These experiences should simply be "in the eye of the beholder" I think. Personally, I think they are some pretty strong examples. Ah ... but how to prove it? And can PSI be proven? I'll touch on that in a moment.
Actually, this is a pretty small sampling of our results. One of my favorite examples was omitted because we had no room for it. You can find the dream in my DJ if you search on "focus 27". In short, I had a dream which became lucid. I became rather convinced that I had died and was in Focus 27 (a term coined by Robert Monroe). I walked over to a roller coaster and realized that this was how I had died. I then experienced a scene change and was watching my mother view a picture of me, dead, with my head bashed in.
That day, I had literally warned Maria to please be safe, as I felt this was a death premonition and not my own. Later that day, she got a call from her mom that her mom's life long friend had passed, a man who at one point was romantically involved with Maria's mom. The kicker here ... is that years prior, this man was attacked in his office and hit over the head numerous times with a crow bar and left for dead - literally with a bashed in head.
Now, this is another interesting example if I might point out, that love in its various forms facilitates PSI information transfer, in this case from Maria's mom, to Maria to me.
So, how do you assign a probability to this event and PSI read? Well obviously you can't. But I claim it's close to zero.
To Eithman's point, there are certainly ways to approach this all differently. So moving away from dream sharing, can we prove PSI somehow else? If you search on my interview with Robert Wagner (google: kroll + lucid dreaming experience) I briefly describe an experiment that was subsequent to the electomagnometer one. I think I can paste a link to the pic here. But this is a nice example of modifying a true physical random number generator in a way that is HIGHLY statistically unlikely? I did this many times over. This is not an isolated example:

In short, the highlighted portion is an example of entropy reduction of a true stochastic process.
But - there in lies the problem. What the hell did DrT just explain? Well the readers digest summary I guess is that consciousness is fundamental, reality is slaved to consciousness and as such, we can modify quantum processes via interesting back door methods.
There ... now there is lots to argue about on this thread.
(for the record, my total PSI experiments that I can quantify have an odds against chance of about 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 : 1, but I am willing to admit that this does NOT prove PSI)