Do brain training games help improve recall?This is a curious question that came up in conversation recently and so i am conducting this little thread experiment to see if there is any connection between brain training memory games and improvement in dream recall.
If not then i think its still a fun thread because you get to play games

If you have a nintendo brain training game, use that. For others, here are some games i found relevant to the experiment.
Please try practicing your memory for at least a week before posting your dream recall results.Short term memory trainingAnimated memory game - Easy at first, but try playing it a few times in a row. If you can manage to keep a steady high score after your 3rd-5th play in a row, i'd say you have good short term memory.
Sound memory game - Same as above only it trains your awareness of tones. You should be good at it if you are already musically trained.
Scene memoryTreasure Hunt game - This one seems pretty good for training the memory to recall those smaller dream details..
Path memoryAn American in Paris I find this one really boring, but i cant find any better ones online at the moment.
It may be a good one to practice because just as you memorize the tour in this game, you may be recalling the journey of a dream you had, in a similar way.
If you find other games to add to the list which are relevant to memory training, please post.The aim of this experiment is to exercise memory in general and see if it affects dream recall at all. My simple thinking is that if one improves their short term memory, perhaps long-term memory (which i'm guessing your dreams would ideally be stored in) will also begin to improve..