Something about getting new cell phones. Someone (C?) is wondering how everyone's reaction is going to be.
###I''m participating in this game. We're trying to move around the terrain in order to get to this area where we're to spy on this group of people. A woman comes along and shows us an area where we can crawl under this spot in a bush (keeping our heads over this semi-circle imprint on the floor/ground) and end up in another area. We have to crawl through a bunch of socks. We get to the other end and run past the group we're spying on. Eventually it's no longer safe and we have to head back. Instead, we watch a mission involving Kakashi, Neji, Shikamaru, Ino, possibly Choji, and possibly Naruto as well. They end up finishing the mission successfully and at the end, every one of them is exhausted. Neji sits down on the dirt and passes out. Kakashi is left to help get everyone back home even though he's pretty much run out of energy himself.
Then I'm in the Neon going through a car wash. I drive into this tunnel and find a whole bunch of foam is about to fill the room. For a second I don't know what to do and then I roll up the windows. It covers the car and then the car moves forward. It's rinsed off and we proceed down the tunnel. Eventually it opens up and to the left, we come out of a hole in the wall and I see this underground community of happy people all around me. They look very nice, but I feel somewhat uncomfortable. We get set to leave to somewhere else. We start going through one tunnel, but it gets to be too narrow and I don't want to keep going and get stuck or have to really work hard to squeeze my way through. Some others have no problem, but I don't want to and I head out.
Then I'm going around some more and hiding under stuff. I'm in Wal Mart and see some people. Something about defending someone (IDR).
###Then I'm in an area over by Les Schwab. We're reaching people for Christ and under C's white sweatshirt is a portal to an area only accessible to believers. I'm surprised that there's a portal and head there, finding it spacious, quiet, and relaxing. I head back out, but later go back to the area, only to find out that it's under attack. To my left are creatures lobbing “bombs” at us (similar to in the gummi ship in Kingdom Hearts) and I pick up a pillow or blanket, and then another pillow, and they shield me. Then creatures on my right start attacking but I keep shielding myself as we're making our escape. We're leaving until we can fight back or someone else can do something about it.