I should have mentioned general life anxieties as well under my answer to the first question above.
Dream 1: Oversleeping FA NightmareI wake up and look at the clock. It's almost 8:30. My exam started at 8.
Plus I have some job that I was supposed to show up to as well. My husband asks what's going
2 on as I jump out of bed and get dressed in a hurry. I say, "I just failed out of . . . everything."
3Grab a banana from the kitchen, and I'm trying to call my instructor as I'm walking out the door. I don't imagine that she'll let me make up the test, but I might as well at least try before accepting failing out of school. She's not picking up. I imagine her getting annoyed as her phone keeps ringing during the exam.
4 I'll call one more time to leave a message. Why didn't I leave a message the first two times I called?
I'll have to drive; no time for busses. But my car if full of stuff.
5 I open up three of the doors and start redistributing stuff from the front to the back seats. A couple of credit card hippies
6 come by and start picking up my stuff. They think some items are cool and want to know if I really want them.
7 I'm telling them to put the stuff down and go away, just go away, but they're not listening. I don't have time for this.

Finally, in my car and going. Everything's really colorful and I'm maneuvering this little squat character with a big belly. I feel bad that I don't like this game just because of the controls.
8 It really does seem like a good RPG, the kind I grew up with and used to like so much.
9 But I guess it's natural that, now used to newer, better controls, I find this to be something I just don't want to deal with. I like the games where you just hover your thumbs over the arrows and the controller senses the location.
10 Two characters are interacting in some scene. They bright and cartoony sprites, but appear to represent characters that are a combination of all the Greek war movies I've never seen.
11Here's why I had this dream:1. When planning my studying for the exam yesterday, I decided that I'd better sleep for a few hours earlier in the night if I was gonna sleep at all, because if I were to sleep later I might oversleep and be late. I thought about how one of my classmates was late to clinical. And although she was upset, it was a good time to oversleep; a test day would be much worse. I also thought about how another classmate did sleep through the final for a previous class, but that instructor was a kinder individual that our current one and let him make it up. I did end up oversleeping into my study time by 2 hours, during which time I had the dream.
2. Thought about asking my husband or someone else to wake me up just in case. 3. When several of my classmates misunderstood yesterday that they were supposed to print out an assignment that was due the other day, I argued with my instructor about it, to which she basically said, "Too bad." I was really upset that my classmates had lost 10% of their grades for something so trivial, jeopardizing they're status in the class and program. I didn't know that our new instructor was such a hard-ass. I almost cried. And one of the affected students said, "It's a fucking boot-camp." Also, several of my classmates failed the most recent math test (and by fail, I mean they got less than 96%). If they fail a second time, they're out. One girl was really upset and saying that she was done anyway, wouldn't take it a second time. Thinking that my spirit is broken (and telling people such), noticing that I'm not as upset anymore when thinking about failing out or about others failing out. 4. My employer called me twice during a quiz the day before. I'd forgotten to turn my phone off. I imagined that it was distracting to my classmates and thought I might have to explain why I was being called. My instructor didn't seem to notice, fortunately. I also thought about how I'd called my dad during an AA meeting to ask for his WoW password a couple weeks ago. And he was annoyed and embarrassed to be called during the meeting even though he answered his phone.5. I was talking to a homeless guy at the bus stop the yesterday and he said that his car had been stolen. I imagined that he was living in the car before that happened but didn't want to ask. Also, noticing the stuff on the floor around our bed, thinking about how my husband doesn't pick up after himself and I don't clean enough to make up for it, that we're just destined to be messy people.
My friend cleaning her apartment this last week in order to host a guest. She said that she still hadn't unpacked from when she moved in months ago. I still have a few items in my car from when I last moved. Thinking about how I need to clean my car.6. My husband said the other day that if I fail out of school we can go live in the woods like I always said I wanted to do. I actually had a plan to carry this out the first time I went to college. I wanted to be a credit card hippie living in the woods. This plan always involved keeping my stuff in my car. And that homeless guy was very clean looking. I was impressed and thought about all the resources homeless people have around here.7. Locking the door as I get out of my husband's car. Thinking that I aught to make a habit of it because he sometimes forgets to lock his car, and even if the driver's side is unlocked, locking the passenger's side would make it less obvious to someone on the sidewalk that the car is unlocked and reduce the changes of an opportunistic thief. Telling my friends, that no, my sweater is not synthetic. It's cashmere! And therefore feels different from the fiber that's on my tongue from licking my own elbow. My friends are like, La ti da! To which I add that I got it at Goodwill, and one of my friends laughs at the irony. Overheard conversation on the bus about some clothing outlet where you pay $1 for a lb of clothes, but you have to dig through the giant pile to find what you want. Finding a rip in a skirt that I found on someone's lawn a few years ago and remembering where I got it. Riding home on the bus in the evening and thinking about how warm my sweater is and how it's become my favorite even though the color probably doesn't suit me, and how much I love found clothes.8. My husband bought Fallout 3 for PS3. I was really excited even though I don't have time to start playing. But he commented that the controls were different from xbox while playing. That got me worried: I don't want to learn new controls. But then I remembered that in general I do prefer the PS controller, so maybe I'll prefer it even though I played Fallout first on xbox. Thinking about how the PS controller is modeled much more after the classics. 9. Thinking that it's a shame that I don't finish many games anymore. Good ones even. But considering how busy I am, I'd better really be enthralled by a game to spend my limited time on it.10. My friend saying that what Nintendo makes aren't video games anymore. Me thinking about Wii bowling and stuff as a result, which includes the Wiimote. Deciding that he's kinda right.11. Watching some stupid video with that Sparta reference on youtube. Actually, here it is. Saw the video while trying to get "groundhog" in my mind for the monthly challenge. And realizing that I did some task with a groundhog for DV a couple years ago. In my dream it was all cartoony.
Probably worth noting that I'm not alone in getting nightmares from the program at school. When I shared my dream with classmates, two of them also reported nightmares. One woman said that she dreamed that there was thunder and lightning, and a flood in class, and we got carried away by the water one by one. Sounds a lot cooler than my dream.