I'm in a group of people and we're driving along the Columbia (-ish) river. The river is wider than it is IRL. There's a high road and the low road and at one point I (as someone else) am taking the high road with one other person. I think there was less danger or something. They/we begin to like each other. Something happens and we end up rejoining the main group – for safety and/or because a girl in our group kind of knows how to travel through these parts. We're on these really awesome-looking motorcycles, similar to the ones in Storm Hawks (longer and wider than normal motorcycles and very cool looking).
Then we're being chased by these bad guys. The one girl with whom I/Ichigo was enamored is no longer with us, but back in the cave where she came from. It turns out that she's not really human and when another girl is with her, she finds out that she is a mermaid. She lives in an ice cave and there's this cylindrical tunnel going straight down in the ice and a square entrance at the top, which she can swim down and then over in order to get to another area that's apart from the main stretch of ice, and that's the only way over there.
Then these powerful bad guys in black begin to chase us. I think they want to know where she is(?). We hurry along the river and end up losing one or two people who either fall over the edge on the right side or just can't keep up. We end up going through a series of large tunnels made entirely of ice, illuminated in really cool deep blue colors. We somehow know where we're going (or there might be only one way and we're aware of that); we just know where our destination is. One guy in particular is behind me, taunting me, and I know I have to get rid of him. I see a sharp corner ahead and imagine myself stopping just in time and skidding in just the right way that my bike is pointed ahead in the right direction and I don't go skidding off the side of the ice tunnel. I come out of my musing and end up catching the corner just as I had imagined. Something happens to get rid of the bad guy behind me (he didn't turn properly, I think.) This scene repeats itself, intermittently interrupted by one or two brief flashes of the area where the mermaid is waiting.
During this last segment, we think that Ichigo loves the girl, but wonder what would happen if he found out she was a mermaid. She's not sure she wants him to see her, as it would change his perspective. I think he would be fine with it, but don't know how he wouldn't handle getting to her home, as it would require him swimming down to the bottom of the freezing-cold water. I imagine that she could probably take him there very quickly so he didn't freeze or run out of air, but I'm not sure. I want them to get together and to get her to agree to it, I ask her, “Do you believe he loves you?” He's about to make it there. She's swam down and I don't know if she's gone, but I don't think she left completely. I hope she didn't decide to leave.
Then I'm somewhere w/ JG. He's trying to improve upon his cheeseburger and asks for my opinion. They're not bad (I think). Some of them are cut in half and they're all assembled on individual small white plates. Then they're subject to tests (there's a small “earthquake”?) to see how well they hold together.
I'm in downtown P with dad, in the area behind JC Penny's. We're standing on the other side of the street, just watching and observing something. I think he's thinking about trying to find a good font style. I wonder if he knows how to install a new font and I run through my head how to add a font to the font folder, by opening another font and going to Save As in order to find which folder it's in, and then using that path to add it.
I'm in this large city and find myself with a Japanese family (a mom, son, and daughter). The main character is an American guy and he's falling for the girl. We are on our way to a show and are a little late. We end up parking in the back parking lot, I think, so that when the show is over, by the time we get to our car, a number of people will have already left. Each parking spot has a “receiver” with a light on the top of it. What happens is when we come within range, we stop and the car around us begins to disappear and reappears in the parking spot.
We begin to head to the show. The mother hands me the tickets including the son's and daughter's. She knows I like her and tells me something along the lines of I would be well received or something and wants me to go ahead and tell her. I'm going to. Going up some stairs, I look at the tickets. The ones for the two look normal, but when it comes to mind, it's actually like a blank “guest check” from Hamley's. I enjoy the irony and notice that there's some bizarre number on the second money line (where you write out the amount) like ...”, so I'm assuming that I could spend as much as I wanted, even beyond the amount of just the ticket.
At the venue, there are two sets of bleachers, one on either side of this large pool, in which this part of the show will take place. (The show, I think, is something about ninjas.). Each side supports a team, though I notice at least a few supporters of the opposing team on our side. I say nothing. We sit down in our seats and watch the show begin. I at least think about the different groups of ninja (fire, air, water, etc.) and when a bunch of “ninja” get into the pool I assume, then, that they're water ninja. There's a bunch of them and most of them make two lines of people floating next to each other, arm to arm, and a couple of people are at the far end of the pool. I know their goal is to get above the water and then run across the line of people in the water and make it to the other side without falling in. The only problem, though, is that the one guy can't get above the water to step onto the line. He was successful in getting up the first time, but then has issues. He has assistance, but the other guy can't touch the bottom of the pool – it's too deep. He tries to get the guy back up but is unable to.
Then I wander off for some reason. I end up back in the parking lot and there are a lot more cars there. In the far corner is this news man who is being filmed and is talking about either the parking or the price of oil (IDR). I notice one particularly small parking spot and think that I could fit into it, but then my perception shifts a little and I realize I wouldn't be able to. He mentions me or asks me a question (IDR) and I either slough him off or give him an unsatisfactory answer (such as mentioning that I could actually park a car in one of those spots), so he's somewhat put out with me.
I then am walking back to the venue. There are a number of security guards on duty because the princess is about to arrive at the show. They don't notice me for some reason and I watch as she emerges. She's probably about 15 or so and is wearing a very pretty light blue dress that poofs out at the bottom. I watch as she walks along the platform, and I think she falls on her face at one point, but gets immediately up as if she's used to it. No one else seems to notice, so I think at the time that I could be wrong. She turns a right onto an intersecting platform and keeps going.