Community Boards > Guild Hall - general Guild discussion

Topic 5: Real Member-Management

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--- Quote from: StarSeeker on September 22, 2011, 06:00:02 PM ---When you talked about voting an government, I assumed you meant some system of government, like electing the guild leaders and they would work as government, each one in its own area, or electing a single person.
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Yes - some system of government.  I proposed one very simple way to start it - how it would grow from there would depend on the will of the membership.  The government structure itself would become a matter of discussion and decision, I would think.

--- Quote ---We can cut their number or scrap them all entirely. If we want to just cut the numbers, it is very simple, Research and Teacher's Guild fused together, Ambassador and Strategy guild merged as well (which is the evolution of one suggestion I proposed earlier). Maybe even Creator's and Technical guild.
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Certainly possible.  With our present arrangement, though, consider how this or any other suggestion might be implemented.  Any of us with the access to create, delete and merge boards could just decide to do it.  Or we could let it get discussed some and then maybe one of us might do it.

What I want to see change is how the voice of the members makes things happen.  Once that voice becomes real, the change, I think, will follow naturally - or, perhaps not at all. . . but then it will be the voice of the members speaking, not the attention (or lack thereof) of somebody with managerial authority.

--- Quote ---Like people proposing and people approving? We need some accurate stats of active members.

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The stats are certainly available.  But what difference would that make?  Those who have an interest will be involved and vote.  Those who don't, won't. 

Once a couple decisions are made, I suspect more members will gain an interest in having a voice in what goes on.


--- Quote from: pj on September 22, 2011, 10:27:16 AM ---Here are our options, as I see them:

1.  Do nothing.  Carry on as we are.
If this is the outcome of these discussions, I will still rest easy knowing that all pretenses are set aside and all cards are on the table.  I'm not going anywhere and I'm not threatening anything.  This is not a crisis - it is an opportunity.  Doing nothing at this point doesn't prevent us from doing something in the future either - it just won't be me who brings it up again.

2.  Implement a democratic methodology for determining the will of the member-owners, and begin operating as a truly member-owned AND member-managed community.

3.  Do something else that may be presented in the course of these discussions.

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Iadr appreciates the fact that this site is member owned in the respect that the posts made by each member belong the them and can be changed or modified at any time, as opposed to sites that do not allow changes to made to posts after they are posted.

As for the other points, it is clear that this site would not exist if it were not for the inspiration, hard work and efforts of both pj and mu, and would no longer continue to exist if pj were ever to decide not to run it.

For these reasons, iadr feels that pj and mu should be compensated for the work that they do in running this site, in order to make it worth their while to continue running it.

Iadr would have no problem with ads being placed on the site advertising products like supplements, sleep aids, etc, or any other product, as long as the ads were voluntary and could be clicked on if a person was interested in them instead of being forced to watch them like some sites do. As it costs money to run a website, maybe the ads could help with some of these expenses, and provide some compensation for those involved in running the site.

As for managment, maybe something could be set up similar to other sites that have dream guides, etc, although these should be voluntary positions with no pay, as any money made from the site should go to pay for legal expenses, and the costs of running the website, in addition to compensating those in charge of running the site and doing the programming.

Iadr has no problem with pj being the site dictator, because as he mentioned earlier, this site would not even be here if it were not for pj. Someone has to be in charge, so it may as well be the person who is responsible for bringing this site into existence. He'd just like to see pj and mu compensated for the work they do for this site.



--- Quote from: iadr on September 22, 2011, 06:19:03 PM ---Iadr would have no problem with ads being placed on the site advertising products like supplements, sleep aids, etc, or any other product, as long as the ads were voluntary and could be clicked on if a person was interested in them instead of being forced to watch them like some sites do. As it costs money to run a website, maybe the ads could help with some of these expenses, and provide some compensation for those involved in running the site.
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As far as I am concerned, we could have a separate page of the site where people would be able to access links to dream-related equipment. You know, if members are seeking for something in particular, we could act as a facilitator and they would help the maintenance costs (I don't know if pj and mu want to be rewarded, but a small revenue is never bad and in the future we could run our own ads or projects like conferences). But nothing that could get you (us) into legal trouble.
In fact, I hardly doubt this could even be classified as advertising.

The Littlest Leaf Dragon:

--- Quote from: StarSeeker on September 22, 2011, 06:34:44 PM ---As far as I am concerned, we could have a separate page of the site where people would be able to access links to dream-related equipment. You know, if members are seeking for something in particular, we could act as a facilitator and they would help the maintenance costs (I don't know if pj and mu want to be rewarded, but a small revenue is never bad and in the future we could run our own ads or projects like conferences). But nothing that could get you (us) into legal trouble.
In fact, I hardly doubt this could even be classified as advertising.

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I believe that would be classified as affiliate marketing.  I'm not sure how some of the other members would take it, though.  I'm pretty sure any sort of potential profit would greatly upset some members due to us historically standing against any sort of money-making (well, it wouldn't technically be profit if it went entirely towards maintenance, but nevertheless).

The only thing in the way of ads I would ever want to see here is ads for community related things, such as perhaps a banner advertising the Monthly Meeting Place or something along those lines.  I would rather pay any costs out of pocket than run off-site ads.


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