I'll have to admit I don't know what fructifies means - sounds like it should mean turning into fruit. Anyhow...
It is.
I often find lucidity is easier if I go upwards in dreams. I liken this to becoming more conscious, whereas downwards is more unconscious (and less lucid-like I guess).
It makes sense for me. I've always associated higher with more conscious.
Fingers becoming people? Good one. If we're going down the path of wish fulfilment it sounds like you want some little friends.
That interpretation doesn't seem to combiine with RL, though.
The three doors - primary colours. Dunno what a dream dictionary might say but I'd be thinking along the lines that everything that can be seen is represented by those colours, so by making a choice, you're also limiting your possibilities. Which is kind of obvious anyway even without the symbolism, but perhaps this is like a message "you can't have/see/know everything". So be pragmatic and choose and move on.
Whether the path ahead of me is difficult or easy, I don't have hesitate to follow it.You are clearly in a state of indecision, but there is no sense of alarm or frustration involved. Quite the opposite; you seem to be appreciating the array of choices itself as beautiful. You seem to be enjoying the situation itself.
I was calm, but I hadn't the time enjoy the situation...
I think the three doors are not being trusted somehow, as if they appear too inviting. Almost as if each is trying to capture you and prevent you from entering/seeing the others. Or perhaps they all lead to the same place, and the choice itself is false.
And the doors being open, only reinforces what you've said.
As for the choice being false, a quote from the first time three doors distracted me:
One thing I remembered later, is that I could have deleted the wrong doors.