I'm just now starting a biphasic sleep schedule, but I've had some interesting dream results already.
My sleep schedule is:
4-4.5 hour core from 1:30-5:30/6:00
1-1.5 hour nap from 15:45-16:45/17:15
The times are adjustable if you would like to adopt a biphasic schedule. You just modify them to your needs. A man on Steve Pavlina's forum takes his nap at 19:30 with his core sleep at the same time as mine. I get tired a bit after school at that time, and that time is non-intrusive to my daily activities, so I chose it.

Anyways, last night as I went to sleep for my core and earlier today for my nap, I noticed that my mind is very awake while my body is asleep. Although I can go to sleep (I did during my earlier nap), I can also go into sleep paralysis rather quickly. Last night, within a short amount of time (probably not any longer than 5-10 minutes) I felt the sort of wave and sinking/floating feelings that I get when SP begins. I started to feel vibrations and had very vivid hypnogogic imagery. I was in a sort of pseudo dream state like I get sometimes with WILDing. I was in the state where I could feel my physical body and dream body at the same time. I couldn't feel the surroundings of my physical body, however, and I was lucid in a dream world. In this sort of situation one usually rolls out of their body, but I didn't want to for the fear that I would wake up my physical body and have to go back to sleep. Since I am only just starting my schedule I didn't want to mess it up at all. During my recent nap, I felt the initial wave, but I wanted to go straight to sleep for the same reasons as above, so I didn't pursue WILDing.
The good thing about this is that for both instances it seems that I have the ability to instantly WILD rather than waking up after some amount of sleep to WILD. If I can keep the dream going, I could possibly be lucid for the entire nap or a good portion of the core sleep. I've heard that polyphasic schedules allow you to instantly WILD like this, but I haven't gone fully polyphasic yet because of school. This type of schedule isn't as tolling as uberman or everyman to start, and isn't as intrusive as them. I believe that anybody could start a schedule like this, and the benefits of increased awake time and these lucid possibilities seem worth it!

I'll try to fully WILD and have a great lucid tonight and report on that, and give status updates as I adapt to my schedule more.