Author Topic: Searching for her Star  (Read 14777 times)

Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #45 on: July 21, 2008, 11:11:56 PM »

I'm over at M school.  I'm thinking about going to church.  Then I know that a bomb is going to go off during Sunday School.  I see myself over there during an adult Sunday School.

I'm switching from room to room.  Each area is governed by someone who provides a particular service and I'm cycling through them to get the best service (tv/internet?).  There's a new person (just a kid) and he/she is stuck doing the most easy, boring job.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #46 on: July 21, 2008, 11:13:49 PM »

I'm wandering around in a city like Spokane.  I go up the hill and come to a large house (and there's a tent over to the left of it).  I'm at the T house getting ready for something (a wedding?).  I'm wandering around looking at their preparations and I look at the additions they've made to the house.  I go upstairs and see a bunch of new rooms as well as a whole bunch of new bathrooms.  It's like each room has it's own bathroom, and there's also additional toilets and I'm baffled as to why someone would need so many.  I go back outside and there are people standing by my tent.  They're a rival news crew come to taunt us.  They throw an egg at me.  I yell at them at first, but then I try charming them instead.  I have my PS2 in the tent with DDR and try to get them to go ahead and play.  The dream shifts and there are other people there who want to play, though not necessarily just that game.

There's this series of programs that I'm using in order to see where people are./I am.  There is the main program (and a major branch-off which needs to be upgraded), and a couple of other smaller programs  attached to make it all work well.  I think I actually enter the program and I'm able to move about a bit (kind of like being in a security camera) and see people who are around who may be hostile.

Then I'm here at home, though this house is not the same.  I  look up and there's this large hill just outside.  I go back inside and we're waiting for C to come home.  It's someone's birthday or some holiday and a few Naruto characters are staying at our place and I want to give them Christmas cards.  I give a Naurto card to Naruto (it has his face), another card to the right character (IDR which one; Shikamaru?), and I only have another Naruto card left, but I address it to Shino, hoping that he won't mind.  I go to deliver it.

The dream shifts as I go into a room.  I'm going to be receiving an award from this math/code club/organization.  They're fairly well known and it's somewhat exclusive.  I go into this room looking for the other guy who is receiving the membership.  On the right is his bed behind three doors which are side-by-side.  I open one door and see blankets on the bed, but I don't see him.  Instead, I start seeing a math problem (a long addition problem with some blanks to fill in) and I know that he belongs in the group.  Later I see that he does belong in the group and there was a logical explanation as to why I couldn't see him.  We go to receive the membership.

C arrives.  I've ordered food (?) and I'm happy to see her.  There's something that she wants to do before anything else (IDR).
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #47 on: July 21, 2008, 11:15:28 PM »

I'm going through this course and come to the last stage.  It's like a museum and the lady there is showing how something bad could happen to that place and something begins to happen to the floor (covered in burning shadows, I think).  We have to escape, but the way out has bad creatures behind it and the liquid surrounding it is hazardous and we can't get back.  I know how to get past it and do, but IDR how.  Then I repeat it to make it a little more difficult and eventually the platform we're on just catches fire.  I think I used the fire to get rid of the creatures.  We jump over the pit onto another platform where the creatures can't reach us as they're in the fire

C has come home and the two of us are going over to the T's for some reason.  She's sitting in the green Buick and when I come back she's already driven over there.

There's a ranking system for something and one of them involves ninja missions.  There's one called “Bennington” (as in the DV member ibennington).  There are missions for me to go on.  I want more than just the really easy ones that I've already done, but there's a huge jump in the mission level (from 4? to 14 and 19).  I decide to try the 19, not seeing the 14, but eventually I come to my senses and stop.

I'm at this clothing/appliance store.  I already have clothes with me that I've purchased and I hand them to the cashier along with some grapefruit juice.  She's a bit confused and ticked off.  I hand her a pair of shoes and she makes some comment about ruining a fifty-dollar set of heels.  I ignore the comment, telling her I'm going to look around as if I'm buying something.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #48 on: July 21, 2008, 11:16:05 PM »

I'm trying to avoid some sort of bad outcome; I'm up by I-84; three levels of power; go through once and repeat; 2nd time, I try different 3rd stage (supposed to work faster), doesn't help, advised to go back and stick with the original stage
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #49 on: July 21, 2008, 11:16:35 PM »

It already happened to someone else, so I had an idea of what to do.  There are people after me and I go around the house/building looking for an escape.  I end up downstairs in the wine cellar.  There's supposed do be something I can squeeze in between.

Then I'm playing a video game which is supposed to be similar to Final Fantasy.  I start out on a beach and come across low-level creatures.  I'm trying to find my way around the map, jumping over pits when need be.  There's a big black devil who's behind all of it.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #50 on: July 21, 2008, 11:17:44 PM »

Grandma Co is able to something where she laughs loudly, but when she changes the shape of her mouth it still makes the same sound.  Then there's some sort of Campus Crusade convention at the convention center.  It's not that large and I take some pictures of people sitting up in the balcony, wondering how big they'll make the room look.  I'm taking a picture of the far back corner, diagonal from where I'm standing at the front of the room near the stage.  The MCs (Matt and someone?) are back there.  B gets up to the microphone (he looks younger) and begins to share his testimony.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #51 on: July 21, 2008, 11:18:26 PM »

I'm thinking about getting a car, but I don't know how much the payments will be.  I ask someone and they're actually based on what others are willing to pay.  Mark75 is considering it,. But he asks and says no on it.  Some price or bit of information makes me change my mind on how expensive it is and I might consider it.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #52 on: July 21, 2008, 11:19:28 PM »

Dogs; new person, new fleas; I go over; angry mom

New place for me to stay. Neighbors come and visit, somewhat representative of six elements (Ariel=water; man of death; and others). I'm permitted to meet somewhere.  Musical with them; taking cues, not knowing what I'm doing; platform w/ fabric hanging down; gong played; it's a hit; everyone goes home; I wake up; main actors have spent the night; they begin to file out; they've been using my credit card and ended up selling all of our possessions and our house on e-bay; I'm upset and so is my mother; We can't do anything; decide to hold meeting w/ assistants/younger versions of the bad people to right wrongs; I'm surprised by who some of them are.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #53 on: July 21, 2008, 11:21:03 PM »
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #54 on: July 21, 2008, 11:22:20 PM »

I'm working for the government or something.  We're trying to stop a bad guy.  I catch him with a group of people who aren't that far away.  Mom (a boss of mine) retells me to not put out whatever firework they have, but I want to complete my mission and go ahead.  Then I'm in the business of moving fireworks around.  I have some friends and I'm going to help them for free.

There are fireworks and I want to transfer them into some sort of savings account.  I try to ship the smaller one, but after watching a status bar for a while, it decides that it won't work.  We decide to light them off anyway.

Walking up around P.  Getting to my car.  Two druggie guys.  They leave.  Girl about my age asks if I want to buy some tainted blood.  I'm clear that I'm not interested.  She pursues it and I stay on the other side of the car.  Somehow I didn't lock it and she gets in the driver door.  I want her to get out and eventually she leaves.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #55 on: July 21, 2008, 11:23:36 PM »

I'm part of this group kind of like MTV's Real World.  A guy injures his foot and will need stitches.  The black girl asks me to call a  doctor to come by the place.  I have to borrow a  cell phone (as we're in California or something and I don't have a phone).  I go and look up the list of emergency contacts.  I get distracted and forget to call, but think about it.  The girl comes in and asks me why I haven't called (even though I was just about to).  I don't have an excuse and don't want to lie.  She's livid, but I bow and apologize and she sees I'm sorry.  I begin to call a doctor's number, but it's already about seven PM and I think he's unavailable.  I'm about to dial the hospital.  I start using the 541 area code, but it's wrong and I have to start over.

Then I'm at the middle school.  I'm trying to avoid people (BGs?).  I'm at the top of a flight of stairs.  I start to descend and see an SD card and wonder to which computer it belongs.  About every step is computers (laptops) and I'm fairly certain that it belongs to the guy I'm looking for.  I want to put it in his laptop's card reader, but I don't want to get caught.

Then I'm in a castle.  Some Disney characters have taken over and are trying to get one other character.  I decide to go look for him.  I can't go through my usual paths, as either they don't work or they're being controlled.  I do meet up with some others and I start going through the castle (by myself).
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #56 on: July 21, 2008, 11:26:15 PM »

I go down to H's to pick up a birthday cake for myself which my parents ordered.  It's actually written on there that it's from S and it only says “Happy” but I don't seem to notice, thinking that it's just S wishing me a happy birthday.  I'm at the counter and a girl there asks me for my ID. I left it in the car so after a moment I ask C is she has her ID and I hand her the money.  She's slightly perturbed by this, but goes ahead and gives the girl her ID and the money.  We wait and wait, looking around at stuff in the store (different from IRL).  After a while, I'm getting tired of waiting and state sarcastically, “I wonder if they're just now baking it.”  Then the people working there break out in “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and I wonder if they're a group from B who are just working there for some reason.

Then the dream shifts and I look over to my left and I see the play yard at L school.  There are two long tables on the far ends and I see SC sitting in the middle of one.  Then I see MC and S come in through the fence and I hide for a moment, thinking to surprise them.  They spot me and start freaking out.  I get excited, but not as excited as them and we're jumping up and down and M's doing his fake scream.  I hug S as well and we start to head over to H's again.  S begins to run and I have to run to keep up.  She states after her first burst of energy, “I run for release.”  I think about that momentarily as I run after her.  Then I get there, but they haven't arrived.  I look around the corner and see Sheryl with another person or two, but they walk down an alley and I assume they're just going around.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #57 on: July 21, 2008, 11:27:26 PM »

I'm at PHS in the 600 building outside of the auditorium.  Our (university) choir is going to be performing a song that we sang earlier that year.  It's a foreign song (I think of Ka Hia Manu, but that wasn't it).  Then the concert is beginning and it's our turn.  I have to be wearing the right clothes, so I put on my black pants but can't seem to find my black t-shirt.  I thought it was on the seat, but it's not here and I'm desperately looking for it, knowing that when I'll probably be able to slip in during the song when they're walking around on stage.  I finally find the black fuzzy sweater (which I used to have IRL; one that left black fuzzies all over) and put it on and head towards the stage.  I move in among the others, but they're singing a song I don't know.  I follow along, working my way through it by listening to the other singers.

Then someone is upset with me for some reason (the director?).  He decides to do away with at least my companions if not me as well.  I see how he plans to kill one animal and then the two squirrels.  The first squirrel was to fall into a pool of lava and the second, on the other side of the building, was supposed to fall into a vat of what appeared to be water but was either poisonous or cause him to die of electric shock.  I start heading away from the concert.  One of the squirrels falls into the magma and dies and the other stands there screaming at the killer, “YOU MURDERER!!!”  I'm sad and I know there's no bringing him back.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #58 on: July 21, 2008, 11:28:49 PM »

Something about getting new cell phones.  Someone (C?) is wondering how everyone's reaction is going to be.

###I''m participating in this game.  We're trying to move around the terrain in order to get to this area where we're to spy on this group of people.  A woman comes along and shows us an area where we can crawl under this spot in a bush (keeping our heads over this semi-circle imprint on the floor/ground) and end up in another area.  We  have to crawl through a bunch of socks.  We get to the other end and run past the group we're spying on.  Eventually it's no longer safe and we have to head back.  Instead, we watch a mission involving Kakashi, Neji, Shikamaru, Ino, possibly Choji, and possibly Naruto as well.  They end up finishing the mission successfully and at the end, every one of them is exhausted.  Neji sits down on the dirt and passes out.  Kakashi is left to help get everyone back home even though he's pretty much run out of energy himself.

Then I'm in the Neon going through a car wash.  I drive into this tunnel and find a whole bunch of foam is about to fill the room.  For a second I don't know what to do and then I roll up the windows.  It covers the car and then the car moves forward.  It's rinsed off and we proceed down the tunnel.  Eventually it opens up and to the left, we come out of a hole in the wall and I see this underground community of happy people all around me.  They look very nice, but I feel somewhat uncomfortable.  We get set to leave to somewhere else.  We start going through one tunnel, but it gets to be too narrow and I don't want to keep going and get stuck or have to really work hard to squeeze my way through.  Some others have no problem, but I don't want to and I head out.

Then I'm going around some more and hiding under stuff.  I'm in Wal Mart and see some people.  Something about defending someone (IDR).

###Then I'm in an area over by Les Schwab.  We're reaching people for Christ and under C's white sweatshirt is a portal to an area only accessible to believers.  I'm surprised that there's a portal and head there, finding it spacious, quiet, and relaxing.  I head back out, but later go back to the area, only to find out that it's under attack.  To my left are creatures lobbing “bombs” at us (similar to in the gummi ship in Kingdom Hearts) and I pick up a pillow or blanket, and then another pillow, and they shield me.  Then creatures on my right start attacking but I keep shielding myself as we're making our escape.  We're leaving until we can fight back or someone else can do something about it.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #59 on: July 21, 2008, 11:30:13 PM »

In this shop; Monica; “evil dad” chasing her; I try to throw him out (he's in puppy form); manages to sneak back in before door closes; eventually I just chuck him down main street a ways

At the snack and liquor store; C; not much money; guy behind counter and recommendations; *Buying an island(?); not sure
« Last Edit: July 21, 2008, 11:35:27 PM by Ame »
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