Author Topic: Shelli starting the workshop  (Read 12313 times)

Offline Shellidfl

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Shelli starting the workshop
« on: December 06, 2014, 10:24:10 AM »
So I found this last evening, and I've been thinking of my reliance on supps, which don't always seem to work.  I've read a lot of the Tibetan Dream Yoga book, but it was a while ago, and still sits on my nightly reading place, which rarely happens now anyway.

So last night, I decided to give it a whirl...

Dream Stats:
Average Lucid Dreams/Month- 3
Average Dreams Recalled/Night-1-3

Dream Prep Task: 
Visualisation. Sweep all problems (disguised as webs and dust bunnies) into a corner and put into the garbage.

Recall and Awareness Task:
Don't let mind clutter first thing after waking. Relax and remember dreams by recalling the most recent first and then work backwards.

Trying to Being mindful throughout the day.

Recall was limited, still had one dream before I woke to go to the loo, then had a few fragments.

Offline Shellidfl

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Re: Shelli starting the workshop
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2014, 10:50:10 AM »
Well, being the weekend, and with hubby getting up early for work, AND trying to stay on my side and not sleeping on my stomach to help with my neck issues, my recall ahs gone WAY up.  Will see if this continues during the week when I am usually waken by my alarm.

Read more of the Suggestions, so am adding:

When you wake up in the morning, try to get out of the habit of immediately remembering what you have to do that day. Basically, your dream memories will fade instantly if you replace them with something else in your short-term memory. The best thing do to is to wake up with an empty mind and allow yourself to stay in bed, relaxed and without thought, for a few minutes before getting up.

And a suggestion from The Littlest Leaf Dragon:
I've read elsewhere that a good way to increase your recall immediately upon awakening is to breath properly - they recommended breathing in through your nose, and then breathing out with the "ah" sound, like you were trying to fog glass.  I tried it this morning and found that after I started breathing like that I could remember the dream clearer.  So I guess this would be a good thing to do in addition to the technique listed above.

Offline Rebel Seven

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Re: Shelli starting the workshop
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2014, 02:29:14 PM »
Hey Shell!

I second what Little Leaf says! Breathing helps me too. I also find that when I hold onto that misty slow dreamy feeling you still have waking up helps a lot, keeps me from over-thinking. good luck on your workbook!

p.s. Is it bad etiquette to post on someones work book? ....hmmmm....
Sol rests her head on her great celestial pillow, and I rise from my sun-soaked slumber to claim the night.

Offline Shellidfl

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Re: Shelli starting the workshop
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2014, 01:45:25 PM »
RebelS - you may post in here any time :)

I looked at a few other work books, and it looked like that was questioned then, and I believe the general consensus was no problem!

Noticing some improved recall so far.  I "read ahead", but am trying to stick with the first few lessons for now.  Also, even thought tempted to use supps, trying to stick with this "program" for now.

Offline Shellidfl

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Re: Shelli starting the workshop
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2014, 08:37:30 PM »

Offline Shellidfl

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Re: Shelli starting the workshop
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2014, 01:29:51 PM »
Recall dropping off, but I'm attributing this to some red wine in the evenings, and not RC as much the past few days.  Thinking the time of the year going to affect this a bit.

I read my own Tibetan Dream Yoga book at bit the other night - talking about looking at the world as if it is all a dream, looking at everything "dreamlike".  This may also be a bit confusing for the workshop a bit, but we'll see.

Trying to do the reverse RCs, and also when looking at myself in the mirror.  Also at work, when I go top up my mug and go to the loo, there is a storage area across and I put my mug in, switch the light on, then switch it off after I am finished again to notice the light working...

Offline Shellidfl

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Re: Shelli starting the workshop
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2014, 05:24:29 PM »
My attempts were somewhat limited the past week, but I'm back to doing them again... when I remember.  Work has been busy with covering other caseloads, and the in-laws... ::)