WBTB Guide
By Tsunami
Hey everyone, welcome to my first tutorial on WBTB. I am writing nearly all of this on the basis of personal experience, I choose to write about WBTB because there seems to be a shortage of tutorials on WBTB around here, and it is such a great DILD induction method.
What is WBTBWake up Back to Bed is a lucid dreaming technique used to induce DILD's, it is very powerful and effective for most people. It is as simple as getting up and then going back to bed. It was the first ever technique I used, having success the first time I ever tried it. WBTB has rarely failed me since. I think it is a very good technique for beginners as the learning curb is very low, and I think many people can get it in a small number of tries.
WBTB (or traditional WBTB) is simply getting up in the night, however some people say that they use WBTB when all they do is get up and then WILD, or get up for a bit. However it means getting up and thinking about lucid dreaming, rather than just getting up in the night as WILDing, I guess it has been used as slang for getting up in the night.
Why WBTBWBTB is easier than most other learning techniques, I did not really have to learn anything, I just read a paragraph of a general how to lucid dream tutorial, and got success on my first night. Many others have reported first time success, I think you should really give it a go.
There was a survey by the lucidity institute (I think it was them) and they had a 60% success rate. This proves that it is a easy technique that anyone serious about lucid dreaming should try. Another reason is you do not have to experience Sleep paralysis (SP) as you do with most WILD techniques, so it is not scary at all. The only real con is that you lose sleep, however you lose sleep with WILD and such anyway
I try and WBTB a couple of times a week (expect for when life is busy) I would give it a few tries and see if it works for you. I have had little failure, and it is one of the most full proof ways of inducing otherwise random DILD's
How to WBTB WBTB as I said above is very simple. First you need to sleep about 5-6 hours to get into REM periods. For WBTB you should really use an alarm clock, which is much more accurate than anything else, but you could use autosuggestion or the water method (both have worked for me, however they work alot less often). Anyway like I said, waking up in the night puts you in the middle of a REM period (so you will go straight back into a dream) and also makes you tired so it is easy to go back to sleep.
Note: if you are struggling to get up, try putting your alarm clock the other side of the room, so you have to get up, or put a puzzle or lock or something on your phone if you are using one.
Now when you awaken all you need to do is get up, if you need to get a sip of water and go to the toilet, however try not to move around to much, and I tend to keep the lights off or on dim when needed. There are two important things to be doing here - think about lucid dreaming intently, such as what you are going to be doing when you become lucid, picture yourself becoming lucid etc, and reality checking, look around for things to RC over, and RC over them, really question your environment. I tend to just sit on my bed straight up just thinking about lucid dreaming while looking around my dim lit room for stuff to RC over. Even small stupid things can count.
Note: I believe there are WBTB meetings hosted in chat, check it out here: http://mortalmist.com/forum/index.php/topic,1394.0.html to see the thread, this may or may not be. But if you can keep the topic on lucid dreaming and you can fall asleep easily, it may work for you.
You have to estimate the time to stay up, 15 minutes works fine for me, however I do not do anything such as reading or go on my computer, because it wakes me up to much and gets my mind off lucid dreaming, but everyone is different, just do what is said above and you shall most likely induce a lucid dream. To get the time that is right for you, try taking an educated guess, and then if you struggle to fall asleep, take off some time, but if you fall asleep so quickly/do not induce a lucid dream then add some time on. However remember time may not be a problem for the later.
The final step is to go back to sleep, Before I go back to sleep I think about what I will do
when I become lucid (because you are doing it right before sleep goals tend to set
) and then I go to sleep, either normally or MILDing, repeating a mantra to myself, however after staying awake this long I struggle. Everyone is different and read the below section about using WBTB with WILD/MILD.
Ok so its simply a matter of getting up, staying up, thinking about lucid dreaming while reality checking, then going back to bed after thinking about what you are going to do when you become lucid. Lets review:
Step 1 - Wake up in the night
Step 2 - Stay up, if you have trouble with this, move your alarm the other side of the room
Step 3 - Think about lucid dreaming intensly, while looking for stuff to RC over
Step 4 - Think about what you are going to do in a lucid dream, in the closing minutes before going back to sleep
Step 5 - Go back to sleep <insert any further induction here)
Simple, right?
When going back to sleepSome people like to WILD/MILD when they go back to sleep, if you can do that after staying up for an extended period of time then thats fine, WILD works better with WBTB then, as it is nearly impossible to before sleep as you are not in REM sleep. I have only done this and WILD a couple of times by accident, however I have used a sort of mild/wbtb together quite alot of times, MILD just extends to WBTB to trying to get the last thought before going into a dream on lucid dreaming, or visualizing a scene. All you need to do is repeat a mantra about lucid dreaming such as mine - "Next time I am dreaming I will recognize I am dreaming"
You can search these methods elsewhere, I shall not go into detail here. But remember you do not have to (I don't and neither do a couple of other friends of mine and we have little failure)
How it worksWBTB works because you are thinking about lucid dreaming, so you go to sleep with lucid dreaming on the mind, and as you are in the middle of the night, you go stright into a dream, with lucid dreaming on the mind. And as you were looking for stuff to reality check over, you most likely will in the dream. This technique takes advantage of REM sleep cycle and is a great DILD induction tech.
Final WordsThere are many different ways of WBTB'ing, I am sure you will be able to find a tutorial elsewhere with different methods in, I just wrote this to try and simpfly WBTB, and showing how I WBTB, as many people show how they WILD. Also I tried to show people it is a easy method and hopefully this will help someone.
Some feedback/tips/advise would be greatly appreciated, bare in mind this is my first tutorial ever. Thank you.