I think a lot of people have tried this, in fact you might have too in the past without knowing.
INRALD accounts for the FA part of SSILD, while WBTB MILD oriented is the same for trance SSILD.
Basically, by waking up but not getting out of the dreaming mind (IE the trances) you will be getting your brain awake enough to increase chances of a DILD, but not awake enough that falling back asleep will be difficult. So yeah, this part is VERY helpful as is any short WBTB, think pj once did point out how WBTB gives so many lucids by itself.
Now on the FAs, as we all know from INRALD, when the last thing you are paying attention to or looked at is your room, and you go directly into a dream-cycle/stage, the chances of having a FA are high and if you get in the habit of RCing whenever you wake up, this should be a free lucid ticket.
The trances kind of chain the whole MILD to some normal WILD, so yeah that will make it easier to become lucid.
The reason why I believe this helps a lot of people is because it focuses on the main techniques (DILD, MILD and WILD) without people knowing, and is a good way to get to know which techniques works for you since it goes through all three.