Lucid Dreaming > Seekers' Corner

Mindvalley LD course

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Have any of you taken this LD course?

--- Quote ---Andrew Holecek’s #1 most popular Lucid Dreaming technique (which is a combination of two techniques) that studies prove can increase your chances of experiencing a lucid dream by more than 500%.
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Looks like it's meditation combined with prospective memory exercises.

I have not.


--- Quote from: mentalenforcer on July 05, 2017, 01:46:17 PM ---I have not.

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Most likely not very useful except maybe for beginners.

It seems like a variation on the setting of intention and reality checks, with more of an emphasis on general mindfulness.

Probably nothing we don't know about already, and we could do it on our own even if it's generally hard to do.  Now and then I remember that I'd like to be more mindful but it doesn't seem to stick.


--- Quote from: mentalenforcer on July 06, 2017, 08:39:58 AM ---It seems like a variation on the setting of intention and reality checks, with more of an emphasis on general mindfulness.
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--- Quote ---Probably nothing we don't know about already, and we could do it on our own even if it's generally hard to do.  Now and then I remember that I'd like to be more mindful but it doesn't seem to stick.
--- End quote ---

Yes. Never easy to get it to stick.


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