Similarly, if somebody has a lucid dream, and they talk to other people who have them, they all know that it's possible, right? It doesn't matter if somebody who has never had one doesn't believe them.
I thought it was our job to prove with scientific evidence that which we believe is true to others who do not or have not experienced it as you yourself said to me. I guess it does not matter as long as you have your own experiential evidence, because those other people that don't who question your word are just idiots right?
So how are claims of supernatural and paranormal experience different? Most people think those things are true, and probably most people think they have experienced it. However, when you look at what people say they are experiencing, it doesn't correlate with objective reality
Objective reality is different to everyone, for example a group of people who are blind would not understand another group who can see because their own objective reality is different.
(No philosophical discussion of reality "really is" is needed; it's not that deep, the common experience of people is enough.
There is that word again, "Experience" - "Common", not facts as you have told me countless time's are the most important things as well as being wrong as there is no "Common Experience" because everyone experiences the world differently even if its slight. Why are experiences that indigoghost has different to moonbeams where hers are more worthy of acceptance.
No example of real clairvoyance has ever been documented, nobody has ever predicted the future in a way that could be substantiated, nobody has had a shared dream that was even close to being objectively, etc. Nobody claims to be able to do these things "on command" (except charlatans), and it's easy to see (by an objective person) that when they think it has happened, there is another, much more likely explanation.
Many examples have been notes, from the 1500's up until modern day, you just don't hear about them because people like yourself in the scientific community badger and bash those who can do, and eventually there is only so much hate and ridicule someone can take before they give up and say, hey... ok, I will go away now. Most of the real ones have a choice, go underground or join the black projects. Most that join the projects you never hear from again and the rest of them you just don't hear from again. There is, however a lot of documented cases that are in the public domain that nobody can explain and if its really necessary then indigoghost can pull some up for you to scorn and ridicule all while saying "testing methods were not good enough".
When you take IG's claims to be able to hear the electromagnetic spectrum during SP, it's hard to believe because we don't know any organ in the human capable of that, nobody can sense that while awake or totally asleep or under any other circumstances (I know, fillings in the teeth--but that's an explanation outside a special ability, it's like having a radio).
You silly goose MB, the human brain in itself is doing exactly this the whole time, what do you think sound or vision is? Its your organs interpreting electrical signals from the outside and sending them to the inside for un-encryption and that's how you see and hear, besides that you have the pineal gland which is basically a radio as you would call in your tooth when you get fillings, its just deeper in your brain. Go read some articles on what the pineal gland actually is, its a crystalline structure and as you know can be used as a vibratory radio. I don't have all the hoity-toity 30 letter scientific names for these things that are meant to fool you into thinking they are a lot more complex they are but hopefully from this simple explanation you get the point.
No merit to beliefs without evidence. Nobody knows anything whatsoever without evidence. It doesn't matter what it is--it can't be known without evidence. If somebody "knows" something without evidence, they are just making it up. That's all there is to it.
Speak for yourself, I have been doing this since my birth and my ideas have a track record for being correct and working like they should, I don't need to be a baby being fed the beliefs of a primitive race of beings known only to pull information from 1000 year old scientific knowings.
For some people, IG claiming something is true without even experiencing it is enough evidence
Those who do, do so because they know indigo has a track record of being right and or correct. If someone was picking lottery numbers and giving them out for free and they come up winners 90% of the time then who would question it and wait until they fully understand it before accepting it and winning a load of money, nobody other then a very stupid scientist that is so stuck in ego they fail to get the game that's being played.
Lol, OK, wasting my time. Some people just are not capable of understanding. It's not their fault. I will tell that how widespread a belief is has nothing to do with whether it's true or not, and saying that just makes you seem uneducated, as well as irrational.
Tee-hee, same could be said exactly about you MB believing the scientific method no matter what even if some dude was levitating and shooting fireballs out of his hands. Widespread belief has nothing to do with whether it's true or not, you mean like classical science?

It has always seemed so strange to me how people who are perfectly intelligent have beliefs that are completely irrational, yet I've known people who are not very smart in a lot of ways but who seem perfectly rational. So that was very interesting. It's a pretty good book, even if it was written by a Nobel prize winner in the non-science of economics.
Its because the ones who are smart think for themselves and the ones who are not smart listen to teachers and accept everything they say because they believe the teacher is always right because they are in a position of power and who are they to believe that someone so prestigious as a science teacher could ever be wrong right? Its a case of those who are smart learn smart and those who are stupid are easy to manipulate and tend to cling onto ideas of smarter people "or so they think" to seem smarter themselves. Think about it, lets use the sheep mentality. Sheep's are being herded into a pen and 99% of them comply because they know to follow orders of the smarter sheep dog or Shepard, but one sheep is like.... F*** this shit i'm getting out of here...... because he realizes that it may not be the best method of understanding. In simply terms, smart people find out the truth and dumb people look to others to tell them the truth. Hence its not an experiment in rational thinking, its an experiment in who is easy to manipulate.
Sorry, but I'm never going to just stand by and watch the bullshit pile higher and higher. You guys will have to vote me off the island if you want me to stop
I already got voted off the chat-room island because indigo talked his mind and said what he actually believes, and did not sugar coat for others. Who would you rather trust, a person who changed his answer to suit the majority or someone who says what is true because that's what he believes in and he is an honest person and refuses to tell lies to make others feel better? Its a catch-22 of being true to yourself which most are not.
Youre always forcing your atheist/skeptic crusade and everyone is tired of hearing it, just no one has the balls to say anything.
I have the balls, but that's what got me banned last time, so saner minds prevail
