Hi Kar! Welcome back. I don't think we ever chatted but I remember seeing you around.
Thanks! I'm honestly pretty surprised that there are still people active on the site. A lot of us moved to a Discord server years ago. Here's a link to it:
https://discord.gg/d2FDYumI wanted to post this here first for sentimental reasons and didn't really expect anyone to see it, let alone respond to it.
I don't remember if I've heard the term Scan before.
I've talked about it bunch of times in the past, but called it "the dreaming sense." Hukif named it scan, which we felt was more descriptive and the rest of us started calling it that instead.
It sounds like what you are describing is kind of how I feel when I start getting on a good roll with lucidity. When I start getting more and more used to the feeling of the dream so it becomes easier and easier to recognize. Sometimes almost annoyingly so, because I've gotten myself to the point where I start becoming lucid in such a natural and smooth way that I hardly even think about it and I lose that OMG this is a dream moment where lucidity suddenly comes over you in a moment of realization. And you just start to sometimes know, without really thinking about the fact that you know. If that makes any sense...
That sounds like part of it, an I did used to have some impostor syndrome because of it when I first joined the LDing community and wondered, "Am I really lucid, or am I just thinking I was after I wake up?"
I started intentionally analyzing my dreams and making comparisons to IWL while in dreams after that to reassure myself that yeah, I'm pretty much always lucid in dreams. I can just tell right away that I'm dreaming since I have scan as an extra sense in dreams and don't have it IWL.
I enjoy that sudden moment of realization and wonder of it all in dreams when becoming lucid in the middle of it. So to me it can be kind of annoying when it becomes that smooth.
I can understand that. I'm actually not a fan of having even a moment of non-lucidity since it feels bad, like I was scammed. I usually become lucid pretty much right away when I start dreaming and rarely have moments of non-lucidity.
I think that's a good idea to remember to take the time and pay attention to how the dream feels, reach out with your miind so to speak and feel your surroundings.
That was Oreo's idea! I can't remember what it's like to not feel scan all the time in dreams, but he only uses it part of the time, so he was able to come up with exercises to notice it and train it.
I know I've done that before, also sometimes in great wonder that it feels like reality. But of course, when you are actually awake it is a different feeling even as real as it might have felt in the dream when you were there. It's still obviously a different feeling when you wake up and then you know you are awake.
Yeah, IWL feels completely different since there's no scan.
I'm going to try and remember to practice doing that, thanks for reminding me of it.
No problem! Hukif, Oreo, Naiya, Sensei, and I are going to keep brainstorming together and work on possibly fleshing it out more over time.
I remember once in a falling elevator dream when I became lucid, telling a dream character that was there with me it was a dream and explaining that they should reach out with their mind like that and feel the dream and they would know it was a dream.
I've met DCs who could use scan. Let me know if you ever do teach one XD
I like what you say about trying to sense dream characters before you see them.
Before you see them or after you see them and they've gone out of sight. It's one most of us agreed we do and Oreo said it might be beginner friendly.
I've never thought about doing that while in the middle of a full blown lucid. What you are saying reminds me of how when I'm WILDing I do that. I can sense things sometimes before I can see them or hear them. I've never been sure how to describe that, especially the way I can sometimes feel sounds before I actually start to hear them. I've always thought of it as being sound impressions. Like feeling the sounds trying to bubble up from within before I'm quite deep enough into it to actually hear them. Does that make any sense? And sometimes with the dream characters too, while WILDing. Sometimes they start to appear from the edges of awareness.
Like you get the data that sound is coming before the sound comes? Sounds like scan, yeah. XD
Am I kind of on the right track of what you are trying to explain?
It certainly sound similar. I think a lot of people use scan with or without realizing it.
For me, in order to get there it's just a matter of practicing and getting my frequency of lucidity up enough and then start getting on a roll with it. Kind of a gradual domino effect so to speak.
Everyone was saying that this might be a more advanced LDing thing since you need to be lucid often to use it regularly. I dunno if I agree or not since I know I learned scan around age 5 when I first started trying to control my dreams and then used it to be able to better differentiate dreams from waking.
I think it was Hukif, If I remember right, talking about how he would be able to recognize how he was dreaming so easily because of the way it feels while walking. Walking feels differently and he always recognizes it. I always thought that was a really interesting way to be able to recognize the dream.
Yep! He and I have been talking about scan for years. We seem to use it in similar ways.
This reminds me a little bit of how I work with dream memories when journaling. I try to be very careful about getting memories mixed up with waking life thoughts. It's easy to try and reason out why something might be the way it is after the fact, and come to conclusions that weren't actually presented in the dream, and those conclusions can change how I remember the dream itself after the fact. Injecting waking life logic can potentially take away from the free-associations and symbols of the dream itself.
I can see why that might be difficult. I like to review all my prior dreams after each one is over so I can remember them better and remember what I was thinking. Then I journal asap when I wake up so I can keep things as accurate as possible. Sometimes I worry about waking thought about contamination, but I can only do my best.
When I'm struggling to remember something or trying to distinguish dream memories from waking life interpretations / associations I've noticed one thing that helps is a kind of "feeling" that I associate with dream memories and not waking ideation. I hadn't thought to try and apply that as a reality check, but it's straightforward enough to be worth a shot. Thanks for offering this up, once I'm satisfied with my recall again I'll see if I can work with this.
No problem! I'd be curious to hear how it works for you!