Author Topic: Increasing vividness - the hand technique  (Read 2900 times)

Offline Luminous

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Increasing vividness - the hand technique
« on: November 06, 2008, 04:48:23 PM »
I have posted in my dream journal about my recent experiences with looking at my hands to increase vividness in lucid dreams. I came up with the theory that looking at something at a certain visual distance will increase visual vividness after (desperately) trying to make a blurry lucid dream more vivid by staring at object at a long visual distance. I played around with this and I have had great success with increasing vividness by looking at my hands while holding them at the level of my solar plexus.

I don't know if this only applies to me. Feel free to test it if you want it, maybe it will make your lucid dream more vivid! :) If you do try it, I would love to hear about your results.

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Re: Increasing vividness - the hand technique
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2008, 10:35:23 PM »
I'll try to remember to do this next time I have a lucid.

A lot of mine are pretty unstable/blurry.
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Re: Increasing vividness - the hand technique
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2008, 12:59:31 PM »

"I walk a bit unsteadily and remember Luminous's technique. I put my hands at my navel and focus on them. Aside from them looking strange, they are pretty clear. I start walking again and I'm not as dizzy."

Later in the dream:

"I'm looking at the trees in the park and the whole scene is a bit blurry. I try the technique again, and look back up. It's a bit clearer, only the edges of certain objects are blurry now."

Seems effective to me, but I think it might be the placebo effect. (I expected it to help, so it did.)
I suppose I'm not here anymore. Feel free to message me on Steam. (BUDSTER)

Offline Luminous

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Re: Increasing vividness - the hand technique
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2008, 05:03:25 PM »

"I walk a bit unsteadily and remember Luminous's technique. I put my hands at my navel and focus on them. Aside from them looking strange, they are pretty clear. I start walking again and I'm not as dizzy."

Later in the dream:

"I'm looking at the trees in the park and the whole scene is a bit blurry. I try the technique again, and look back up. It's a bit clearer, only the edges of certain objects are blurry now."

Seems effective to me, but I think it might be the placebo effect. (I expected it to help, so it did.)

Nice! :D Well, even if it's the placebo effect, then at least it worked!

Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Increasing vividness - the hand technique
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2008, 05:10:37 PM »
Hey Luminous..
.How did you condition your self to remember to look at your  hands in a lucid dream?....Tom

Offline Luminous

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Re: Increasing vividness - the hand technique
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2008, 03:32:22 PM »
Hey Luminous..
.How did you condition your self to remember to look at your  hands in a lucid dream?....Tom

I have several techniques that I can use to remember such tasks in lucid dreams. I'll need to remind myself of the task throughout my day, and I also use auto-suggestion to help me remember. I can also use a technique similar to MILD, I just replace the lucid induction part with remember lucid task. ;)

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Re: Increasing vividness - the hand technique
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2009, 08:56:43 AM »
I noted some success with this in my journal, but never posted it here.  I'm not positive about it, but there DOES seem to be an optimal distance for looking at my hands about mid-chest or lower, rather than closer.

It is something I try to continue keeping in mind.
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Offline Luminous

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Re: Increasing vividness - the hand technique
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2009, 10:21:13 AM »

It is something I try to continue keeping in mind.

Please do! :)

(Winner of the coveted Black Hole Award!)