We could definitely use a real multi-quote button. When I catch up on several pages in a thread and want to respond to posts on multiple pages, well, the number of posts available to you for multi-quoting seems to be very limited so it's not the most convenient thing in the world. I end up having to do a lot of C&P'ing (or just decide it's not worth it).
Actually, the multi-quoting here is really elegant and very functional. In the Quick Reply, just click quote, fill in your text, then click on the next quote you wish to add. If you are using the Reply page as I am doing now, you do the same thing. Like right now, I'm going to go down the page and click the next thing to reply to...
What I think is a necessity, though, is a better layout.
This is rather bland, and strains my eyes. Something with some color variety and fluid buttons and layouts.
Agreed. You might try some of the other available skins - just go to Profile and then click on Look and Layout preferences. There are a couple really nice choices there, with Black22 gaining popularity.
We have much more in the works as far as organization and appearance.
A think a web-based IRC chat such as CGI IRC would be a cool and plausible idea. Save people the trouble of having to download and configure mIRC - there are undoubtedly some members who have more lucid savvy than tech savvy
This sounds like a very workable option. I'm going to add looking into it to my real-world To Do list.
I don't think there's a way to post the results for everyone else to see though.
Perhaps not - but it is an interesting way to tally and may serve as a help in making that Lucid Counter a reality. That seems to be a really popular dream... and it is certainly something that would be completely unique. That makes it all the more a very worthy goal.