tobby, when suddenly I realise something is odd. I pinch my nose and realise it's a dream. Yeah! I'm sitting on his lap and say we should have sex now. Things are a bit chaotic here. I start to undress, or pull off Tobby's pants, but I'm also 'jumping' up and down on his lap, which feels quite good (with clothes on, haha). Then, we are sort of hovering around in the air, still moving and it feels really exciting, but then I wake up.

Damn, that was a short lucid :( But it was almost 'weightless sex' :D
Next time I should take more time and properly undress   :oops:

6 April:
So many dreams, so much forgotten :( Some fragments left of this long night:

I'm in a room where I have my pet rats in an open cage. They run around in the room and make a mess. I should take better care of them and lock them up.

A small girl I know (she's 18, but less than 3ft tall) got her own house. She has so much space in the house, that part is an indoor garden, with grass on the floor. I really like her place.

I want to use the bathroom, but as usual: the cubicles are occupied, there are no doors and the toilets that are free, are of strange shape and really high. Finally, I find a free toilet in a bit separate place, but when I sit down to pee, I can't. I wait and wait, but can't relax. I give up and walk around. There are bubble-baths in the bathroom, with people inside. I consider the option of getting in a warm bath and secretly peeing in the water, but I don't.

Damn, another BIG dreamsign missed :(

Shy girl
There's this shy girl, who has a crush on some guy, but is afraid of asking him out. I take her out for dinner and say we're going to practice. She will ask questions to some not-good-looking guys to help her overcome her fear.
I felt very good in this dream, totally confident and happy to help someone.

I'm sitting in a restaurant in a riding school, after a demo or lesson. We're sitting at a table, looking at the menu. There's very weird dishes on the menu: some pizza's change into crisps (including a picture of a bag of crisps). I choose a marshmellow-pancake (yummie!) but it never gets served because the dream ends :(

7 April:

Loooong TRAIN dream again (where's Bu ;) ) with crazy inventions

I arrive at a station with my family. We're going to Amsterdam and I have to find out the fastest connection. We need to take a train and some other public transportation, but we take our car first.

I lost my phone before and in this dream, I got a new one. It's a fancy oval shaped phone, with a large color display. It fits in a pocket on a string around my neck. On the phone, I can see the track we need to take. It shows the footsteps of us walking (hehe, seen Harry Potter 3 last night, with the Marauders map) but it goes much faster then we can keep up with. The scariest thing, is that the footsteps continue even when there's a car coming from the right and the screen shows a splash of blood, but the footsteps continue.

We walk on the platform, looking for a train. The train that arrives is a luxury train. It has big, soft chairs around nicely covered dinner tables and a huge white, fluffy sofa for the people who don't want to eat. That's a comfortable way of traveling by train! We haven't paid an additional fee, so we can't get on this train.

Next thing I know, we're in the car and we missed an exit. My phone shows the alternative route. As we stand still, we're looking at a "ferris wheel" parking garage. Because of the lack of space in Amsterdam, they built this rotating thing with several platforms. The cars are parked on a platform and strapped so they won't fall off when the wheel turns around. One of the cars, a green old timer, is loose. 2 men jump on the platform and shake the car, so it crashes onto another car. I think they are crazy, demolishing the cars like that!

So, finally caught up with the dreams, pfew!
Completed lucid challenges:
Intermediate: IA WW EF TK

Lucid count:
DILD=14??:: WILD=8 :: total lucid time: approx 3h 50 mins
2007: DILD=16, WILD=13, total lucid time approx 1h 50mins

Offline Raklet

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2008, 09:58:30 AM »
Beautiful bird!  I didn't know pheasants looked like that either. 

I like the part about the parking garage.  That is funny those guys were tipping a car off the platform. 

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2008, 06:53:43 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Raklet

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2008, 11:06:32 PM »
Hey, congrats Sara--to Tobby too!  ;-D May you two dreamers have a wonderful time together.

Let's get Pancaka; he only ever posts in the DJ section, I think.

If Pancaka, Burned Up, and Oneironaut become regular posters here, bye bye DV.  This forum now has all of the journals I post in.  All of my friends are here.  I don't do anything else with DV except the journals.

Offline Sara

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2008, 07:16:18 AM »
Beautiful bird!  I didn't know pheasants looked like that either. 
Quite surreal, isn't it!

I like the part about the parking garage.  That is funny those guys were tipping a car off the platform. 
LOL, it was a bit scary, I don't like people messing with public property and damaging other's belongings...

If Pancaka, Burned Up, and Oneironaut become regular posters here, bye bye DV.  This forum now has all of the journals I post in.  All of my friends are here.  I don't do anything else with DV except the journals.
Hmm, I have some more time now for the topic outside the DJ area on DV, which I like to read as well.

Hey, congrats Sara--to Tobby too!  ;-D May you two dreamers have a wonderful time together.
Thanks Miss Beam, I hope we'll have a dream-life together :green:

Dreams on 8 april 2008

I set an alarm at 3:30 to try some WBTB, but the moment I got back in bed, I went ZZzzzzzzz

Forgot to write down my first dream, but had an interesting discovery in the last dream of this night about 'neglected animals.
Yesterday, I ran out of food for my pet rats. So I fed them some bread and vegetables (they can't complain about that) but I felt I was a bit neglecting them. In my dream, I was feeding animals with a lot of food.

Feeding sheep and horses
I'm at a large pasture with many sheep. I'm taking a bunch of 'sweet sticks' and start feeding the sheep. The owner arrives and he gives them hay. I feel a bit guilty for having all these sweets in my hands. I divide them in half, but they keep increasing in number (dream sign!)
This scene repeats itself, next time the owner comes from a further distance, so I can put away my sweets before he arrives.

*scene shift*

I'm at a horse stable and the horses are 'tugged in' for the night. On a high shelve, there's several types of grain, still 'on the plant'. I recognise wheat, oats and corn, but there's some others I don't know. I taste them, they have no specific taste (a bit like paper) but I guess the horses will like them. I feed the grain to one of the horses that is closest. I feel a very strong connection to this horse, as if we are friends or lovers. I want to do anything just to make him happy, so I show him the other grains.

Scooter without brakes
This must be some Caradon-influenced dream :D
I'm leaving the stables and a friend of mine is riding on my motoped, while I'm riding on a scooter. We wave goodbye and each take a different direction.
Suddenly I remember, I never told her how to shut down my motoped (I lost the key, so you have to let it run dry when you want to switch it off). I turn back and go after her. Now she doesn't even know how to break. I crash into her and fly off my scooter, landing face forward on the street. (strange feeling, crashing like that). I use my key to switch off her machine and on that, either the dream ends or I forgot the rest.
Completed lucid challenges:
Intermediate: IA WW EF TK

Lucid count:
DILD=14??:: WILD=8 :: total lucid time: approx 3h 50 mins
2007: DILD=16, WILD=13, total lucid time approx 1h 50mins

Offline Raklet

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2008, 08:49:49 AM »
Rats too?  Just how many pets do you have? 

I keep thinking about horses every day and telling myself to dream about them, but it hasn't happened yet.  ???

Offline Sara

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2008, 10:47:37 AM »
Rats too?  Just how many pets do you have? 

Only 2 horses and 3 rats. And Tobby has a cat (which is also a bit 'my' cat)

I keep thinking about horses every day and telling myself to dream about them, but it hasn't happened yet.  ???
Don't worry, it took me 15 years to dream about horses. I bet you'll have horses in your dreams much sooner :D
Completed lucid challenges:
Intermediate: IA WW EF TK

Lucid count:
DILD=14??:: WILD=8 :: total lucid time: approx 3h 50 mins
2007: DILD=16, WILD=13, total lucid time approx 1h 50mins

Offline Bro

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2008, 12:29:24 PM »
Great to see your still getting lucid ..not a bad one either:) Train dreams (you've got the right idea of who to ask :p) toilet dreams and sex dreams.

I'm enjoying reading the various ones about animals. Hmm..crashing the scooter..I've had frightening dreams of no brakes in a car..was it a similar feeling?
"You a dreamer?"

Do A Reality Check!

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2008, 02:49:27 PM »
ah! I never saw all these dreams lol!! I am highly pressed for time with 3 forums to check lol, so I will look properly at your dreams tomorrow sara....just didnt want you to think I was ignoring your dj and also didnt want to give a half hearted response.

Still from what I can see incredible recall  :bowdown:

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Offline Raklet

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2008, 07:15:54 PM »
ah! I never saw all these dreams lol!! I am highly pressed for time with 3 forums to check lol,

Three forums?  Wow.  DV, MM, and what else do you do?