Author Topic: Vertical line ascension  (Read 2144 times)

Offline Vajra

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Vertical line ascension
« on: February 26, 2014, 08:28:05 AM »
Hi guys. I am new to this forum. I just thought I would mention a technique which I have used a fair bit that you may find interesting. I am not sure if others have already used something similar. Let me know if they have please. Anyway, it is based on the premise that dream/astral worlds are layered on top of one another. We may be dreaming at one level, but above us there are innumerable other levels of mental/astral or dream worlds. In my experience it is possible to ascend from the one you are in up through the many levels, stepping off at whatever one you fancy like an elevator. The method involves visualising a pillar of light, or energy, or a rope/cable..etc extending from the top of your head upwards. Then you place your hands on either side of the line and fly upwards along it, keeping your hands on each side of the vertical line. As you go up you will pierce through the many levels which you can see like levels of a building on either side of you. When you feel like it you can stop and exit horizontally into one of these levels, entering the world and its story/belief system etc. This method is a powerful way to get out of trouble as well. It also enables you to ascend to a "higher" level where more interesting and sophisticated things might be going on. Anyway, just a suggestion some of you may like to try. Good luck... :)
Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream, Neo? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

Offline Rhapsode

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Re: Vertical line ascension
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2014, 02:41:28 PM »
Huh. That's a pretty cool technique, and it sounds similar to the concept of 'skrying.' I feel like I've done that before in dreams accidentally, yet it did indeed make them more vivid/interesting.

Offline Snaggle

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Re: Vertical line ascension
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2014, 05:44:45 AM »

   You're already interesting, both by being our only narcoleptic and by this technique. You're in what I call the "Dream Library"; but my experience of it and what it is is entirely different than yours. I experience the Dream Library only doing WILDs in which I experience multiple dreams running all at once and pick one to enter. I've never used the Dream Library to escape a dream though, as I normally possess Dream Characters and can leave them at will, both in normal dreams and lucid dreams...LOL, doing so does not make me lucid in normal dreams ever as its too normal a feature of my dreams.

  My experience of what is happening is also radically different than yours. I don't think of the "ego" as me or my mind, only as one aspect of it. The ego is an illusion of the brain as is the idea that there is a "Subconscious" contrasted with a "Conscious" mind. The Real mind is made up of hundred of points of consciousness all having their own thoughts and emotions with the Ego just one point amongst that many points of consciousness. The Ego when experiencing the True mind experiences all the thoughts and emotions of it's aspects at once and can focus on one of those aspects or mind link with it and experience it's "voice" as loudly as the Ego's voice.. In WILDs one can after the Hypnagogic images either spontaneously or at will enter the Dream library which is close to the experience of one's True mind. One either continues the Ego's dream or in the Dream Library "mind link" with another aspect of ones mind and experience it's dreams. even in normal dreams one has often mind linked with another aspect of one's mind. There's often a Dream Character in normal dreams that has ones exact personality, encountering this "Doubleganger" can sometimes make one lucid in normal dreams, though one might not encounter a Doubleganger Dream Character even when one as intentionally mind linked with one in the Dream Library.

  Everything I've stated is based upon years of experience and has nothing to do with Pantheism and it's dung heap idea of the "universal subconscious" (AKA One MInd) or any belief at all. I think that those experiencing the "One Mind" have not even reached the Dream Library; but are trapped in a false experience of their own mind and many separate minds linked together. Typical of these false experiences are this gentleman's "Dream of the Sun". Starts at 5:49 False experiences like these are common even when awake in meditation inspiring belief in Pantheism. Reece Jones was close to; but had not even made it to the Dream Library. It was the realization that Buddhists were stuck in this sort of delusion that made me reject Buddhism> I was a Nyingmapa, though not having been shut in a cave for three years and three months yet. I assume someone using "Vajra" as a user name knows what a Nyingmapa is ;)

Offline Vajra

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Re: Vertical line ascension
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2014, 09:50:30 AM »
Snaggle I find your ideas interesting as well. I agree about our consciousness being multifaceted. I have often 'mind linked' with other characters which are myself, and which are busy doing their things in different worlds. In fact that is one of my primary ways of dreaming. I slip into the bodies of other parts of me and take control of them for the period that I am there. Often I feel out of my depth because I don't have the know-how or abilities of the character I have taken over. I used to try explaining to people that I am actually from "earth level", but the reaction of other DCs to such revelations is usually one of shock and horror, as if earth level is a place of horror for them. Through these mind links I have mapped quite a number of other selves which seem consistent rather than fleeting. Some of them are related to past lives I have had, but still exist as individual beings.
The ascension technique is a little different. I feel that I do actually meet other independent beings who dwell in different layers of the higher worlds. It is not just my personal dream projection. These layers can be passed through using the technique. I also feel that the higher you go, the more refined and sophisticated the nature of your experience becomes. I also feel that going higher also verges on superconsciousness, rather than the usual understanding of dreams being realated to the subconscious.
Regarding the Nyingmapa, yes I do know what that means. In 2013 I lived in a Tibetan monastery for half a year, as an English teacher. However I would have thought that the Buddhist philosophy of mental formulations would meld well with your thoughts. They believe that all things are interconnected, and any ideas of gods or demons are mental forms. I agree that Tibetan Buddhism got caught up in the whole shamanic Bon inspired imagery, but other schools of Mahayana certainly have a sophisticated understanding of the mind and consciousness. 
Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream, Neo? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

Offline Heidiho775

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Re: Vertical line ascension
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2017, 09:31:30 AM »
interesting Idea, the idea with a vertical line makes sense too me, but before I try it I have to hear experiences from more people how much success they had with it?