Author Topic: SSILD method ...  (Read 15865 times)

Offline Tom

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SSILD method ...
« on: May 04, 2012, 08:51:28 PM »

Offline Hukif

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Re: SSILD method ...
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2012, 09:39:17 PM »
I think a lot of people have tried this, in fact you might have too in the past without knowing.
INRALD accounts for the FA part of SSILD, while WBTB MILD oriented is the same for trance SSILD.

Basically, by waking up but not getting out of the dreaming mind (IE the trances) you will be getting your brain awake enough to increase chances of a DILD, but not awake enough that falling back asleep will be difficult. So yeah, this part is VERY helpful as is any short WBTB, think pj once did point out how WBTB gives so many lucids by itself.

Now on the FAs, as we all know from INRALD, when the last thing you are paying attention to or looked at is your room, and you go directly into a dream-cycle/stage, the chances of having a FA are high and if you get in the habit of RCing whenever you wake up, this should be a free lucid ticket.

The trances kind of chain the whole MILD to some normal WILD, so yeah that will make it easier to become lucid.

The reason why I believe this helps a lot of people is because it focuses on the main techniques (DILD, MILD and WILD) without people knowing, and is a good way to get to know which techniques works for you since it goes through all three.

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Re: SSILD method ...
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2012, 09:49:56 PM »
.......SSILD...looks very easy and im trying it tonight! :)

Offline pj

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Re: SSILD method ...
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2012, 11:41:49 PM »
Good luck - report back!

It would also be nice to properly cite the source, if you know where this came from.
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Offline Tom

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Re: SSILD method ...
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2012, 02:06:38 PM »

 Hi all.... I tryed [SSILD]this morning at WBTB and it seemed to work!
Just before WBTB.. [and before SSILD]..I had a crazy cool dream where I was inside a glass or plastic globe with many flat surfaces allover it...
While in the  globe i would make it roll across the  ground while a chimp was playing with me by pushing the globe around with me inside it...
next...  I woke at 2:am and repeated the exercises and had the strangest dream Ive had in a while!

In that dream I was driving around with another person in car who appeared to be [asleep?]  or dead...I also remember being in bed with someone next  to me who apeared to be asleep?

 ...[could it have been me looking at me!!!

If it was me I was laying beside my own sleeping body!

After that dream I experienced loud auditory sounds and  felt a vibration go through my head and felt as if were floating several times..

It appeared as if the exercises were working but note that I did take a supplement before bed for the first time...

The supplement was called ...[ Brain Elevate] by NOW contains ginko ..huperzene...and a bunch more ingredients,,,

I only took the   to sharpen communication some...

It seems that the [SSILD]..exercise did help for the first time...

It will take  more trys though...


Offline The Littlest Leaf Dragon

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Re: SSILD method ...
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2012, 03:17:16 PM »
It would also be nice to properly cite the source, if you know where this came from.

The source is this thread, over at LD4all.

Offline Tom

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Re: SSILD method ...
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2012, 06:30:40 PM »
I was going over just the first two pages of posts on.[LD4 all] and im amazed at a the high degree of sucess stories with this newer and simple method!

[[When you do the cycles, do NOT expect anything will happen. You should focus on losing focus. That's the right way to do SSILD.  :D]] whoa!the lazy way to a lucid dream!!!

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SSILD second test sucessfull!!
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2012, 02:35:55 PM »
If you read the posts on [SSILD]  this new approach is getting a very high degree of success...


 OK.... During [test two] try just this morning  ...I  entered a dream lucid!


I woke this morning at WBTB and repeated the [SSILD] exercises about 4 times 20 seconds each time...

Then ..I woke an hour later from an extremely vivid dream where I was sitting in a bar or night club drinking a beer and eating a sandwich...

The lights were kinda low and the bartender was quietly drying some drinking glasses with a towel.

I remember hearing music playing in the back...

I sat there for a while and got up and moved to the back where the lights were brighter and sat at a table...

I remember feeling kinda woozy from the alcohol in the dream..

It seemed this dream was fairly long and perfectly painted and could fool anyone  into believing it was a real waking event...

After waking from this lengthy dream ...

 And recalling  the dream......[ I found myself in a black void for a while.. [similar to sleep paralysis]...with occasional auditory and visual imagery coming and going..    .

.I again repeated [SSILD] only two times  more very quickly and repeated intent.. [I will know I'm dreaming in my next dream]..   and    suddenly found myself ..[lucid] a dream laying down looking up at the ceiling...

I instantly knew what to do because I entered the dream lucid!...

I raised my arms and started   gently floating upwards towards the ceiling..

I remember how the  ceiling was made up of square panels    and on my way up the ceiling was slowly spinning!

When I ..slowly reached  the ceiling I confidently put my hand and fingers into the ceiling and started gently and slowly ripping a hole into the ceiling...

The ceiling material gave way like butter and I continued till I had a hole 3 ft round and one foot deep in it,,.

I then said ...[this is too much work]..with a laugh...  and gently started floating down to the floor below..

Something amazing happened on my way down !

On my way down...[ my brain pleasure centers]... were working overtime as I felt this GREAT FEELING sweep over my entire body from head to toe on my way down!

What I felt floating downward was hard to put into words correctly was just ...

[pure pleasure] and it made normal sex  seem secondary...

This great  feeling was all over my body from finger tips to my toes!

The imagery in this [WILD] was awesome although short it was something to remember!

It may have lasted longer it I were to exerted more control... but I wanted to record it on my recorder....

I took nothing  that could have helped create this lucid dream it seemed  very natural!

The whole [SSILD] process is simple and  gentle in its effects...It so far appears that [SSILD]   may be responsible for this success!~

Cant wait till tonight to try again!!


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Re: SSILD method ...
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2012, 02:43:44 PM »
I will have to try this, I really like MILD and it seems very similar. Thanks for sharing the link Tom I haven't been on LD4all myself. I'll post if I get any results worth sharing
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: SSILD method ...
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2012, 04:35:58 PM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Tom

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Re: SSILD method ...
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2012, 06:33:52 PM »
On ... [SSILD]
The simple act of waking at WBTB   and breifly focusing  on my mental visual imagrey....and bodily sensations for only a short time.. [ a minute or two]..[in a casual relaxed not to interfear with sleep]...then returning to sleep soon as posible makes sense as this turns on the... [sensory switches in the brain]... durring high REM sleep time...increasing chances for lucidity or even OBE experiance...
Just my   Thoughts....

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Re: SSILD method test three...
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2012, 01:02:21 PM »
Test three....this morning.[SSILD]


This morning at [WBTB] 2:00am...I did SSILD exercise only about two  times...

I focused on ...imagery...sound...bodily sensations only about 20 seconds each..

Then I returned to sleep ..but I cant get back to sleep immediately as some people can...

I find that doing this mild focusing  on only three of my senses is just like turning on the switches in my brain that is needed to be more aware during dreaming...

Using your senses at that time in the morning  should be  done  very gently no straining of the eyes either...

 It took me a  while to get to sleep and i chose to repeat the exercises  up to three times and got some interesting effects this morning...

  The first experience i had after SSILD was quite intense...

In that experience I suddenly saw very clearly a human face [a head] and it looked normal except for one thing...It had no eyes!

Where the eyes should be it appeared that skin had grown over the eye sockets rather perfectly!

It made no movements or sound...

I saw this very clearly and was thinking very clearly as I asked it...[why don't you have eyes?]...

THEN!! some force shoved me backwards.. and I felt myself free falling weightless for what seemed like miles!

The excitement woke me out of trance...

[Its possible that I was in the process of separating from my sleeping body or at least approaching a lucid dream?]

I also  experienced long time spaces. [during morning]..where I lay [feeling like I was floating  in a dark void [possibly [SP]? or near the  borders  of [SP...

Another later experience more dreamlike occurred later in morning..   

In that experience..I found myself in a wooded area at night or early morning..

I could hear a radio playing nearby..

I then moving through the bushes .. [only a foot]... toward the radio sound till it sounded like it was right in front of my nose...

At that instant I saw something or some one?..that made me wake up out of dream instantly!

Only I cant remember what I saw!...It must have been a surprise to me the way  I exited the dream so fast!

I believe that I had at least two or more opportunity's to OBE this morning..I just responded in the wrong way..

 This is going to take more practice if I want more control...

I have been taking at least one half of a [brain elevate]..capsule at bedtime...[NOW Brand]

The supplement has  some good memory boosting stuff in it but I doubt it directly affected my dream experiences... [it has to be from the [SSILD] exercises..

I only took a small amount to sharpen my memory and communication abilitys..

Tests to come,,


Offline Tom

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Re: SSILD method ...
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2012, 01:27:09 PM »
Test three..
I forgot a late short third dream that also woke me up...
In that very short but intense dream...It started out very normal as I was standing in a field...
ThEN...without warning dream scene changes `someone runs past me  down a long hallway...
This also jolted me awake in last dream....

Offline bluebird

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Re: SSILD method ...
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2012, 02:51:02 PM »
Sounds like you were about to WILD accidentally, the article did say that can happen :)
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Offline Tom

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Re: SSILD method ...
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2012, 06:09:13 PM »
.........Sounds like you were about to WILD accidentally, the article did say that can happen .........

Yes.. it felt as if I were going to WILD or OBE...
I remember on the way down in the free fall ...[I  was thinking very clearly].. and said to myself..[this may be an OBE!! 
But the freefall ended in a grey void and I woke up....Darn!  :?
I think the eyeless head may have been one of the many images deep in my mind..somewhere in hypnogogic land...
The head without eyes looked like a salvadore Dali... origional.. :D