Interesting HI: I was falling asleep at the previously mentioned party but during HI I was getting distracted and drawn toward wakefulness because one of my friends was talking about World of Warcraft. I consciously decided that I needed to tune them out and concentrated on not hearing the words. Turns out I had a visual of their conversation, kinda like a blurry grid of colors that mapped the room, mostly composed of beiges and other neutrals. It was a horizontal strip of colors representing my friends' voices. And when I decided that I needed to stop hearing what they were saying these colors turned clockwise until it was a vertical strip. Once vertical, I could still hear them talking but the words no longer made any sense to me. I played with this for a little while, turning the grid back and forth, and trying to make it go further clockwise. Turning it back, I could understand the words again, pushing it back to vertical, I couldn't.

Then I fell asleep.
My dreams today didn't make a whole lotta sense. Okay, here goes:
Down the Chain of Creation
Non-lucidI was a young guy on a different planet. It was a very small planet. I could tell because I could see the curve of the horizon. It was also dark. The planet, although small was important in interplanetary trade and wealthy because of some kind of fuel that was mined there.
The rules in this universe were different. There were may alternate universes stacked on one another and it was possible to travel between them by normal means, although this was only done every few generations. Each existence was underneath the one above it, superior and inferior on the chain of creation. I was living on the highest existence.
Now I was this guy's younger brother. I was some kind of apprentice warrior. Our people fought by manipulating water. I'm heading to gather for combat practice with some other apprentices when something possesses one of them and he starts destroying the mines. One of the other apprentices gets crushed and I watch his skin turn to red bruises. He cries out as he dies. I save myself by going into some kinda trance and summoning water up to save me in a way that surpasses my current abilities.
Now I'm a teenage girl on a lower level of reality. Once again I'm a warrior in training. My people fight with weapons made of yellowy green glass. I have a straight build with broad shoulders. Both fat and muscle make me rather large. I have a round face with the face paint of a warrior.
Something possesses me and I am compelled to destroy all of our weapons. My mother sees the look on my face and sees that I will not be stopped. She convinces everyone to stay out of my way so that no one is hurt by me and I destroy every weapon of our community, littering the ground with green shards. Once this is done I'm out of the trance.
The people of the first reality were fleeing to our version of our world. They were surprised to see our people who had a reputation as great warriors with no weapons. We were now defenseless and there was some concern that we would not be able to defend our planet should it be attacked. But we had no time for that; the most important thing in each civilization on each level of creation was being destroyed. We fled down the chain of creation, witnessing more destruction on each level. Each people in each reality would join us and we would continue downward through the realities. The whole chain of creation was collapsing in on itself.
Finally we reached a level where there were no humans and the whole planet was just some large esophagus-intestine thing. We were trying to figure out how to get through safely since it was just a sheer vertical drop when I woke up.
Waterfalls and Uranus Revisited
Second half lucid: DILDI'm flying under a clear blue sky over a giant waterfall with lots of little waterfalls all around and below. Lots of people are para-surfing weightlessly on the vertical face of the waterfall.
I get to the bottom and there's a house right in the middle of the river below, completely flooded and with water currently flowing right through it. I think to myself that it would be pretty awesome to somehow make the place livable with the powers I have and then live there.
Someone starts teaching me how to manipulate the temperature of the water and I'm practicing on little waterfalls in front of the house, at the base of the big waterfall. Apparently it helps to turn the water the color of the temperature that you want first. That is, turn the water the color that you associate with that temperature. I choose mango to make a patch of water warm. I choose between blue and purple to freeze it and finally settle on a violet color. I'm successful with my temperature manipulation all around and respectively see the waterfalls steam and freeze. I'm told that it would also help to wear panties of the color that I associate with the temperature that I'm trying to achieve. But there are only a good selection of hues available in T-string thongs and I find those to be irritation after a while, so I forgo the undies.
I see a dark blue planet up in the sky. I remember Uranus and become lucid. I teleport to the surface of Uranus, but part of me is still on earth; I'm now in two places at the same time. On earth I get out an index card to write down the dream. On Uranus I realize that there shouldn't be a surface, and as I think this it disappears and I fall through the layers of Uranus's gaseous atmosphere. I can feel the differences in pressure as I hit each one. On earth, I'm writing with a pencil, "I realized that there shouldn't be a surface, and as soon as I thought this, it disappeared." On Uranus I have my arms up above me, my body forming a straight line. I don't fall very fast, as if I'm on a slide. On earth, my employer's trying to talk to me, distracting me. But I manage to keep thinking of Uranus and decide that I should see the center. I splash into the liquid-ice core of Uranus and remember that I'm supposed to look at my hands. I hold them up and decide that they look more or less as they should. I was a bit confused about where my thumbs should be. I was looking at the back of my hands. Should the thumbs be on the outside or the inside? They were on the outside and I decided that this must be right.

My hands had some differences from my real hands, I decided. They were more masculine looking: more tan, with wider fingers and short nails. It also looked as if there wasn't enough of a difference between the length of my fingers.
Back on earth I'm talking to my employer.