Author Topic: Searching for her Star  (Read 14776 times)

Offline Amethyst Star

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Searching for her Star
« on: May 30, 2008, 09:21:56 PM »
Okay.  Time to post them.  I've put this off long enough.

Also, here are some of the abbreviations/symbols I use in my dreams:
IDR - I Don't Recall
# - A shift in the current dream
## - A new dream
(?) - Usually means I think it might have happened that way, but I'm not entirely sure


I'm not in my house, but I'm finishing these dishes.  I'm with a group of people and they want me to play/work with them.  I was inside of some school; I've been there in another dream (my view of the school in Sabriel?)

Something about almonds.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 09:31:04 PM by Ame »
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2008, 09:25:40 PM »

I'm driving a motorcycle along an M-F road.  It's long and I don't' see the end and the grass on either side is very green.  I feel fairly normal with a little bit of anticipation, knowing that I have some destination.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2008, 09:26:23 PM »

I'm at a band or choir concert (IDR).  Something about a camera.  I'm part of this space launch, though at the time I'm only watching.  I'm with a bunch of people, but I only want to be alone.  Others come through the room and for some reason I'm afraid.  I return to earth with another guy who was headed back there anyway.  I make a phone call.  Something about a thief.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2008, 09:28:01 PM »

I'm standing in a room overlooking the wilderness (?).  There are dry shrubs kind of like the Blazing Saddles scenery.  A black man walks over to this area (near a large entryway to a city?).  He picks something up, which is supposed to be a symbol of his freedom.  He gets on this bus and the ticket lady is making her rounds.  He has no money and asks if he may ride.  She takes his staff, and he's upset as it is a symbol of his freedom.  She gives him an evil smile as she takes it.  He gets off at one stop and gets on another bus and he's supposed to give up something precious/important to him.  He somehow offended the first lady and she comes after him.  He runs and ends up on another bus in front and she can't get on.  As it gets going, he's having a hard time holding the smalls staff in his seat as one end is on fire and is quite hot.  He tries putting it in front of him and to his side, but he also wants to avoid harming or making anyone else uncomfortable by it.  He makes it back to that wilderness are to go home.

Driving down past my home (slowly), there's something to do with me wanting lilacs.  There are groups of people going downhill on various streets, some more dangerous than others.  I go down 7th (?).

Then I'm driving near * Deli.  A pastor's sermon (Allistor Begh's?) is on and I want to listen or buy part two.  I drive over by the interstate on-ramp.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2008, 09:29:05 PM »

I'm taking part in this competition at Wilson's (from Home Improvement) house.  We're all downstairs in teams of three and I'm with two other girls (?).  The goal is to find three eggs or golf balls (something white and round-ish) and we can go either downstairs or outside.  In the first round, we don't win.  We know where the eggs are, though, so in the second round we go outside and check behind these barrels which are placed together.  (I don't think all of them were there, but we ended up winning anyway.)    Our goal in the first (or second?) round was to get everyone to look inside so that we would be free to search for the remaining eggs outside.  In the last round, at the end someone has to touch this lamp fixture that's up in the air in order to win.  I get a hold of it and our team is victorious.  As a result, I get the honor of repairing this antique wooden box.  I'm not terribly excited about it.  Then there's something about a tribal ceremony involving white people who now have kids.  My mom (?) is looking out for the kids as she wants the best for them.

#I'm in a group of people and I don't think we're cooking, but there's something involving salsa.  A female DC comes over and in a slightly annoying voice says, “Don't put butter in salsa!”  I hadn't planned on putting any in there in the first place and am surprised that she thought I would.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2008, 09:31:45 PM »

I'm walking to an area around the back of JC Penny. It's some sort of safe-haven.  I'm supposed to sprinkle this white powder that looks like laundry detergent on the pavement.  Zombies (?) or whoever was attacking find that it burns to smell it.  I walk over to an elevated “hallway” with some important device at the end.  Two or three people also enter the area.  I wonder if that powder on the ground could catch fire and a fire starts up.  (I know that the people are fine.)  I go to alert someone who can remotely extinguish the flames.  I know things aren't out of hand, so I don't worry, even if the flames are kind of big.

#Some people at DV are complaining.  Not necessarily related to that, I install some program that has to do with a simple DJ or dream recording.  I know some people aren't going to care for it, but some people end up liking it.  There's a black/grey (?) box in my vision with white lights dividing it in 4ths.  Oneironaut, Seeker, Xox and others IDR were mentioned.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2008, 09:32:57 PM »

I'm playing a video game (dark brown/red overtone).  There are three people on the team, spawned at different locations.  Each of us starts out being attacked by these small creatures en masse, but I didn't know at first because I didn't know we were apart and had to get together.  I fend them off with something using a large sweeping motion.

#Then I'm in this auditorium.  We're being attacked by this large, dark creature (akin to a version of Papillion from Buso Renkin?).  Time runs out and we all stop.  Grabbing a journal, the creature (now human) makes notes and decides what to do next time.  Everyone begins to file out.  I'm there with Indiana Jones as the lights start going out and everyone has left.  The journal is on the stage and he goes to grab it to some dramatic music, knowing that we need it.  He has to stretch to get the journal, but the pen rolls back into the shadows and he has to walk up the stairs just to the side of the stage in the front to retrieve it, slightly embarrassed and hoping he wasn't noticed.

I/we get in line for lunch (some people are packed and leaving?).  They serve some meat sandwich, something else, and a “salad” - the lettuce, and the rest is somewhere else in the cafeteria.  BT asks if I can retrieve something for him from a classroom and I say yes.  (He was serving the iceberg lettuce, which was still wet.)  I walk into some class (no door, just a large entrance) and look around and  look in the class next to it.  It's primarily Hispanic students.  I act older and somewhat haughty.  I don't find what BT requested.  I have to climb over this bookshelf to get out.  I see a box of random books and chide the students for not reading.  I go through the books, most of which I have read before, saying that they are fantastic.  I see a really old tattered copy of “A Prisoner of Mars” (possibly “A Princess of Mars,” book one in E.G. Burrough's series) and explain that Burroughs wrote for a magazine.  One kid says he read it and it was good.  The last book I pull out is on “trade unions” and I state that I have absolutely no desire to read it and put it back.

#I get an image of Helium and there's a lot of large highways leading out of the main city.  There's a smaller city nearby which I think is used in the books.


Also, this was the first incident I can recall writing something in my DJ while sleeping, only to find it gone n the morning.  I woke up at 2:30am to my alarm and intended to write in my DJ, but fell immediately back to sleep and then began to write.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2008, 09:34:14 PM »

People come to my apartment to play video games.  I get on the computer and go to DV for a little while (sitting at what is my work desk IRL).

People are arguing and I have a computer program that should make them stop.  I'm then outside.  I'm looking for something.  We find some animal and hunt it, as there are several of them on the hill.

Then someone is selling DV merchandise.  Everyone's excited about it when they find out.

I start to get stressed out a little because I'm getting married today and not all is ready.  I think Ophelia Blue was doing the music.  I wonder where he (K?) will take me for our honeymoon and wonder why we never discussed it.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2008, 09:39:10 PM »

I'm in a  group of people and we're driving along the Columbia (-ish) river.  The river is wider than it is IRL.  There's a high road and the low road and at one point I (as someone else) am taking the high road with one other person.  I think there was less danger or something.  They/we begin to like each other.  Something happens and we end up rejoining the main group – for safety and/or because a girl in our group kind of knows how to travel through these parts. We're on these really awesome-looking motorcycles, similar to the ones in Storm Hawks (longer and wider than normal motorcycles and very cool looking). 

Then we're being chased by these bad guys.  The one girl with whom I/Ichigo was enamored is no longer with us, but back in the cave where she came from.  It turns out that she's not really human and when another girl is with her, she finds out that she is a mermaid.  She lives in an ice cave and there's this cylindrical tunnel going straight down in the ice and a square entrance at the top, which she can swim down and then over in order to get to another area that's apart from the main stretch of ice, and that's the only way over there.

Then these powerful bad guys in black begin to chase us.  I think they want to know where she is(?).  We hurry along the river and end up losing one or two people who either fall over the edge on the right side or just can't keep up.  We end up going through a series of large tunnels made entirely of ice, illuminated in really cool deep blue colors.  We somehow know where we're going (or there might be only one way and we're aware of that); we just know where our destination is.  One guy in particular is behind me, taunting me, and I know I have to get rid of him.  I see a sharp corner ahead and imagine myself stopping just in time and skidding in just the right way that my bike is pointed ahead in the right direction and I don't go skidding off the side of the ice tunnel.  I come out of my musing and end up catching the corner just as I had imagined.  Something happens to get rid of the bad guy behind me (he didn't turn properly, I think.)  This scene repeats itself, intermittently interrupted by one or two brief flashes of the area where the mermaid is waiting.

During this last segment, we think that Ichigo loves the girl, but wonder what would happen if he found out she was a mermaid.  She's not sure she wants him to see her, as it would change his perspective.  I think he would be fine with it, but don't know how he wouldn't handle getting to her home, as it would require him swimming down to the bottom of the freezing-cold water.  I imagine that she could probably take him there very quickly so he didn't freeze or run out of air, but I'm not sure.  I want them to get together and to get her to agree to it, I ask her, “Do you believe he loves you?”  He's about to make it there.  She's swam down and I don't know if she's gone, but I don't think she left completely.  I hope she didn't decide to leave.


Then I'm somewhere w/ JG.  He's trying to improve upon his cheeseburger and asks for my opinion.  They're not bad (I think).  Some of them are cut in half and they're all assembled on individual small white plates.  Then they're subject to tests (there's a small “earthquake”?) to see how well they hold together.

I'm in downtown P with dad, in the area behind JC Penny's.  We're standing on the other side of the street, just watching and observing something.  I think he's thinking about trying to find a good font style.  I wonder if he knows how to install a new font and I run through my head how to add a font to the font folder, by opening another font and going to Save As in order to find which folder it's in, and then using that path to add it.


I'm in this large city and find myself with a Japanese family (a mom, son, and daughter).  The main character is an American guy and he's falling for the girl.  We are on our way to a show and are a little late.  We end up parking in the back parking lot, I think, so that when the show is over, by the time we get to our car, a number of people will have already left.  Each parking spot has a “receiver” with a light on the top of it.  What happens is when we come within range, we stop and the car around us begins to disappear and reappears in the parking spot.

We begin to head to the show.  The mother hands me the tickets including the son's and daughter's.  She knows I like her and tells me something along the lines of I would be well received or something and wants me to go ahead and tell her.  I'm going to.  Going up some stairs, I look at the tickets.  The ones for the two look normal, but when it comes to mind, it's actually like a blank “guest check” from Hamley's.  I enjoy the irony and notice that there's some bizarre number on the second money line (where you write out the amount) like �...”, so I'm assuming that I could spend as much as I wanted, even beyond the amount of just the ticket.

At the venue, there are two sets of bleachers, one on either side of this large pool, in which this part of the show will take place.  (The show, I think, is something about ninjas.).  Each side supports a team, though I notice at least a few supporters of the opposing team on our side.  I say nothing.  We sit down in our seats and watch the show begin.  I at least think about the different groups of ninja (fire, air, water, etc.) and when a bunch of “ninja” get into the pool I assume, then, that they're water ninja.  There's a bunch of them and most of them make two lines of people floating next to each other, arm to arm, and a couple of people are at the far end of the pool.  I know their goal is to get above the water and then run across the line of people in the water and make it to the other side without falling in.  The only problem, though, is that the one guy can't get above the water to step onto the line.  He was successful in getting up the first time, but then has issues.  He has assistance, but the other guy can't touch the bottom of the pool – it's too deep.  He tries to get the guy back up but is unable to.

Then I wander off for some reason.  I end up back in the parking lot and there are a lot more cars there.  In the far corner is this news man who is being filmed and is talking about either the parking or the price of oil (IDR).  I notice one particularly small parking spot and think that I could fit into it, but then my perception shifts a little and I realize I wouldn't be able to.  He mentions me or asks me a question (IDR) and I either slough him off or give him an unsatisfactory answer (such as mentioning that I could actually park a car in one of those spots), so he's somewhat put out with me.

I then am walking back to the venue.  There are a number of security guards on duty because the princess is about to arrive at the show.  They don't notice me for some reason and I watch as she emerges.  She's probably about 15 or so and is wearing a very pretty light blue dress that poofs out at the bottom.  I watch as she walks along the platform, and I think she falls on her face at one point, but gets immediately up as if she's used to it.  No one else seems to notice, so I think at the time that I could be wrong.  She turns a right onto an intersecting platform and keeps going.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2008, 09:42:57 PM »
Now, I know I wrote down my dreams for 05-11-2008, but I don't know where it is.  However, it appears I was too tired to write this one all out, so here's the summary.


School, studying (others), go to see them; dorms on the street near the T's; breast cancer tests; visit B; driving; JC Penny; friends on way to somewhere; I want to walk with them; One of them (or I?) forgot their/my purse on a bench in front of JCP and we go through it to the front.  I see some guy eying it but when he notices me, he walks on.  My mom is out there as well helping some of the less fortunate.  She wants me to get more clothes.  I recall a very light, white flowing dress that is too large for me or her (IDR who was wearing it).
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2008, 09:46:51 PM »

Something about going to state; dad guesses the answer wrong and we know the answer, but we don't tell him.

The main character (I) is at my house.  He gets word that he and two others int own are going to run some exercise with fighter jets.  He gets in the jet and is told to drive it slowly towards town, so he takes my usual route to Lincoln  school.  (A second guy will meet him there and a third is near Janette's house.)  He then gets the okay to fly off once he has space to do so, but there are power lines in the way.  He thinks about a small opening in the wires for a little bit.

#He ends up down by where USA Subs was.  There's some military operation set up there and he is asked if he wants to become immortal or extend his life (~150 years) as part of a government experiment.  He would continue to serve the military.  He agrees and they take him to this platform (which somewhat reminds me of a carnival booth, only with technology rather than toys) where people are making this machine run.  He stands on his spot and is told to tilt his head back.  He's then told to eat what comes out and ends up getting a huge mouthful of Hershey's syrup.  Then, at a signal from the supervisor, he is covered in the syrup from head to toe, which, when activated, will help his skin and body to not age.  Drenched in it, it is activated and it is a somewhat painful experience (less so to me than it appeared to the DC; kind of a white/yellow pain).  It stops before long.  He's moved along and sees some women past metal crates (?) also working on the machine.  I stand in a seating area on the right side as more men undergo the procedure.

The wife of the man in charge brings her son over with some pizza boxes.  It sounds kind of good but I'm not hungry and I assume the procedure made it so I didn't have to eat.  I decide to gross out the kid to make him laugh and open my mouth to vomit out this liquid.  It didn't come out in a spray-form as I'd intended.  The kid isn't amused nor grossed out and they leave.  I go back with the others (still thinking it could have been funny).

One man sees something that reminds him of his past and he starts freaking out.  One lady from behind the crates is there to help him, as she has some ability to alter/assist with the “behaviors” (feelings/emotions) of others.  I walk off, wondering what happened.

I go looking for a bathroom (after a brief time lapse).  I see one on the other side of the “machine.”  Behind the door to the building is a set of stairs leading down into a basement.  There's something, though, that makes me think that something unpleasant is there.  I then see the director's oldest son and know that he had the same procedure applied to him, only he hadn't been able to get past an important fear and that keeps him from succeeding.  I know that my biggest fear is down there, too.  The director and a beautiful woman walk by.  She also has a special ability and will be there for my “test.”

I go down the stairs to the bathroom and come to a room with couches and comfy chairs (the layout, though not the décor, is reminiscent of the basement in the last house I lived in).  I proceed to go around to the toilet area and feel a sense of trepidation as I remember when I was a POW (in Vietnam?) and was tortured.  The concrete walls begin to trigger a memory, but I'm still okay.  I imagine that I see iron bars, though, and the view shifts so that I become terrified and think that if I do use the toilet that I'll find myself back with my old captors being tortured once again.  I leave and the woman is standing in the area with the couches, knowing that she's waiting for me to go through with it.  I have a feeling that if I didn't do it myself, she'd force me to face my fear.

Not too long later, I get fed up with myself and go back down, determined to just rush over there and use the toilet.  I walk past the woman, barely giving her notice, and into the stall.  The stall changes to the POW style, but I'm already determined.  I also fart in the toilet for good measure.

There's a spirit in that area, though.  When I go back into the other room, I'm not sure about it, but I tell the lady.  She doesn't seem to believe me, but then the spirit does something and she believes it exists.  The dream shifts so I'm focusing on this spirit who is trying to get their attention.  His name is Simon.  He's trying to think of what he can pull down from this library area to let them know.

Her phone rings (an iPhone) and has a picture of Jason Bourne, but we call him Simon and know that that is the spirit's name.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2008, 09:48:21 PM »

A guy and I are having a competition which is really to see which battery is better (lasts longer).  The alarm is annoying and hard to find.  3am --> natural, but is like a normal alarm.

(I don't recall what I meant when I wrote that.)

I'm in grandma's house and stuff is happening.  Brad is hooked on this game called “Warhammer” for the computer and doesn't want to get off.  Then I'm at this site (a zoo).  I can't take Monica (my cat) with me on our mission, so I hope to find a companion for her while I'm gone.  The lady brings out a young panther.  It grows up a little and doesn't want to stay there.  Behind this site is a large yard.  The cat leaves.  Someone arrives saying that they're royalty and I try to accommodate them (the path is of weak wood).  Then a guy comes along who either wants the girl or the panther (IDR). 

I'm underneath the walkway.  After a number of unsuccessful attempts I manage to grab his finger through a hole in the wood and stop him (he's unable to pull it back).  Then, I'm with Monica being sent off.  The host made us sandwiches.  We leave and begin to view/inspect lights.  One house has a porch attached which seems to be falling apart.

Some other small stuff happens.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2008, 09:51:20 PM »

I was in this mall going by a cool theater.  The floors, though, were designed to look like either ceiling or floor and I'm uncertain if I'm to walk up or down on these ramps.  Very disorienting.


I buy a ticket and go to North Carolina to see B.  We eat pizza and I end up seeing army officers.  We drive around and pick up C.  We're at this place, but she's not amused by my choice of entertainment.  I try to recreate the image I have in my head and take a picture (the officers and mom get out of the way).

#Then I'm in P at a mental hospital.  I'm there for the food and to see some people and to get something that was mine that I'd left behind.  A lady thinks I'm a patient but I say I'm only there for the food.  She gets a hold of me and asks why.  I try to just say that I'm sorry, but she wants an explanation of why I'm there and I give her one.

#Then I'm by the old house on 6th.  I'm dirty and want to clean off.  There's a “shower” system with hoses I the air on white PVC pipes.  I have my clothes on but as it starts up I take my shoes off.  Mom and dad come out.  A group of boys (scouts?) gawk and I don't know why.  Mom doesn't have a shirt on and goes inside.  I go inside after her.


I'm over by H's in the morning.  I'm taking some time to myself but have to go to work eventually.  A guy there (a new manager I don't know) tells me to grab a broom and get to work.  I'm upset that he has the audacity to assume that I'm only there to work.  I grab a broom and think about it for a little while, but decide not to.  The man comes back out and I walk toward the door where he's at, but walk over to my purse, grab it, and leave.

#Then I'm with a group of people and our vans stop at two gas stations that are right across from another outside of Missoula (though the off-ramp was the one near a casino).  I get gas at the cheaper place w/out the cafe while MG goes to the other.  #Then I'm watching the roof tops and ladders.  A guy (similar to Kadaj?) is being followed by the feds or something like that.  He kills a few people.  Another agent is higher up and jumps down several roofs (and on the pole/guard rails) to get to either the guy or one of his friends.  He talks about how starting out higher and its benefits.
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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2008, 09:54:58 PM »

NOTE:  Very vague, as I woke up tired and just couldn't recall details.

I'm going camping.  People leave.  There are three of us (two girls and one guy).  I'm not wearing much as it's too warm (?  possibly from real life).  It begins to rain and I need to go out to the tent to grab stuff that shouldn't get wet.  Water is just streaming down and I get upset that I do, in fact, get a little wet.


Me and another girl make some sort of bet.  There are guys with books.

Something about Stephen Colbert.  People aren't caring about something.  Now our own page. (? IDR)  Then money earning on those websites don't make sense.
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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2008, 09:56:43 PM »

I'm at this restaurant.  At this one table is a group of ~high schoolers.  They're told to get whatever they want (they're being funded by something else). That ends up not being the case.  The head guy leaves and has his assistant get the check.  She can afford it but it's over a thousand dollars.

#I'm going down Clearwater St. in TC.  Then someone's trying to stop me from going somewhere.  There's this white powder that's put on me (my feet?) and eventually a guy uses some trigger (a grapefruit?) and my feet are stuck to the ground.  Eventually it wears off and he tries it again but for some reason it doesn't work.  I think there's someone else who was helping me out and interfering with the “reception.”
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