K this is actually not my first DJ so here are some extracts from previous ones on the other forum
right, I'll start off by recalling my first accidental LD that happened around a month ago
I was in my room, it was dark- my hand was all deformed like I had the scurvy- and I instantly recalled reading an article a few years back about how this is a sign of lucid dreaming! I instantly had a huge emotional rush of the feeling of freedom, like a fish being poured from a pot into a spacious pond. I then flew out of my window (through it, that is) and into a green field where I decided to 'create' some female dc's but they all turned out like ghosts or burnt photographs or somthing, but then I DELIDed and they were there clear as day! I have to say the coolest part of the dream by far was not any event but the feeling of freedom at the moment of realisation- nothing like that feeling, to realise that everything around you is but a figment of your imagination- nothing compares.
approx dream length= 2-3 mins

I started keeping a dream diary and doing RC's, and after a month...
I was walking down the street near my house, when all of a sudden I started floating as I sometimes do in dreams, but this time I instantly knew it was a dream and gained lucidity! quickly got out my hands and started rubbing them (while still floating) as this is a stabilization technique- everything did indeed become clearer, however amidst all the commotion I noticed one of my eyes was closed, I really wanted to have depth in this dream so I risked opening it and woke up- that should be a lesson for me- never open eyes of any sort in dreams. the feeling you get when you gain lucidity is probably 100 times better than the actual flying though. I could have bet 1 million dollars that I was not dreaming, and to realise you are and that everything around you is your own imagination is like... wow!
approx dream length= less than 1 min
I was able to get a wild once- sorta. only once I realised I was wilding everything went away and I was left with a wall of gold/whiteness in front of me. I tried turning to stabilize but that only made everything black and then a flying logo appeared and flew around like a screensaver and that was it. now that I think about it could have been a hypnogogic thingy. I was falling asleep, let my thoughts take their course and stood back, watching, then it was as if (have you ever seen the movie being john malkovich), well it was sora like that only Is aw only gold/white.
approx dream length= 2-3 mins
today had a WILD+ DELID, complete with hypnogogics- was awesome!
hypnogogics started with gold (I think), then there was a weird techno buzzing sound that lasted like 5 seconds or so, then my area of view filled itself with colorfull shapes of the same, well, shape that were rainbow collored and that flew across my field of view very fast, then I was travelling through a tunnel that cannot be described in words/drawn but it was definitely a tunnel of some sort, then I finally had an amazing vista of space all around me- I was in a giant asteroid belt, in an experience I can only describe as breathtaking! the asteroid scene was super vivid, like mega-super-duper-HDTV or something. I then tried blowing up an asteroid but that caused me to wake up for a few seconds, but I was able to get into DELID - first my vision filled with gold, and then I was presented with a loading screen that consisted of squares (my field of view was being filled with squares that signified the loading of my dream). What does it say about a person when his own brain gives him a loading screen lol. next I was in a flash animation - styled world- a cartoonish world yet 3d. I was in a dark dirty bar and some (badly drawn) women were in front of my on a couch, along with a window to the outside. I remembered my goal to visit tibet so I tried to visualise myself among some mountains but that failed, so instead I started transforming the world around me till I was in tibet- first I "deleted" the insides of the bar with but a motion of my hand, if even that, then the bar - now I was outside in a city. I started deleting buildings and making grass grow, but unfortunately then I woke up- forgot to rub hands to stabilize. very satisfying experience though.
approx dream length= 2-3 mins or so

I had this long non-lucid dream the contents of which I shall not bore you with, then I was in an abandoned yard surrounded by buildings, full of shrubs and sand and stuff. Suddenly I saw a plane in the sky- it started having engine trouble and/or stalled and crash-landed straight in that very same yard I was standing in! I started running towards it and did a hand RC but that was inconclusive, then did a nose RC and I friggin failed it- I could breathe with my nose close and gained lucidity! next I started rubbing hands and walking in cirlces to stabilize, which sorta helped- I then decided to try to visit tibet again so I decided to fly there- the flying itself was easy, however once I flew out of the yard it was as If I flew out of a counterstrike map- there was nothing there but emptieness/goldness- the I woke up.though this time the lucidity didn't really astonish me- it was like "right- plane crash- of course I'm dreaming- duh!" anyhow I was lying in my bed very tired, feeling the comfortable bedsheets and the crust thingies that you have to wash out of your eyes each morning, just out of routine I did another nose RC and to my bemusement I friggin failed it again! failed it miserably! I meant I was lying in my bed, and was shocked to find out I could still breath with my nose closed, aka still dreaming. though it was as if I was high/drunk - the most I could achieve was it up and lean towards a wall- though I could lean right through it and kept getting returned to my original position (nvm). I also remember lying thinking how screwed up this is as I was lying there looking at a power socket/outlet on my ceiling next to my lamp and feeling very "weeded" even though I was never high in real life.
approx dream length= 2-3 mins

Awesome night tonight- 1 short DILD and a FA that I was able to turn into my longest ever LD, using the YAPD and the Dream Stabilization Tutorial.
Also since the two dreams happened in my apartment I have made a very detailed photo account

there was a huge snowstorm and me and my mom were watching it in my room.

I could hear the wind, some snow started falling of the roof and some of it somehow landed on my PC, anyhow I cleaned it of and miraculously it all went away, then I want to the kitchen and my mom was there- she forgot to bring more towels, I wen back to my room and started browsing DV since I still had some time before my WILD attempt- I never use my PC before wilds, then I had some digestion problems, ran to the loo, and as I was sitting there I did a nose RC- couldn't breath through my nose, but then I did a hand RC- I could not see my hand clearly so I looked away and back at it and it was all bloated, the fingers were short and it was pale green.
I then climbed the bathroom effortlessly like a spider or something.

then went to the kitchen

where I saw the couch that's supposed to be in my room, I brushed my hand over it and it was just like my couch- 100% .

Next I saw a cup of tea on the kitchen table so I decided to drink it and eat the cup but I woke up beforehand.

Lucid dream length: 30 seconds - 1 min or so
dream2:this is the really big one where I slept for 6-8 mins at for the first time! amazing dream!
I was lying in bed, did a nose RC and could breath through my nose. (FA!!!)
GAINED LUCIDITY I tried getting up but noticed my dream was slipping away so I did a stabilization where I looked at my hands while yelling "stabilize!". I started walking towards the window but things started slipping away again so I continued saying "stabilize!" and also lifted up one of my legs and started rubbing it with my hands- it felt very numb like it was asleep (lol), I then looked at the window and saw my water purifying jug, which in RL was blue but here it was bright red.

after stabilizing it became morning/bright outside. I examined the jug

I turned to my desk and touched the breadcrumbs that were there in RL and thhey also felt 100% real.

I then saw some nearly empty lemonade bottle with red lemonade (strawberry scheweppes?) I drank it and ate the bottle and it felt like I was eating "fun". The sensation was like it was tasteless chewing gum/melted plastic that disappeared once I tried to swallow it- now by melted plastic I don't mean a strong disgusting smell+burning but just the texture and liquidity of it- it tasted like eating "fun", that's the best way to describe it I think. Though I then felt my dream slipping away so I again looked at my hands and started shouting "stabilize", and it helped. I now looked around and saw a usb floppy drive that I have in RL lying on the table, I picked it up and took a large bite- Felt very fun as well.

then I saw my 19' CRT- I ate quite a bit of that but wasn't actually looking at it, then I looked away and back at it and it "regenerated" so I started eating it again- I don't think I really knew what an half-eaten CRT was supposed to look like so I wasn't able to get past the initial plastic which was very thick in the dream.

Then the dream started slipping away once more so I stabilized it again by rubbing my arms, looking at them and yelling "stabilize!".

It was now light outside so I decided I was now ready to leave the room so I jumped out of the window- I've read before that falling can cause you to wake up so I got scared of that but I landed quite safely and was able to stabilize yet again. the fall was very exciting.

It was summery outside (it's winter and snow in RL) and I was now sitting on the pavement (in retrospect I should have stood up and started walking around), but I sat there, looked at my feet- I was wearing nothing but underwear and socks and my legs were hairy- which they are not in RL and I always wear pyjama pants when going to sleep. Anyhow I started rubbing my legs, then my shoulders and saw a male DC dressed in a weird tunic passing by and looking at me, however I decided to avoid contact and just sat there, outstretched my arms and felt very peaceful, then the dream slipped away and I woke up. Overall I was stabilizing like 40% of the time but it was still uber awesome and well worth it!!!!
I was in my room telling some random DC about all the different RC's, including the hand RC and also how I imagine "lifting off" during the day and how I can do so completely unnoticed, the DC is like "yup, ok, ok, uhuh..." (In an intrigued and interested way). Then my room becomes a different room with walls made of nothing or glass and I see this beautiful vista:

the buildings are very tall even though they are the 100-year old variety, which are usually 3-4 stories high, very beautiful and detailed I might add, the ornamentation on them had the delicacy of the icing on a cake. There was an endless/long stream of planes moving slowly, as if in a bizarre traffic jam, through space in between the buildings, one plane that was flying by in the time was an old bomber plane- the image above features the closest to it I could find- It was big, green, and the roters were so close I was afraid if the pilot made one wrong move it might collide with me or the building I was in, and overall the planes wings were precariously close to the buildings on both sides- I was worried it would collide with something. I also saw one or two planets- they were there in mid air a little bit out of the path of the planes, and I could tell that they were flat- that is not spherical but just cut-outs. I thought to myself that it was very sad that people from RL wouldn't be able to see this. Then it sorta dawned on me.
[GAINED LUCIDITY]I stood there and admired the view for a few moments, it was breathtaking, definitely felt a feeling of vertigo from how high up I was. I remembered the task of the month- to ride a cloud. I took off, and started flying among the buildings, the dream began to destabilize but I said "not yet" and it obediently stabilized. What caught my eye was a bizarre arrangement of traffic lights. Something like this does exist in RL however the one I saw had the distinction of being more like a small forrest, that is having many legs.

I flew upwards and to the sky, however the sky had almost no clouds and they were far away at the horizon. All I saw in front of me was a monotone blue color of the sky and that destabilized the dream. I woke up falling face first out of my bed. Then I woke up for real.