About my training :
Each day , whem I go to sleep , I use all the LD known methods . First , before I go to bed , I practice the Castaneda's Dream Passes Serie , then , until I fall asleep , i intend to sleep , by stopping my internal dialog and focusing my mind on what I want to accomplish , only . Then , I use WBTB , waking one hour before I normally wake - up . When I wake up , I wake up little by little , to not destroy the dreams . In the rest of the day , I stop my internal dialog , I do recapitulation to retake my lost energy , I do , before that NEW and , each time I go through a door or I see the lights button , I made a reality check .
1 . Recapitulation
2 . The Dream Passes
3 . Intending
4 . WBTB
This training is , for me , deadly useful , BUT , MAY NOT WORK FOR YOU . When I am in a dream , I act like in Real Life .
I do not take the dreams as dreams . They are , at least for me , are reality , because I see their underlying energy matrix .
I must warn you , that is a warrior -only path .
If you want to extend your knowledge about warrior path , you should read all Castaneda's , Taisha Abelar and Florinda Donner - Grau 's books .
If you want clarifications , just ask me .
I don't use MILD AND WILD.