Author Topic: Conversing with Nature  (Read 2425 times)

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Conversing with Nature
« on: September 12, 2019, 02:34:42 PM »
Last night I was lucid and remembered that a lucid goal was to converse with nature in its many forms. I attempted to talk with trees. The first two made no reply, the last one hummed to me, like a lullabye. When I think about it now it reminds me of when the hobbits got hummed to sleep by old man willow and almost died. I got sleepy and let myself lay atop flood waters to float away. I wasn't afraid for my life because I was lucid but that sleepiness was like trying to fight off a surge of melatonin.

I wondered if anyone else has conversed with nature in its flora or fauna form. Or even with the elements. What did they share with you?
2021 Lucid Dreams: 8

Offline Caradon

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Re: Conversing with Nature
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2019, 07:50:05 AM »
I never have. But that is a good idea. I'm going to try to remember to try it sometime. I do remember some creepy trees laughing at me once, I think. But that was influenced after reading posts of some weirdo on DV ranting about how people should always stay far away from trees in dreams because of whatever spiritual beliefs he had about trees in dreams. There was a task of the month back when I first joined the forum uproot a tree and make it walk. The guy was all freaking out over the task and ranting about people never touching or going anywhere near dream trees. Gah, that kind of fanatical stuff on dreaming forums is annoying. I generally just ignore it though. I remember the guy being either unwilling or unable to explain exactly why he was so afraid of dream trees. He just kept ranting about not going near them.

I've been intending to post the uproot a tree and make it walk task dream into my memorable dreams thread. Because it was the first prolonged lucid I had after joining the forum. And also the first task of the month I ever did.  And also the first time I ever tried doing the nose pinch RC in a dream after reading about it and wanting to try it. And also because it was just a weird cool dream.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2019, 08:03:46 AM by Caradon »

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Re: Conversing with Nature
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2019, 12:24:50 AM »
That is a cool dream, uprooting a tree and making it walk.

That guys fear of trees is so unusual. His fears are his own and he has the right to acknowledge them but he shouldn't be trying to dissuade others from interacting with the. I don't feel threatened by trees. When hiking I pat a tree from time to time and acknowledge and thank it, or them, for all of the things they provide for us. I really want to have a lucid and deep conversation with a tree sometime. Or perhaps invite it to walk along and talk with me. That would be something else.
2021 Lucid Dreams: 8

Offline Caradon

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Re: Conversing with Nature
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2020, 07:09:19 AM »
That is a cool dream, uprooting a tree and making it walk.

That guys fear of trees is so unusual. His fears are his own and he has the right to acknowledge them but he shouldn't be trying to dissuade others from interacting with the. I don't feel threatened by trees. When hiking I pat a tree from time to time and acknowledge and thank it, or them, for all of the things they provide for us. I really want to have a lucid and deep conversation with a tree sometime. Or perhaps invite it to walk along and talk with me. That would be something else.

I'm with you on that one. Despite all of my animal attack dreams, since my earliest memories as a child I've always had a deep affinity with the land and never feel more at home and comfortable than when alone in the forest surrounded by green growing things.

Yeah that would be pretty amazing having a tree in a lucid walking along and talking. I don't know why I never thought of doing stuff like that. I usually just admire the incredible beauty of everything, never thought to try bringing the land alive in that kind of way. To interact with like a dream character.

In my uproot a tree dream I used telekinesis to pull the tree up out of the ground. I didn't feel like I properly completed the task since I levitated the tree up out of the ground using TK and kind of made it hop along. It was not walking on it's own or walking at all. I was levitating it and making it bounce along the ground. But they decided it was good enough and gave me the badge for it.



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Re: Conversing with Nature
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2020, 12:01:44 AM »
I'm really going to try this, to animate a tree and have a convo. I won't do it just yet but will get to it soon enough.

Tonight and tomorrow night, since it's full moon, I am going to allow the dream world to send what message it can through nature. I especially want to receive a message from the moon. When I become lucid I plan to introduce myself to my 'Grandmother' and ask if she has a message of any kind. Perhaps perform a moon ceremony if I can recall how to do it in dream.

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Re: Conversing with Nature
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2020, 02:30:33 AM »
I tried to talk to a couple of antsy foxes while I was lucid. They yipped and yapped like they had much to share but I do not talk fox so I didn't understand them. Hopefully next time.
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Offline Caradon

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Re: Conversing with Nature
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2020, 08:50:47 AM »
I was surrounded by a large number of hippo like animals that I thought were about to kill me. Their leader came forward and spoke to me.  It said that they would grant me one wish. My wish was that they would leave me a lone and let me go. I guess my wish was granted because I then woke up, and they were gone...

Will record the dream in full in my journal when I get home from work later. 

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Re: Conversing with Nature
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2020, 02:08:42 AM »
Interesting, speaking and wish granting hippos. I'm glad they granted your wish, though it could have been granted in other ways aside from being wakened.
2021 Lucid Dreams: 8

Offline Caradon

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Re: Conversing with Nature
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2020, 01:03:46 PM »
Interesting, speaking and wish granting hippos. I'm glad they granted your wish, though it could have been granted in other ways aside from being wakened.

It was a pretty weird dream. Too bad I didn't think of something better to wish for. But in the moment all I wanted was to get away from them, and I didn't believe my wish was going to actually be granted either.