Author Topic: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...  (Read 22420 times)

Offline pj

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Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
« Reply #45 on: April 23, 2008, 07:20:48 PM »
You should find things a bit more open when quoting from the summary list now.  I hope this helps.
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Offline Sugarglider11

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Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
« Reply #46 on: April 23, 2008, 10:02:42 PM »
I would like to see the "how long have you been lucid dreaming" button back, like the one we used to have at dv.

And also, how about a staff list too.

^Did that move?

Offline pj

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Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
« Reply #47 on: April 24, 2008, 05:56:34 AM »
There is a full staff listing stickied in this forum - "Who Is Doing What".

We don't really have a staff here in the traditional sense.  We have a lot of people helping out in a lot of different ways.  Take a look.

Please tell me more about that button you remember!
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Offline Tyrant

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Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
« Reply #48 on: April 24, 2008, 08:23:22 AM »
I'm in love with this website already... just thought I'd throw that out there. :D

I thought of an addition to the site that might make it a little more unique, but I'm not sure how plausible it is. Let me know... so, here's the idea:

I remember reading a discussion about trying to add a more advanced dream journal. I don't remember which thread, but they talked about adding formatting, color codes for levels of lucidity, type of dream sign, etc. This in turn would make dream journals more informative and easier to write. The problem with standardizing it for every dream journal is because some people are already used to the formatting and coloring that they have been using for years.

If there is a way of letting us save a user-defined formatting style for different parts of the dream journal, we could make each of our dream journals easier to write, while being more organized and unified. Maybe something like:

[Header] - would be a macro for displaying all the usual header info on each journal entry. In the case of my dream journal for example, it would display:

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

11.5oz V8 (1 hour before bed)
2mg Melatonin (sub-lingual)
50mg B-6

then the following BB code:

[dream="Just a Day's Work"]
I was working at Costco as a cashier. My recall was pretty bad, but the place looked really different. [DreamSignType=Materialization]There was something wrong with the receipts, and they were printing out something weird at the bottom of every receipt.[/DreamSignType][lucid=10] I then got really lucid all of a sudden and talked to my subconscious.[/lucid][/dream]

Would display:

Just a Day's Work

I was working at Costco as a cashier. My recall was pretty bad, but the place looked really different. There was something wrong with the receipts, and they were printing out something weird at the bottom of every receipt. I then got really lucid all of a sudden and talked to my subconscious.

Then we could even have a script to gather the amount of each of these special BB codes and display dream statistics. Percentage of lucid dreams, dream signs, what dream sign is most effective and so on.

Anyway, I might have overlooked a bunch of issues in making something like that, but tell me if you think it's plausible. :)

Offline pj

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Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
« Reply #49 on: April 24, 2008, 09:57:55 AM »
This is VERY doable.  There is a mod out there that allows us to create custom BBCode.

I'll ask Raklet to look into installing that as a first step - but then we'll need to follow through with the details of what you are talking about above.  Are you interested in doing it and (equally important) writing up an easy to follow set of instructions on using it?
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Offline Sugarglider11

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Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
« Reply #50 on: April 24, 2008, 01:37:37 PM »
The button was just a dropdown box with diferent intervals of how long you have been lding like 1 month 2 months 3 months 4-5 months 6-7 months 8-11 months 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5-10 years 10+

something similar to that I think, and everyone could see it.

^Did that move?

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Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
« Reply #51 on: April 24, 2008, 01:45:33 PM »
Oh yeah, I do remember that. They ended up replacing that with more subjective ratings of ability (Lucid Student, Lucid Scholar, Lucid God, etc.), and then doing away with it altogether when they changed forum software.
Lucid tasks completed
Basic: HA, LC, FL, SO, GG, CL, LM
Intermediate: WA, CO, TK, BI, TP, EF, DC, JA, BO
Advanced: MU, ST

Offline pj

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Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
« Reply #52 on: April 24, 2008, 04:03:09 PM »
Something easy that we could do right away is add a profile field to note how long.

Doing a drop-down or whatever to fill that field after that would be trivial.

Ok - adding it to my formal to-do list.
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Offline Tyrant

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Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
« Reply #53 on: April 24, 2008, 04:47:49 PM »
This is VERY doable.  There is a mod out there that allows us to create custom BBCode.

I'll ask Raklet to look into installing that as a first step - but then we'll need to follow through with the details of what you are talking about above.  Are you interested in doing it and (equally important) writing up an easy to follow set of instructions on using it?

Me and coding don't have a very good history... we got divorced a few weeks ago. haha. I might be able to do something like that, but I don't have any previous experience coding for websites and forums. I can give it a try though. What's the name of the mod? I'll start reading up on it. As far as writing the easy to follow set of instructions, I would love doing that. :D

Offline pj

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Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
« Reply #54 on: April 24, 2008, 05:01:20 PM »
Actually, we already have a mod in place that should work for this.  I just tried it on one of our test sites and failed though.  I'm going to have to enlist some help now...

Oh - wait... you are talking about the custom formatting!  Sorry.  Too many balls in the air.

We'll figure that one out soon.  Got a ball rolling on that one already too.  Don't worry about not being comfortable coding.
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Offline Tyrant

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Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
« Reply #55 on: April 24, 2008, 05:06:45 PM »
Ok, just let me know of anything that I can help with. I know you must be juggling a 100 things right now, and I'd be glad to help ease the load if you need me for anything. :)

Offline pj

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Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
« Reply #56 on: April 27, 2008, 08:10:50 AM »
The button was just a dropdown box with diferent intervals of how long you have been lding like 1 month 2 months 3 months 4-5 months 6-7 months 8-11 months 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5-10 years 10+

something similar to that I think, and everyone could see it.

The button is now available.  You can set yours by going to Profile=>Forum Profile Information.  The drop-down selector is at the bottom.
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Offline Arby

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Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
« Reply #57 on: April 28, 2008, 07:40:45 AM »
I'd really like HTML in sigs or some other way for people to have flash in their sig. Tis a small community here and we're not the type of people to go making BIG FLASHY BANNER OMG type things. Plus, then I could possibly even make you guys flash sigs =P You know you want to take the flash sig bribe <3
<object><embed src="" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="150" width="600"> </object>

Offline pj

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Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
« Reply #58 on: April 28, 2008, 08:02:45 AM »
The concern about HTML and Flash sigs is in deference to our many users who are on dialup or don't have the latest and greatest computers.  We were ending up with computer lockups after the flash sigs got really prevalent over at DV, which is why it was discontinued.  There was some very cool stuff going on there - I was sorry to see it go, but it was just making things too difficult for some people.

How could it be done in a way that wouldn't put those using low memory, older computers and dialups at risk?
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Offline PeteB

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Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
« Reply #59 on: April 28, 2008, 08:41:41 AM »
Would it be possible to have a sort of private dream journal? A place on MM where we can write down our dreams, and have them displayed as one entry after another, without all the comments and discussion inbetween. Not one thats accessible by anyone else, so perhaps in the profile section, a sort of online notebook?

That might also be beneficial to those people who dont want to write their dreams down publicly, but can still benefit from the organisation and having them kept in one place.