Dreams on 9 June 2009Babies babies babies...Gaaah, I'm pregnant again

I just did a test and the doctor confirms I'm in my 5th month. WTF, now I can't even have an abortion... I think about keeping the baby and figure out if that would be fun. Yeah, maybe, cause then I'd be a young mother... But I'm due on the 5th of june, so that means I can't go to France anymore and we have a house that is really too small for a baby. Furthermore, I'm not even sure this baby is really from Tobby

After pondering all these thoughts, I look at my belly and see it's as flat as ever. Maybe it doesn't start to grow until you're almost due...?
I'm taking my bike and go to a town. It's quiet and there's no one around on the market place, so I enter a cafe. It's both a cafe and a stage for a TV show. I don't want to be late, but when they start playing, I'm so curious how the show will end, that I stay and watch. It's really funny looking at the performance from behind the stage and I can see all the things you'd never see on TV.
When the show is over, I leave the cafe and see my bike had been destroyed! And worse yet: the contents of my bags is missing! I left my cell phone and the papers from the doctor in there, so now I lost all my info about my baby

I walk around in the town and it looks like a mess everywhere. Seems there was a big riot while I was in the cafe. There's only girls on the street, cause all the guys have been arrested for making amok.
*change of scenes*
I'm in a car and I feel I'm going to have the baby. Huh, how is that possible??? My belly is still flat. I get very nervous and try to call my parents, but they won't give me any helpfull advice.
Then I woke up and was SOOOO glad I'm not pregnant