Author Topic: Unseen Wombat's Mini DJ  (Read 3602 times)

Offline unseen wombat

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Unseen Wombat's Mini DJ
« on: February 02, 2010, 11:39:33 AM »
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Offline unseen wombat

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Re: Unseen Wombat's Mini DJ
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2010, 10:04:22 AM »
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Re: Unseen Wombat's Mini DJ
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2010, 11:54:27 AM »
Money worries?

You are doing a lot of counting of money and when you loose the money you rush around looking for it almost desperately.

Or an addiction to gambling or something else!
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Re: Unseen Wombat's Mini DJ
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2010, 02:27:42 AM »
Forgive me here, but.. pirates.  Gambling fairy-tale pirates, talking in some strange combination of Spanish and Chinese.

I hear sounds of coins and metal clanking, and general din of a casino.  With confused pirates cursing about everything being all weird and dreamlike.

Frustration, confusion, absent-mindedness.

I'm drawn to say
This sounds like a dream generated by SC worrying over something it's probably completely imagining, as it likes to do.

Actually it reminded me of a dream I had, last year I think, with my grandma and some weird money/puzzle stuff.  I probably projected some of that onto it, and pictured a lot of chaos, but with a calm central figure (grandma my case, mom yours) and lack of comprehension (about objects.)

Offline Burned up

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Re: Unseen Wombat's Mini DJ
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2010, 08:47:08 AM »
I have a rather comical image here.  Like you look away for a moment and someone changes your coins.  You look away from another moment and they're all gone.  Like you're on the sharp end of a big joke.  I feel both laughter and pain as a result.

Putting myself in your shoes, I sense frustration on your part that things aren't as they should be.  I can almost hear you cursing and getting angrier as the dream develops, although at the same time it was like it was never going to happen for you from the start.

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Re: Unseen Wombat's Mini DJ
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2010, 08:52:27 PM »
What a pleasant opening scene. :)  Nice that you could sit back and contemplate language.  Stacking the coins seems like unusual spatial problem-solving for a dream.  Again, you must have been very at ease.  To bad it ended with anxiety.  And why cardboard boxes?

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Re: Unseen Wombat's Mini DJ
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2010, 09:52:10 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline unseen wombat

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Re: Unseen Wombat's Mini DJ
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2010, 11:06:39 AM »
Analyzing my own dream

I'm gonna try the dream dictionary at, since I've only looked at a paperback one once and thought it was hogwash. So I'll give it another chance.

The Chinese/Spanish story:

To hear or speak a foreign language in your dream, indicates a message from your unconscious that you do not yet understand. Alternatively, you may not be making yourself clear to others.


Okay, it says gold coins represent "success and wealth,"

Silver coins, which is what they were, "represent spirituality, values, and your self-worth."

Coins in general mean "missed or overlooked opportunities that come your way."

And stacked coins, which is what the main part was about before I lost them, represent "masculine power, dominance, and energy."

Losing the coins:

Losing things in your dream may signify lost opportunities, past relationships or forgotten aspects of yourself. Your personal associations to the thing you lose will clue you into the emotional meaning and interpretation of your dream.

The casino:

To dream that you are in a casino, signifies the risk-taker within you. If you are a reserved or passive person, then the dream suggests that you should take a chance.

The cardboard box:

To see a cardboard box in your dream, indicates a lack of protection against risk.


Well, even though the coins were silver and represent spirituality, which is important to me, I think they really just represent money. I guess all these things together indicate that I'm concerned about money and that I don't think I'm being careful enough with it, though being in the casino is saying I should take a chance, which kinda contradicts that. Based on my own feelings, I think the first interpretation is right. We are about to build a very expensive house and will be paying for it for a long time, and I know I've thought that if we would just buy something cheaper, we could live more relaxed and I wouldn't have to worry about always having a job and going to work, (something I hate, even though I work at a nice place. I'd rather be with my family and pursuing hobbies and things I enjoy). I guess the stacked aspect of the coins that represent masculinity indicates that I feel I should fulfill the traditional masculine role of providing for my family. Though IRL, I'm more than happy that my wife has a great job, makes more than I do, and takes most of that pressure off me. I guess some guys would be bothered by that, but I'm just fine with it.


Feelings about the dream dictionary: I thought it would still be hogwash, but I guess it makes sense.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 11:13:29 AM by unseen wombat »
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Re: Unseen Wombat's Mini DJ
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2010, 12:25:35 PM »
Next dream:

Weird store with Vince and Danielle

I was with my friends Vince and Danielle, and we were going down this street with houses along it. There was a mansion on one lot, and it had a banner over the front door that said "Great Clips." I didn't associate it with the haircut place at all. We went in and this middle-aged woman came and greeted us. She said this was a store that she and some other people ran because they wanted to have their own buisiness so they could take longer vacations. There were a lot of things in the store, but most were just a lot of copies of the same brightly colored plastic things which I assumed were cheap souvenir toys of some sort. Everything in there was expensive. I did end up getting a haircut in there while Vince got something to eat. This French guy who was apparently in charge cut my hair for me and cooked Vince's food. I went to the counter to pay for my haircut, and I thought the guy said $15, but his accent was really thick and I asked him to repeat himself. He said the price again, and I still didn't understand, but I knew he raised it. This happened several times until he had the price up to $155. The woman we first met then came over and I asked her how much a haircut was. She said $15, so that was what I gave him. With the guy right there, I told her his accent was very difficult to understand, and he was very rude, "but, what else would I expect from a French person?" I was trying to be as offensive to him as possible because I was mad.

We were about to leave, and Vince pointed to this counter behind the checkout counter. He asked what was on it. It was a kind of veneer that had purple and green and grey tints to it. I told him. He said he should have paid the guy more for the food, because he didn't give him a tip, and the guy prepared it especially for him, because there was no one else there eating. I said, "No way, everything here is too expensive already." I said let's go, but Vince said, "Let's check out what they have first." I went over with him to a shelf and he was looking at one of the toys which was like a slot machine I think. I couldn't stand to be in that place one more minute, so I said, "I'm going out into the mall. Come out when you're done." Outside, it was a mall, and Danielle was sitting on this bench next to a hot Asian girl. I sat down with them, and even though I thought Danielle was on the right, I somehow ended up sitting next to the Asian. There was a baseball cap on the bench next to her, between us, which was mine, and she accidentally sat on it. I said jokingly, "Why would you do that!?" Then a light came on and it really hurt my eyes (even though I didn't have my dreaming mask on). I put the baseball cap on and it made it much better.

Then I woke up.
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Re: Unseen Wombat's Mini DJ
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2010, 01:27:39 AM »
It's hard to pick out anything unusual or dreamlike here, because it almost seems like it could be a normal day!

You just seem impatient with the sort of "frivolous" environment of the mall (which I can understand) and would rather just be yourself and hang out with the hot Asian girl.  Which I can also understand.

The strangest part is the light--sometimes in dreams we suddenly find ourselves in a "happy" state with something immediately trying to get us out of it.  The cap seems to make you feel like yourself.  I think you just wanted to relax and be yourself in this dream.

Offline Burned up

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Re: Unseen Wombat's Mini DJ
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2010, 03:03:45 PM »
So much happening and nothing that couldn't happen IRL (or so it seems to the casual reader).  So I'm guessing this dream is some kind of near-conscious processing of possibilities.  Not sure what's behind this asit will be your life experiences leading to the dream.

Can't help but notice the prices - $15 and $155.

The final scene was more dream-like.  The baseball cap seems to have a particular significance, but I can't think what. This from dreammoods:

To see or wear a hat in your dream, indicates that you are hiding an aspect of yourself or that you are covering up something.

I can't make that meaning gel, though. 

I'm sure there's something sexual about that hat, as the Asian girl you implicitly fancy sat on it and you put it on your head afterwards - to your peril.

Sorry, I have to give up on this. :(

Offline unseen wombat

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Re: Unseen Wombat's Mini DJ
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2010, 12:05:58 PM »
I think the main part of the dream has to do with my feelings about France, considering the guy was French and the sense of wanting to get out of there was really overwhelming.

I have no idea why I was thinking of France though. Maybe I heard something about national health care or welfare or socialism or Obama or something.

The asian, I'm just hot for asians I think. I can't help it. I mean look:

I don't know about the hat. My eyes really did hurt. It felt just like RL. Then when I put the hat on, it shaded them I guess, and I felt better. I don't know what to make of it. Maybe something was bothering my eyes IRL. If I'd have had the dreaming mask on, I would have thought that was it, but I didn't. Or I guess on a more symbolic level, it could mean there's something I want to hide and feel embarrassed if it's not. Then wearing the hat and covering it up makes me feel better. Maybe it's my overwhelming attraction to Asians? IDK.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 09:43:28 AM by unseen wombat »
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Re: Unseen Wombat's Mini DJ
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2010, 09:51:31 AM »
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