I come home from work and fall asleep. I wake up and it's 5:34 and I wonder if I just slept through the rest of work. I don't think I did, but I'm not sure. I just watched this movie and it's my dad's birthday. Then some creatures start attacking, but I have special powers and am okay. Then this one girl is able to turn into some silvery metal and I think I can withstand her, but I'm not sure. I don't stick around to find out.
Then I'm at the high school. We're going around trying to rescue the dalmatians. We split up and I go by myself into this one closed off area. There are words written on the wall in poop that I read, but don't understand. I run into this girl who was hiding behind this I-bar that's up against the wall. I tell her she can trust me and she follows eventually. There appears to be no way out (and that happened “last time” but things seemed to change), so I see a half-barrier that can be lifted and we're then able to go into the gym. There are bad guys there (similar to ones from Kingdom Hearts). We (a group of us now) manage to defeat them, but we know that the stronger ones are coming. We decide to leave the gym and spread out in the high school to hide. We're also hiding as part of a competition. I first hide in the bathroom in the second to last stall on the right and stand up on the seat. Others enter and start talking, and I think they saw me, so I decide to move to another spot. They say they couldn't see me, but I look back and the door is a metal mesh. I go around to the area outside of the cafeteria. There's a buffet going on inside, but then lunch is being served outside of it in the hall. I get some lunch and it's Mexican food. I listen to these other high school boys talk, but they're more intelligent than the average high schooler, so I don't mind.
Then I'm in this house in an upstairs bedroom. I wander around the upstairs a little. The dream then shifts a little to talk about the history of Darth Vader. He started out as a regular Jedi, but then went back to training when he turned evil and wanted the red light saber. It's like a story's being told. He studies to get the red one, and the narrator says he wouldn't be happy with anything less (“than pink,” I know he wants to say, but I understand that “pink” is effeminate, so he doesn't really say it).
Then we're either at the roundup grounds or on Main street where people are setting off fireworks. One guy, an Italian, puts on a good show and I compliment him and he asks if I'd go visit his family. He gives me a flyer with his name on it and a general idea of where they are. The Ts are going on vacation and invite me, so I go with them. K wants to pay for me, but I don't want him to, knowing I have money to pay for myself. We go to a city similar to P and stop at the bottom of this hill. There's one house, but I know that at the top is that man's Italian family. I mention his family's up there. The Ts ask if I want to go and I say yes. I drive the RV up the hill a little way to park it behind the house. There's some sandy ground and I don't want us to get stuck, so I speed up (after having slowed down to park) and drive in circles until I get to some firmer ground. The Italian family comes out to meet us. We join them for a meal and after a little while the mom says I need to watch my mouth. I don't want to lie and say that I absolutely never swear, but I tell her that I don't use swear words and don't approve of it's use from others,” but I do appreciate a well placed word.” She says “Funny, I'm the opposite,” and I don't know what to make of it.