I'm in love with this website already... just thought I'd throw that out there.

I thought of an addition to the site that might make it a little more unique, but I'm not sure how plausible it is. Let me know... so, here's the idea:
I remember reading a discussion about trying to add a more advanced dream journal. I don't remember which thread, but they talked about adding formatting, color codes for levels of lucidity, type of dream sign, etc. This in turn would make dream journals more informative and easier to write. The problem with standardizing it for every dream journal is because some people are already used to the formatting and coloring that they have been using for years.
If there is a way of letting us save a user-defined formatting style for different parts of the dream journal, we could make each of our dream journals easier to write, while being more organized and unified. Maybe something like:
[Header] - would be a macro for displaying all the usual header info on each journal entry. In the case of
my dream journal for example, it would display:
Tuesday, May 8, 2007Dosage11.5oz V8 (1 hour before bed)
2mg Melatonin (sub-lingual)
50mg B-6
then the following BB code:
[dream="Just a Day's Work"]
I was working at
Costco as a cashier. My recall was pretty bad, but the place looked really different. [DreamSignType=Materialization]There was something wrong with the receipts, and they were printing out something weird at the bottom of every receipt.[/DreamSignType][lucid=10] I then got really lucid all of a sudden and talked to my subconscious.[/lucid][/dream]
Would display:
Just a Day's WorkI was working at
Costco as a cashier. My recall was pretty bad, but the place looked really different.
There was something wrong with the receipts, and they were printing out something weird at the bottom of every receipt. I then got really lucid all of a sudden and talked to my subconscious.Then we could even have a script to gather the amount of each of these special BB codes and display dream statistics. Percentage of lucid dreams, dream signs, what dream sign is most effective and so on.
Anyway, I might have overlooked a bunch of issues in making something like that, but tell me if you think it's plausible.