Author Topic: Topic 2: Real Responsibility  (Read 2081 times)

Offline pj

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Topic 2: Real Responsibility
« on: September 21, 2011, 01:04:35 PM »
2)  Some person, group or entity MUST ultimately hold responsibility for anything attached to the internet and available to the public.

The responsibilities involved in running a public forum on the internet fall into these general categories, discussed in turn:

Domain, Routing and Connection
The domain names associated with running any website require registration.  Actually having them accessible requires a reliable internet connection with a public routed static IP address.  There is a cost involved in holding these domains, paid to the Registraar and Proxy, and a cost for the connection paid to an Internet Service Provider.

Hardware Infrastructure
A physical server computer is required to run software which provides the various services we rely on, along with a variety of power conditioners, back-up devices, routers, switches, cabling, etc.

Software Infrastructure
We currently provide the forum, chat, mail systems, system storage access, automated backups, a MineCraft server and more.  Each of these may have other software dependencies such as MySQL databases, secure connections, etc.  All software must be configured, maintained, updated and backed up on a regular basis.

System Security
Hackers are constantly trying to find exploitable flaws in the software, configuration and operation of connected servers because having control of them is valuable in many ways, from using them to obfuscate the origination of an attack to exploitation of mail and web services for spam, pornography or illegal activities.  We also have a responsibility to protect personal information such as email addresses provided by our members.  System security requires constant vigilance and attention, and revealing all involved would not be wise.  We endure dozens and sometimes hundreds of break-in attempts per day, and a single successful break-in could mean disaster and liability.

Exploitation Prevention
Having a highly visible and even remotely successful web site presents an opportunity to those desiring to establish back-links and promote their own websites, blogs, events and products.  Monitoring and controlling this activity requires authority and access to edit and remove posts.  Not all of this activity is contrary to our purpose; subjective discretion is required.

Limiting Potential Liability
The publishing of material can lead to harm in a multitude of ways.  Copyright breach can result through posting of images, writings and links to proprietary software.  Advice involving actions, medications and supplements can lead to physical harm.  All resulting damages can result in legal action against those responsible for the domain, the website content, and even reach to those responsible for hosting and providing the connection.

Every one of these Responsibilities requires time, attention, skill and knowledge to manage.  Several of them involve monetary costs.  All of them can, if not managed appropriately, lead to legal action which can destroy the lives and businesses of those choosing to accept responsibility.

What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.


Offline StarSeeker

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Re: Topic 2: Real Responsibility
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2011, 01:09:55 PM »
Every one of these Responsibilities requires time, attention, skill and knowledge to manage.  Several of them involve monetary costs.  All of them can, if not managed appropriately, lead to legal action which can destroy the lives and businesses of those choosing to accept responsibility.
Some countries are more vulnerable to that.
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: Topic 2: Real Responsibility
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2011, 03:30:59 PM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »